The following is
an excerpt from the chatlog for the Berlin installation of In Conversation
in 2001
It is a record of the text sent to Berlin from computers around the world.
It represents one side of the conversation and many different authors.
"Hello Berlin!"
"This realplayer feed from Berlin will be 'live' streaming from Hackescher
Markt, Berlin from 9.30pm ( 21:30 Berlin time) on Tuesday 24th April 2001
"hello out there"
"hello berlin"
"hello please speak to me"
"please speak to me"
"sprechen zie deutsch?"
""sprechen zee doytsch?""
"sprechen zee doytsch?"
"sprechen zee doytsch"
"sprechen zee doytsch"
"sprechen zee doytsch?"
"sprechen zee doytsch?"
"sprechen zee doytsch?"
"sprechen zee doytsch?"
"sprechen zee doytsch?"
"sprechen zee doytsch?"
"sprechen zee doytsch?"
"sprechen zee doytsch?"
"sprechen zee doytsch?"
"sprechen zee doytsch?"
"sprechen zee doytsch?"
"sprechen zee doytsch?"
"sprechen zee doytsch?"
"sprechen zee doytsch?"
"sprechen zee doytsch?"
"sprechen zee doytsch?"
"sprechen zee doytsch?"
"hallo du"
"hallo du"
"hallo du"
"kunst ist ein ausdruck von kunst"
"guten morgen"
"guten morgen"
"guten morgen"
"good morning from Liverpool"
"I love you in the morning"
"hallo menschen"
"where do you go"
"where do you go"
"please stop and look up for a minute...I'm talkingh to you!!"
"hello wolfgang!"
"it is susan upstairs!"
"hello berlin!"
"ha ha ha"
"Watt is"
"Schˆnes Wetter heute, oder nicht"
"Anbody out there"
"Anybody out there"
"hallo sie da!"
"Please come and talk with me."
"Guten tag"
"Yes I'm here"
"nein aber ich lerne"
"who is this other person?"
"no I'm in London"
"who are you calling from London?"
"Hello Wolfgang, I am Benjamin"
"there are two of us here online?"
"sorry, what was that?"
"Greetings! Unfortunately there seems to be a delay!"
"seems to be a delay!"
"I like your sweater. It looks nice and warm there."
"Bye Wolfgang, It was nice talking to you"
"Who else is on-line with me?"
"susan is, I'm testing! who are you?"
"do I know you?"
"its nice and sunny here in Berlin, but I think its hard to get people
to stop and talk with you during the day"
"I just had a very satisfying conversation with Wolfgang."
"yes, wolfgang is a very nice man"
"Stilted, maybe, but satisfying."
"I think I may try singing a song or something to attract attention."
"its always stilted, but this time the video has further to travel,
its bouncing off a server in London"
"lets think up a strategy to get them to stop and talk"
"There is a spectre haunting Europe, nay, the world. The spectre
of psychogeography. For 30 years the fingers of the stranglehold of tradition
have, one by one, been peeled back by the eruption of exciting new non-Euclidean
psycho-social spaces. Rock and Roll, the permissive society, a new Iiberalism
existing in the social sphere have all provided a decompression chamber
where the pent-up frustrations engendered by class society can be productively
put to use in the engine rooms of new design, new fashion and faddish
revolt. Centred upon youth as a source of naivety, the vital forces of
the collective imagination are channelled into an economic subsistence,
which provides a pool of talent amongst which established organisations
and businesses can fish for new faces and new ideas. However, as the Gay
Liberation Front has given way to the 'Pink Pound', as the Black Panthers
have been replaced by the Fruits of Islam, as the delusions of Mao-tse-tung
have been superseded by the Shanghai Stock Exchange, so the integration
of non-Euclidean psycho-social space into a post-Newtonian mechanics is
faced by the emergence of an anti-Euclidean opposition which will rekindle
the fires of revolt with the matchsticks of metaphor. By drawing upon
ancient songlines which reassert themselves within the modern urban environment,
psychogeography as the practical application of anti-Euclidean psycho-geometry
offers the third pole in the triolectic between the false universalism
of modernism and the universal virtuality of post-modernism. "
"I dont think they liked being lectured."
"I don't like being lectured either"
"what WERE you on about?"
"and do I know you, I didn't catch your name"
"also if we speak in German it might work better"
"halte bitte"
"halte bittter"
"halte bitter"
"halte bitter"
"halte bitter"
"Tag beeter"
"Ish been ein bratvurst"
"who said that!"
"I don't know you, Benjamin Greer"
"The delay is too long, it's very frustrating."
"I can hear you very well though."
"overall this works very well though. If I wanted to communicate
effectively I'd come to berlin. This is much more interesting. (I wave)"
"I can hear you perfectly clearly from there"
"Well done."
"Perhaps this is some kind of intricate public display of your madness."
"thankyou benjamin, you words of encouragement are most welcome"
"I will go now, and return later. All the best from Benjamin."
"even if no one stops and talks we can just use this as a chatroom
on the street"
"thank you benjamin! see you later"
"hello anyone wave..."
"art kunst art kunst"
"peace to yo all"
"peace to yo all"
"can you hear me"
"hello anyone wave..."
"Hallo ,wie gehts?"
"Ey du.. HALLO"
"Mein name ist GLADIATOR"
"hello berlin"
"Hello Guys"
"Gruesse aus berlin-Charlottenburg"
"Who are you"
"That is no matter"
"it does no matter"
"it does no matter"
"Everything matters in this world"
"Everything matters in this world"
"Everything matters in this world"
"think positive"
"think positive"
"think positive"
"smile and be happy"
"have you seen my princess"
"have you seen my princess"
"which princess?"
"have you seen my princess"
"have you seen my princess"
"who is your princess?"
"the most beautiful girl"
"say hallo to someone you don't know and make them smile"
"you look funny"
"you look funny"
"do you know my princess?"
