Monday, August 21, 2006

Postscript - Whitby, North Yorkshire

back in the UK and now back in Whitby, North Yorkshire - where Captain Cook first set sail....

click here to enlarge

inspired by Cook's Cottage in Melbourne I visited the Captain Cook Museum in Whitby's Grape Lane

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view of the harbour from the house...

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behind the reception desk...

Cook is everywhere in Whitby, from the statue overlooking the harbour...

click here to enlarge

to a commemoration stone in the passageway outside our house (people sometimes knock on our door and ask if Captain Cook is buried here)...

to tea towels (I keep trying to buy one to send to Vince and Karen but the shop is always shut)...

the same (always shut) shop has a model in it of Cook's Cottage in Melbourne

click here to enlarge

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which is quite different to the model made in Melbourne which Vince gave me as a leaving gift...

cooks cottage