"have you seen my princess"
"have you seen my princess"
"have you seen my princess"
"move along"
"bleiben sie stehen! ich mˆchte ihnen ein geheimnis verraten!"
"this speaking robot only understand english. stupid! stand still!
speak to me!"
"ÑDie Theorie der digitalen Medien hat sich in den 1990er
Jahren oft ausschliesslich mit Ph‰nomenen der Wirklichkeitskonstruktion
und ñsimulation besch‰ftigt. Dringender als eine Ontologie
des Virtuellen und der Konstruktion virtueller Wirklichkeit im kˆrp"
"Guten Tag irgendwer der sich mit mir unterhalten will"
"Hallo I see you all !"
"Hallo I see you all !"
"Hallo I see you all !"
"Du bist ein alter penner"
"Mind the gap!"
"Du bist ein alter penner"
"Mind the gap! Mind the gap! Mind the gap!"
"Mind the gap! Mind the gap! Mind the gap!"
"hi susan, are you there? how is it going?"
"Are you sure? Are you sure? Are you sure?"
"hi susan, its axel."
"its working!"
"Who is Susan and where is susan?"
"Who is Susan and where is susan?"
"its rather difficult to pick you up on the mike!"
"i saw you waving!!!"
"Hi welcome in Berlin"
"Hey You STOP!!!"
"hey susan, yes its axel, i could understand you this time. it is
great, and it works! CONGRATULATIONS!!!"
"thankyou axel!!!"
"I like axel...he is a nice man and brought this voice to the street"
"I like axel...he is a nice man and brought this voice to the street"
"you've got the fast line, that is unfair!"
"see you later tonight!"
"hallo, sie da"
"hallo, sie da"
"bitte stehen bleiben"
"stop! what are you doing here?"
"Watch your step"
"you with the black bag "
"hi ha"
"hallo du mit der roten Jacke"
"hey you with the red jacket"
"hey you speak to me"
"Hello Berlin, Chicago speaking"
"hey du oller penner du"
"hallo du da"
"bon jour"
"rhine dammit"
"hallo du da"
"hy baby show me your little asshole"
"hallo you little asshole fuck you"
"hallo you little baby "
"du bist ein alter penner du bist ein alter penner du bist ein alter
penner du bist ein alter penner du bist ein alter penner du bist ein alter
penner du bist ein alter penner du bist ein alter penner du bist ein alter
penner du bist ein alter penner du bist ein alter penner du bist ein alter
penner du bist ein alter penner du bist ein alter penner du bist ein alter
penner du bist ein alter penner du bist ein alter penner du bist ein alter
penner du bist ein alter penner du bist ein alter penner du bist ein alter
penner du bist ein alter penner du bist ein alter penner du bist ein alter
penner du bist ein alter penner du bist ein alter penner du bist ein alter
penner du bist ein alter penner du bist ein alter penner du bist ein alter
"du bist ein alter penner du bist ein alter penner du bist ein alter
penner du bist ein alter penner du bist ein alter penner du bist ein alter
penner du bist ein alter penner du bist ein alter penner du bist ein alter
penner du bist ein alter penner du bist ein alter penner du bist ein alter
penner du bist ein alter penner du bist ein alter penner du bist ein alter
penner du bist ein alter penner du bist ein alter penner du bist ein alter
penner du bist ein alter penner du bist ein alter penner du bist ein alter
penner du bist ein alter penner du bist ein alter penner du bist ein alter
penner du bist ein alter penner du bist ein alter penner du bist ein alter
penner du bist ein alter penner du bist ein alter penner du bist ein alter
"du bist ein alter penner du bist ein alter penner du bist ein alter
penner du bist ein alter penner du bist ein alter penner du bist ein alter
penner du bist ein alter penner du bist ein alter penner du bist ein alter
penner du bist ein alter penner du bist ein alter penner du bist ein alter
penner du bist ein alter penner du bist ein alter penner du bist ein alter
penner du bist ein alter penner du bist ein alter penner du bist ein alter
penner du bist ein alter penner du bist ein alter penner du bist ein alter
penner du bist ein alter penner du bist ein alter penner du bist ein alter
penner du bist ein alter penner du bist ein alter penner du bist ein alter
penner du bist ein alter penner du bist ein alter penner du bist ein alter
"will you stop hogging it, its really annoying"
"if you have something interesting to say, please say it, otherwise
don't make it so long other people can't speak"
"fucking motherfucker you fucking motherfucker you fucking motherfucker
you fucking motherfucker you fucking motherfucker you fucking motherfucker
you fucking motherfucker you fucking motherfucker you fucking motherfucker
you fucking motherfucker you fucking motherfucker you fucking motherfucker
you fucking motherfucker you fucking motherfucker you fucking motherfucker
you fucking motherfucker you fucking motherfucker you fucking motherfucker
you fucking motherfucker you fucking motherfucker you fucking motherfucker
you fucking motherfucker you fucking motherfucker you fucking motherfucker
you fucking motherfucker you fucking motherfucker you fucking motherfucker
you fucking motherfucker"
"fucking motherfucker you fucking motherfucker you fucking motherfucker
you fucking motherfucker you fucking motherfucker you fucking motherfucker
you fucking motherfucker you fucking motherfucker you fucking motherfucker
you fucking motherfucker you fucking motherfucker you fucking motherfucker
you fucking motherfucker you fucking motherfucker you fucking motherfucker
you fucking motherfucker you fucking motherfucker you fucking motherfucker
you fucking motherfucker you fucking motherfucker you fucking motherfucker
you fucking motherfucker you fucking motherfucker you fucking motherfucker
you fucking motherfucker you fucking motherfucker you fucking motherfucker
you fucking motherfucker"
"Hallo Berlin"
"Hallo Berlin"
"keep on laughing"
"Lan Meding ist ein alter Penner"
"Christian Weser stinkt..."
"ist da jemand da?"
"der Weser hat grad gross gemacht..."
"why don't you answer?"
"pippi ah ah kacke forz"
"christian weser hat einen kleinen pimmel"
"Lars Meding hat Casefuesse"
"Pimmesausackpenner Du"
"der weser hat sich grad in die hose geschissen"
"you fucking motherfucker you fucking motherfucker you fucking motherfucker
you fucking motherfucker you fucking motherfucker you fucking motherfucker
you fucking motherfucker you fucking motherfucker you fucking motherfucker
you fucking motherfucker you fucking motherfucker you fucking motherfucker
you fucking motherfucker you fucking motherfucker you fucking motherfucker
you fucking motherfucker you fucking motherfucker you fucking motherfucker"
"you fucking motherfucker you fucking motherfucker you fucking motherfucker
you fucking motherfucker you fucking motherfucker you fucking motherfucker
you fucking motherfucker you fucking motherfucker you fucking motherfucker
you fucking motherfucker you fucking motherfucker you fucking motherfucker
you fucking motherfucker you fucking motherfucker you fucking motherfucker
you fucking motherfucker you fucking motherfucker you fucking motherfucker"
"How ab du Zow How ab du Zow How ab du Zow How ab du Zow How ab du
Zow How ab du Zow How ab du Zow How ab du Zow How ab du Zow How ab du
Zow How ab du Zow How ab du Zow How ab du Zow How ab du Zow How ab du
Zow How ab du Zow How ab du Zow How ab du Zow How ab du Zow How ab du
Zow How ab du Zow How ab du Zow How ab du Zow How ab du Zow How ab du
Zow How ab du Zow How ab du Zow How ab du Zow How ab du Zow How ab du
Zow How ab du Zow How ab du Zow How ab du Zow How ab du Zow How ab du
Zow How ab du Zow How ab du Zow How ab du Zow How ab du Zow How ab du
Zow How ab du Zow How ab du Zow How ab du Zow How ab du Zow "
"Medi is doof"
"Christian how ab du Zow Christian how ab du Zow Christian how ab
du Zow Christian how ab du Zow Christian how ab du Zow Christian how ab
du Zow "
"Meaty hat Sackratten Meaty hat Sackratten Meaty hat Sackratten Meaty
hat Sackratten Meaty hat Sackratten Meaty hat Sackratten Meaty hat Sackratten
Meaty hat Sackratten Meaty hat Sackratten Meaty hat Sackratten Meaty hat
Sackratten Meaty hat Sackratten Meaty hat Sackratten Meaty hat Sackratten
Meaty hat Sackratten Meaty hat Sackratten Meaty hat Sackratten Meaty hat
"you are leaving the democratic sector of berlin"
"fuck off you fucking weser you you fuck fuck off you fuck fuck off
you fucking weser you you fuck fuck off you fuck fuck off you fucking
weser you you fuck fuck off you fuck fuck off you fucking weser you you
fuck fuck off you fuck "
"you are leaving the democratic sector of berlin"
"Du oller Penner Du Du oller Penner Du Du oller Penner Du Du oller
Penner Du Du oller Penner Du Du oller Penner Du Du oller Penner Du Du
oller Penner Du"
"Du oller Penner Du Du oller Penner Du Du oller Penner Du Du oller
Penner Du Du oller Penner Du Du oller Penner Du Du oller Penner Du Du
oller Penner Du"
"Doo ollah Panner doo Doo ollah Panner doo Doo ollah Panner doo Doo
ollah Panner doo Doo ollah Panner doo Doo ollah Panner doo Doo ollah Panner
doo Doo ollah Panner doo Doo ollah Panner doo Doo ollah Panner doo"
"hey, bleib mal stehen"
"hey, bleib mal stehen"
"hey, bleib mal stehen"
"Halt die Fotze du alte Fresse"
"ich bin ein berloiner"
"ich bin ein berliner"
"Lars Meding is ine alter sack"
"hey, hey"
"cannot hear you, I' sorry"
"hallo, mˆchtest Du mit mir sprechen"
"fuck off"
"jetzt aber los"
"ab nach Hause"
"go to home"
"hello there"
"plase stop and talk to me"
"ha ha ha hee hee hee stop and talk to me me me"
"why wont you stop and talk"
"is it because I dont speak german"
"sprechen sie eengleesh"
"sprechen sie eengleesh"
"sprecken see eengleesh"
"sprecken see eengleesh"
"sprecken see eengleesh"
"wot do you sprecken then"
"hi dave stewart here"
"can anybody here me"
"hi dave stewart here"
"Hi Susan"
"Ist da eine Schwalbe?"
"Hello World"
"Hello Hello Hello Girl"
"Geht nicht"
"Ist kaputt"
"helo berlin"
"dont park there again"
"how dare you park in my spot"
"who are you anyway"
"you are very naughty"
"well well well"
"Hello Berlin"
"and how are you today"
"inshooligung bitter"
"inshooligung bitter"
"inshooligung bitter"
"hello there hello hello"
"hello there hello hello"
"hello there he"
"lets go to home"
"goodbye then"
"what a nice evening it looks there in berlin"
"what a nice evening it looks there in berlin"
"Guten TAG leute"
"lets go to home"
"Hast Du eine ciggaratte"
"he du halt mal an"
"Hast Du ein Drink fur mich"
"he du halt mal an"
"he du halt mal an"
"he du halt mal an"
"sag mal was"
"Wo gehen wir hin"
"heey suug muul wusss"
"hhey dooo suuug mawl waas"
"hhey dooo suuug mawl waas"
"Hey leute gehen wir ins kino"
"Hey gibt mir ein zehn mark schein bitte"
"heey doo sug mul wuss"
"heyy artist!"
"Hello Leute sind wir fertig , na loss hast du eine ahnung. na gut.
dann erklarre sie mir bitte."
"Stop. Halt ihn fest."
"Leute wir fangen jetz an . wer ist die erste"
"heey doo sug mul wuss"
"Wissen sie , heute ist die erste sonnen teg dieses jahr . ha ha
nein die zweiten. so was machen wir dann morgen"
"heey doo sug mul wuss"
"heey doo sug mul wuss"
"heey doo sug mul wuss"
"heey doo sug mul wuss"
"heey doo, sug mul wuss"
"Don't step on me!"
"heey doo, sug mal wuss!"
"hey doo, sug mal wuss!"
"hey doo, sug mal wuss!"
"Turn right here"
"hey doo, sug mal wuss!"
"what the hell are you doing here"
"what the hell are you doing here?"
"what the hell are you doing here?"
"what are you doing here?"
"what are you doing here?"
"Hi Susan"
"go home and work!"
"Never on a tuesday"
"go home, go home and work!"
"what are you doing here? go home, go home and work!"
"what are you doing here? go home, go home and work!"
"what are you doing here? go home, go home and work!"
"what are you doing here? go home, go home and work!"
"what are you doing here? what are you looking for? go home, go home
and work!"
"what are you doing here? what are you looking for? go home, go home
and work! or talk to me!"
"talk to me!"
"Stop Komme hier"
"talk to me! hey, you!"
"Wie hei dU"
"talk to me! hey, you! talk into the microphone!"
"talk to me! talk into the microphone!"
"ich bin ein berliner!"
"ich bin ein berliner!"
"Hi weirdoz"
"hey passenger talk to me!"
"talk to me! talk into the microphone! talk to meee!"
"talk to me! nanananananaaaa! talk into the microphone! talk to meee!"
"talk to me! nanananananaaaa! talk into the microphone! talk to meee!
atatatata talk!"
"talk to me! nanananananaaaa! talk into the microphone! talk to meee!
tatatata talk! shprich meet meer!"
"Lastz oontz doitch spreaken"
"talk to me! nanananananaaaa! talk into the microphone! talk to meee!
tatatata talk! shprich meet meer!"
"hi susan, hi evi, are you out there?"
"lasst oons doytsh shprechen!"
"lust oons doytsh shprechen!"
"lust oons doytsh shprechen! untfortan see meer!"
"weir soultan doitch spraeken"
"hello berlin whitejackets "
"doytsh shprechen! untfortan see meer! hallo, see!"
"untfortan see meer! hallo, see!"
"hallo, see! untfortan see meer! hallo, see!"
"hallo, see! untfortan see meer! hallo, see!"
"steffi! ich bin hier"
"whasz sahkt dee matcheeneann"
"hallo! hallo, see! untfortan see meer! hallo, see!"
"hallo! hallo, see! untfortan see meer! hallo! hallo! du eedeeot!"
"spreetch tzoo mea"
"millwaukee avenue, im winter 1998, wir hatten eine schoene kuschelecke."
"untfortan see meer! there is a microphone!"
"Please press the speak button once only when you have finished typing,
it will take a few seconds to queue your entry."
"haaaallo! haaallo!"
"haaaallo! haaallo!"
"spreetch een dasz meekrofon"
"Please press the speak button once only when you have finished typing,
"Please speak button once only when you have finished typing, "
"mein herz sagt ja und mein kopf weiss dass es nicht gehen will....."
"hEY yOU"
"Please speak This realplayer feed from Berlin will be 'live' streaming
from Hackescher Markt, Berlin from 9.30pm "
"hallo, talk to me!"
"hallo, talk to me!"
"there is a microphone!"
"why are you passing by"
"hallo! hallo!"
"would you mail me a drink plese"
"what are you doing here?"
"what are you doing here?"
"what are you doing here?"
"what are you doing here? hallo! hallo! talk to me!"
"what are you doing here? hallo! hallo! talk to me!"
"what are you doing here? hallo! hallo! talk to me!"
"please talk to me!"
"please talk to me! go home!"
"hi bypassers"
"please talk to me! go home!"
"please talk to me! there is a microphone!"
"i hear the englis language"
"go home! artist, what are you doing there?"
"ahber wear koennehn ouchh doitsh sprekkken"
"more or less"
"always stop on the red traffic lights"
"Hi Axel"
"come on talk to me"
"hi susan, hi evi, you seem to attract quit a lot of attention!"
"sprichst du nur deutsch"
"It's pretty dark in Berlin"
"Munich calling"
"the tram is noisy"
"ja, bitte"
"Phone me on 0190 331 331"
"Hi, there"
"whos looking at the camera "
"smoking man"
"who'S standind in front of the camera?"
"light my fire"
"Come here"
"how the devil are you"
"weir soultan doitch spraeken"
"where have you all gone"
"hello - anybody there?"
"somebody talk to me"
"Susan can you hear me"
"i feel a fool talking to myself"
"the lights are red again"
"HI THERE; WHO ARE YOU ? talk to me!"
"Berlin is pretty sleepy, isn't it?"
"hello hi hello hi boo"
"Hello Berlin - we see you on an internet site and can speak to you."
"eine kleine Verschwˆrung..."
"Nice to see you all there. Won't you say somthing to me? "
"I can see you and I can hear you if you say something"
"Does anyone speak English there in Berlin? German does not translate
well, I suppose."
"who'S standing there"
"strange isn't it ?..."
"I see you from the U.S."
"who are you"
"this is munich - hi prussians"
"I see you from the U.S. from an internet site. "
"Hello Axel."
"what are you looking at?"
"In Ohio"
"yep it works"
"but where is your white jacket"
"Hello Axel. Is Susan Collins there?"
"we can hear you"
"what are you looking at?"
"Hi! Do you like this experience"
"Hello Susan - I have not spoken to you for a long time. "
"whos anton"
"Would you like to come in and try yourself!"
"yes let's have a look at susan"
"Come on! say something"
"could you mail me one of your cocktails"
"techno techno bloody techn"
"techno techno bloody techno darling"
"Hey! you are stepping on the lips"
"and could anybody switch on the light"
"yes it is a little dark"
"isn't it strange speaking with the pavement"
"Hello to you all in Berlin."
"Where is Susan?"
"who whats this"
"Where is your body ?"
"I am so glad to see you. I have been waiting for you all my life."
"do you enjoy yourselves"
"whats your name???"
"What are you doing here? I am trying to talk to you. "
"Hello Susan. You get around."
"Hello you there."
"What is the name of the radio man?"
"oh am i going to be on the radio"
"You are radio reporter. That's really something"
"ill be famous"
"Like I understood that. "
"Very interesting..."
"Oh, Marco, nice to meet you"
"hello artlovers"
"Very interesting..."
"Very inter"
"hello Berlin this is the internet speaking to you"
"My name is Maren"
"Hello. This is Roger from the U.S."
"it's always the same- say something more interesting please"
"Which radiostation will it be on"
"It is a bit dark out there. "
"Hello to the radio guy."
"You have all gone so quiet. Are you sad?"
"come on..."
"noz from this world..."
"not from this world..."
"So Mr radio, what is your favourit song?"
"are you drunk susan"
"I'm Christian, I'm sitting in Munich"
"video killed the radio star"
"Greetings to all of you out there in the dark"
"your welcome"
"hello, can you h"
"is maren there"
"Hello Susan. This is Roger from Ohio."
"Hi Axel - I'm waiting for my cocktail"
"Why are you le"
"What are you doing outside?"
"Please can you sing me a song please"
"Hello Susan. How many people are in the gallery?"
"freezing their butts off"
"I put myself on a airplane right now"
"are you afraid of the pavement?"
"don't drop the wine"
"Whgo can me a song a song please"
"Who can me a song a song please"
"It is a bit difficult to see. Is there a better time of day?"
"oh flower of scotland"
"Hi Ohio"
"You can sing me a song la lala"
"What a pity that I do not speak german"
"Do you like my voice?"
"We would really appreciate if you all could sing something"
"Do you like my voice?"
"dont worry, the germans cant speak german either"
"hey you with the ugly nose"
"a wee song would do"
"even a german song"
"wear koehnen doitsh sprekken"
"Hey you, you look smart. Please can you sing me a song? "
"Is this your first night on-line?"
"What are you singing out there?"
"We are happy to see you...."
"your're lying it's not raining"
"Man spricht Deutsch"
"ich liebe deutschland do di do di do"
"Man spricht Deutsch"
"come in and get your drink"
"Ti amo, te quiero, je'taime"
"You're looking tired."
"roger the dodger"
"how about a Abba song"
"Hello Susan. This is Roger from Ohio."
"ich will mehr von dieser fantastischen idee"
"Yes Susan. This is Roger from Akron. "
"kit kat chunky please"
"can you speak louder?"
"this is gerard schroeder here"
"I'm really looking forward for a faster Internet"
"roger send her your email address"
"I am sorry Susan. I cannot hear you. It is good to speak to you
again. You do get around, do you not?"
"we have pretty some congestion here"
"your too far away susan"
"a little conspiracy"
"who is christian"
"Who on earth is that?"
"Who on earth is that?"
"It's me I'm in Munich"
"Susan, can we not install a little light beamer that illuminates
the crowd in the dark, at least their faces?"
"can you hear me?"
"Nobody knows if I'm pretty - nobody has seen me yet"
"because you stand on the projection!"
"thank god you cant see me im in my pyjamas"
"Perhaps a spot light, a soft one that doesn't blind people"
"because you are standing on the projection!"
"because i had a stroll down the Isar river today"
"Susan - this is Roger - I knew you were in Cardiff but could not
visit you there. I hope all went well. I will keep track of things here
in Berlin for you."
"no fights please no fights for champagne"
"alan will fix it"
"kit kat chunky"
"I've just opened a bottle of champagne to join your party"
"Well, there is nobody there talking much. This is a two way street,
you know. "
"What abeautiful face"
"bye bye miss american pie"
"You all look very mysterious, dark shadows, in a strange world"
"was nice to talk to you"
"What a beautiful face"
"What a beautiful face"
"but you will have to send loads of pics to christian because it
is so dark"
"that's gothic!"
"On always you Christians"
"susan, by the way take a picture of axel today so he can send it
to me. thank you"
"Susan this is Roger - I must go now, I am at work after all. I thought
I would say hello and wish you well. I am faithful to your work. "
"who are you, who who, who who?"
"so who can take the picture"
"Hallo out there"
"come on baby, light my fire."
"what do you want me to tell you?"
"what do you want me to tell you?"
"jim morrison"
"you don't know what love is?"
"it's not me so who'S using my voice"
"i'll tell you what i want, or is that what you want?"
"the winds are a changing"
"i am eggman"
"hello sweethearts"
"i am the eggman"
"woman is the nigger of the world"
"i am the walrus"
"coo coo cachoo"
"coo coo cachoo"
"thank god I'm not alone out here"
"I am 64"
"who is your favorite musician"
"i have an order for you"
"I am in a yellow submarine"
"How old are you?"
"who is your favorite musician, i asked"
"go to the kit kat club and have fun"
"what was in the maerkishezz feertl"
"susan i have sent you email to tell you who i am"
"oh, i'm in my 20s"
"You look younger than you are"
"oh, i'm in my 20s"
"go to the kit kat club and have fun"
"me'S in my twentees as well"
"go to the stop sign"
"dont you like the kit kat club?"
"I#d likt to know more about my alter ego as well"
"I made a mistake I am not 64 I am really 46"
"who has just put their scarf on"
"I think you should all go to that Club"
"you should try it. It is really worth the pain"
"and who is 46"
"I have to go. There is my favourite show on television. You go clubbing
I watch TV. "
"Hey, alter ego, you should not club so much"
"just say no to drugs though"
"You didn't sing enough"
"me from berlin"
"Am i the only foreigner here?"
"Or am i all alone?"
"By the way axel, the resolution's a nightmare"
"you'll have to find other ways"
"and dont drink and drive"
"remember your stomach"
"do you like my new lips"
"Are you new here?"
"hello berlin"
"I am Sabine, who are you?"
"do you like my new lips"
"l i p s"
"hello susan its emily and martin here, good luck with the show-
give us a wave!"
"Come in and make me speak!"
"so finally the uk arrived"
"hello susan its emily and martin here, good luck with the show-
give us a wave!"
"hello axel lapp"
"You can make me speak"
"not samuel, martin and emily from penzance"
"a x e l l a p p "
"a x e l l a p p "
"Come in and see how it works now"
"hello axel"
"Please come in and make me talk"
"godi is talking"
"doro eather"
"martin and emily from penzance in cornwall say hi"
"we are thirsty"
"we are hungry"
"we want fun"
"susan, axel have a gorgeous party. i'll leave you out there enjoy
yourselves hugs and kisses to all of you and especially axel who doesn't
talk with godehard"
"axel is lapp"
"cu soon - "
"axel is great"
"Anyone want to invest in a hot music business?"
"see you soon - knooffal"
"where are you, gode?"
"yes- emily and martin from penzance- remember susan?"
"what a nice evening for a show like this"
"you will all catch a terrible cold"
"we can hear you susan"
"helloAxel where are you"
"we all like axel"
"we al like axel"
"we would like to meet you at the Tresor? When do you have time?"
"after the king danced so long yesterday i will now go to bed. susan,
please do not forget about taking the picture please so axel does not
have an excuse anymore"
"a a a a a a a a a a"
"x x x x x x x x x "
"goog night axell"
"Susan, are you happy?"
"bye bye love"
"who is always calling axel?"
"suct is in the house, and it s still rockin funkin grooving and
so on, like to tell ya a summ, suckas..."
"hey listen to me when all the world is young lad and all the trees
are green, and every goose a swan lad, and every lass a queen, then hey
for boot and horse lad, and all the world away, young blood must run its
course lad, and every dog his day"
"funky groovy funky groovy"
"funky groovy funky groovy"
"who got a job for Gode?"
"dada in berlin daain berlin"
"whos got money for gode?"
"who has money for gode? Or a job?"
"has everybody left outside?"
"Why not take off your clothes?"
"litle bit late to go art!"
"christian, are you still there? thanks for coming!"
"so I was getting into my car, and this bloke says to me can you
give me a lift, and i said, sure you look great the world is your oyster,
go for it!! susan wave to us we want to see your outfit"
"go deeeee"
"go deeeee"
"go deeeee"
"go deeeee"
"go deeeee"
"who the fuck are you?"
"hello touristgroup!!"
"go deeeee"
"Hi Axel this is me an Sandra"
"doro i love you"
"hello group of people"
"Taz and Amy ask, mad cow anyone?"
"if you stay a long time, we will kill you!"
"doro i love you"
"doro i love you"
"axel is inside at the moment"
"bloody fucking sexy assholes"
"so i went to the dentist, he said say aaaaahhhhhh, i said why, he
said my dog has just died"
"doro i love you"
"doro i love you"
"nothing happend, please leave this place - nothing happend, please
leave this place"
"hello caroline, i love you, too"
"hi, my name is suct"
"parlez vous francais?"
"what you see is what you get"
"art saves slaves art is everything is art"
"parlez vous francais?"
"art saves slaves art is everything is art"
"so i go home and my telephone is ringing, i pick it up and i say
who is speaking, and a voice says you are"
"hello hackscher markt"
"multiple viruses are dispersing about the planet or let¥s say
they allready have... check out bse and stuff, it¥s mad"
"hello hello, "
"Ken said: failure is not an option"
"hello berliner"
"stay where you are, baby"
"doro is the best girl i ever met. she is so beautiful and so intelligent
. i am really in love with her"
"Please speak with me"
"we apologize to the planet for being part of the human locust"
"doro is the best girl i ever met. she is so beautiful and so intelligent
. i am really in love with her"
"do not m ove you are under surveillance"
"doro is the best girl i ever met. she is so beautiful and so intelligent
. i am really in love with her"
"dora is dumb"
"fuck you, tourists"
"go away, be happy"
"hallo ampelm"
"hello, hello, hello"
"we're all"
"wear koehnen doitsh sprekken"
"bye, bye tourists!"
"we're all tourists"
"it¥s on the show must go on until the cows go fly the rocky
"i cant see you"
"i hear axel outside! are you there!"
"was macht ihr da"
"being tourists lets be nice"
"what is there on the floor on the street?"
"are you able to tell anything of importance?"
"nonbody is out there "
"doro doro poporo"
"hello tourists!"
"talk to me"
"are you a tourist"
"swimmaster.de swimmaster.de"
"Do it talk"
"tell me your name, babe"
"hahahahahaha hahahaha hihihihihih hahahaha hihihihihihhohohohohohohoh"
"what the hell you are looking at?"
"Im watching you from Cornwall"
"Im watching you from"
"swimmaster! swwimmaster!"
"ho hum drum"
"are you really interested in art?"
"are you really interested "
"g g g g o o o o o o d d d d d e e e e "
"Iris! Christoph! Tobias! Welcome!"
"d odo rororo"
"just come in, or are you afraid?"
"d o o o o o o o or o o o o o o "
"Are you still patient!"
"i am the voice of the third mind "
"speak a bit louder"
"we love you, you know, but we want you to leave"
"can I speak to you too - do you speak english"
"no, we don't"
"where's axel sweetheart"
"we want to leave where is the door"
"show us more"
"show us more"
"if you want to be involved, you have to kiss me"
"chris is a misty histy nasty shasty boyoyoyo"
"it'S a shame"
"stay, be quiet"
"kiss kiss"
"iris is inside here - come and look"
"that's not me"
"miss axel"
"i am not your baby, man"
"i am not your baby, man"
"Tobias is a chunky hunky silly guy having fun with stupid stuff
"can i be your baby too"
"iris is not listening at all"
"the bus is coming"
"touri touri touri come inside and look irirs is here"
"it's a joke to survive"
"hello Tobiasiasiasiasias what the hell are you tiping in this thing"
"hello Tobiasiasiasiasias what the hell are you tiping in t"
"mrs wagenplast please look to your left"
"tobias dont be silly"
"Where is tobias"
"your right#"
"be quiet, please"
"r¸diger must be home by now"
"hello iris tobias dont be silly, who thw fuck is tobias"
"tobias is nothing but shit"
"tobias is a quite good swimmer"
"hallo ihr landeier "
"tobias is a silly sucker"
"tobias is wearing glasses"
"mr metzo you are a spezo letzo"
"tobias is sitting inside the council, so come in and meat him"
"where the fuck is tobias the misterious guy"
"tobias is in and outside"
"of course he has hair"
"its me guys me tobias say hello and wave your hands"
"tobias is booooooooolllld"
"tobias is the guy with glaces and no haires"
"no, tobias is really clever"
"carefull i'm comingh outside scincerly yours tobias"
"tobias hair is sort of grayisch"
"his hairs are not coloures he has no hairs"
"hello hello hello stand still"
"i want to know you better. come a little closer"
"Everybody give me a cheer"
"i speak to you from switzerland"
"yes from a website; i am in zurich"
"ask me a question"
"i am wearing almost nothing"
"My name is mouth"
"why dont you you take off you clothes; start with your shoes and
get comfortable"
"very sunny"
"the weather sucks; do you too?"
"cant you step up to the camera, so i can see you"
"are you hungry? i fancy a kebab"
"it is behind the guy with the white trousers"
"the cam is about 10 feet off the ground"
"excuse me sir but are you wearing white socks?"
"the camera is real bad; it is so dark i can hardly see you"
"yes, he is wearing white socks; must be from ohio or something"
"would you sing yello submarine for me?"
"today is my birthday; have you got a present for me?"
"no no do you know sexbomb by tom jones - sing it to me"
"no loitering on the sidewalk, please move?"
"sing happy birthday to me i feel unloved"
"any chicks out there? if yes, step up to the camera!"
"We cannot see the mouth on the screen."
"my name is honey-bunny, if you know what i mean"
"dont go away"
"stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop
stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop
stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop
stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop "
"stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop
stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop
stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop
stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop "
"hey come and talk to me and be my friend"
"look in my eyes"
"you are you who seeks a friend?"
"hello what are your names?"
"i am johannes from zu"
"stay dont walk backwards"
"you are standing in the puddle, but i cannot hear what you say"
"hello wolfgang"
"A www/street/gallery intervention by Susan Collins , In Conversation
was originally commissioned by BN1
and Lighthouse as part of "Inhabiting Metropolis" a series of
Channel Commissions, ins"
"hello!hello! can you talk to me please?????"
"hello chris"
"hello come back talk to me"
"nice to hear you wolf"
"who are you?"
"hello what are your names?"
"is there a party tonight?"
"dont be scared i want to talk"
"hello from prenzlauer berg!"
"taxi, please!"
"taxi! taxi!"
"sexbomb sexbomb your my sexbomb and you can give it to me when i
need to come along sexbomb sexbomb your my sexbomb and you can always
turn me on "
"hey will you be my sexbomb?"
"anyone from new york"
"do you want to smoke a cigarette?"
"im giving all the mouth here i need some good conversation"
"ello ello ello wass goin on ere then"
"Hi ich bin Reiner"
"hallo fans"
"please talk to me"
"where are you going?"
"do you have problems with your car?"
"Hi ich bin Reiner"
"Hi ich bin Reiner"
"im really bored here this pavement is kinda hard"
"is there anyone out there?"
"ow u just trod on me could u rub me better"
"Hello again"
"yes, there is soneone"
"hey come on guys im so lonely where are you going> are you going
"come and chat dont be shy"
"hey whats ure name?"
"hello you"
"please, have a little time to me"
"come and give me a kiss"
"Please, don't kick me so tightly"
"have a good night!"
"Please, don't kick me so tightly"
"i have been really lonely no-one will stop and talk to me"
"have you been to a party? you are very quiet talk to me"
"are you there? i can not hear you"
"i could quite fancy you"
"hello guys, nice to meet you here!"
"you are a sexy man"
"do u think im sexy if u want my body come on baby let me know"
"hey baby stop right there u got a sexy little walk"
"Give me your hand, please"
"you are a sexy man will you talk to me?"
"come back i like you do you like me?"
"do you have a little time to me?"
"do you like me?"
"yes, i mean you"
"i can see you"
"come to me"
"whats your name?"
"Hello World"
"ohh, don't kick me!"
"Come near to me"
"do you waiting for the bus?"
"i hope, you have had a good party tonight"
"do you wait for the N 52?"
"hey guy with the white sneakers, i talk to you!"
"please, don't kick me"
"i can feel you shoes on my mouth!"
"hey guy with the basecap, whats your name?"
"london loves berlin"
"are you waiting for the bus?"
"listen, listen, listen....."
"hello hello"
"wohin gehen Sie"
"hˆren Sie mich?"
"ich sehe Sie"
"hallo hˆren Sie mich"
"hi aliens"
"hallo hˆren Sie mich"
"hallo hˆren Sie mich"
"hallo hˆren Sie mich"
"what you see is what you get"
"hallo hˆren Sie mich"
"tourists are tourists are tourists are tourists are tourists are
tourists are tourists are tourists"
"where you are walking through?"
"you can win if you want and you can leave if you want"
"I cannot understand you"
"this is the voice of the british council speaking, the voice of
the queen: - fuck of"
"sorry, the queen is very very very sorry"
"ok, sleep well"
"why are you standingtjere"
"why are you standing there"
"ouch! ouch!"
"wie gehts?"
"hello, where's the party?"
"I said Hello"
"Hello can you read me"
"taxi! Taxi!"
"Hello can you read me"
"taxi! Taxi!"
"Hello can you reed me"
"taxi! Taxi!"
"Hello can you reed me"
"please stay"
"is my mouth wet or dry tonight?"
"please stay dont go away talk to me"
"please stay dont go away talk to me"
"bitte zag vas"
"do you speak english?"
"My name is Mike "
"hello hello speak to me"
"hello hello speak to me"
"what is your name asshole"
"where have you been tonight?"
"roger dodger"
"where do you come from"
"Wie gehts"
"who is there"
"i am in akron ohio"
"are you there"
"good morning"
"roger dodger"
"Hi there Good Looking, How are you tonite?"
"are you there"
"I hear laughter"
"Hey you, Come back here!!"
"do you want to talk"
"Hi ya Sexy Doll, whats shakin baby?"
"Hi ya Sexy Doll, whats shakin baby?"
"do you speak english"
"Hey buddy, can you loan me a dollar?"
"come here"
"Hey, Are you Horny?"
"what have you been drinking"
"I will return"
"Hey Honey, Are you horny?"
"Hi sexy, Want to Fuck?"
"ouch! ouch!"
"come on baby"
"have yuo seen a party, here?"
"are you waiting for a bus?"
"why don't you kiss me?"
"where are you going?"
"what was that? I didn't quite catch it."
"are you from south germany? gruss gott"
"I can here you but i cannot quite make out what you are saying"
"the man and woman standing by the door, do you want to talk to me?"
"the man and woman standing by the door, do you want to talk to me?"
"don't be shy"
"do you speak english"
"sprecken zee english?"
"wie gehtss"
"sprecken zee english?"
"Ich bin in America"
"is this berlin"
"Where are you?"
"Here kitty"
"i need to sleep, choos berlin"
"kitty kitty kitty"
"goodnight berlin"
"Good morning. Welcome to the British Council"
"Hello, can you hear me?"
"guten tag"
"wer bin ich? was willst du?"
"sprechen zee english?"
"sprechen zee english?""
"Good morning"
"sprechen zee english?""
"Good morning. Welcome to the British Council"
"sprechen zee english?"
"Good morning. How are you this morning"
"Good morning. How are you this morning"
"Good morning. How are you this morning"
"sprechen zee english?"
"Good morning. Welcome to the British Council"
"Good morning. Welcome to the British Council"
"Good morning. Welcome to the British Council"
"Good morning. Welcome to the British Council"
"Good morning. Welcome to the British Council"
"Good morning. Welcome to the British Council"
"Have you got the time please"
"Have you got the time please"
"Have you got the time please"
"Good morning. How are you this morning"
"Good morning. How are you this morning"
"Good morning. How are you this morning"
"Good morning. How are you this morning"
"Good morning. How are you this morning"
"Good morning. How are you this morning"
"Good morning"
"Good morning"
"Good morning"
"Good morning"
"Guten Morgen. Vee gate es eenen"
"Guten Morgen. Vee gate es eenen"
"Guten Morgen. Vee gate es eenen"
"Guten Morgen. Vee gate es eenen"
"Guten Morgen. Vee gate es eenen"
"Guten Morgen. Vee gate es eenen"
"Guten Morgen. Vee gate es eenen"
"Guten Morgen. Vee gate es eenen"
"hey you in the black top, hello"
"hey you, wave to me"
"Die Kultur ist, in der in Klassen geteilten geschichtlichen Gesellschaft,
die allgemeine Sph‰re der Erkenntnis und der Vorstellungen des Erlebten;
d.h. sie ist jenes Vermˆgen der Verallgemeinerung, das getrennt besteht,
als Teilung der intellektuellen Arbeit und als intellektuelle Arbeit der
Teilung. Die Kultur hat sich von der Einheit der Gesellschaft des Mythos
"Do you seriously think we shall live long enough to see a political
revolution? -- we, the contemporaries of these Germans? My friend, you
believe what you want to believe.... Read whatever papers you please,
and you cannot fail to be convinced that we never stop celebrating the
freedom and national happiness that we enjoy.... Ruge to Marx, March 1843"
"hey, give me a smile"
"Are you looking at me?"
"where are you going to so fast?"
"all times are now all places are here!"
"oi you"
"hell lady in the skirt"
"hell lady in the skirt"
"i am a doughnut"
"hello Sam"
"Indeed, German history prides itself on having travelled a road
which no other nation in the whole of history has ever travelled before,
or ever will again. We have shared the restorations of modern nations
without ever having shared their revolutions. "
"Sie riechen"
"Indeed, German history prides itself on having travelled a road
which no other nation in the whole of history has ever travelled before,
or ever will again. We have shared the restorations of modern nations
without ever having shared their revolutions. "
"na, na!"
"hallo! ja, sie da, bleiben sie doch mal stehen!"
"hello, please stop and talk to me!"
"hello, please stop and talk to me!"
"hello, please stop and talk to me!"
"du siehst super aus"
"guck guck"
"wer bist du?"
"give me a smile"
"hi yall"
"stop stop stop"
"do you know i am watching you"
"i think no one can hear me"
"fleischwurst fleischwurst fleischwurst fleischwurst"
"gruenefelder weibsfleischwurst entscheidet nichts entgegen den gesetzten
unserer mutter natur"
"speak to me, please"
"bleiben sie doch mal stehen..."
"hello pidgion!"
"don't pass by! talk to me!"
"don't pass by! talk to me!"
"Wo gehst du hin"
"How are you"
"How are you"
"How are you"
"Wo gehst du hin"
"Wo gehst du hin"
"guten tag"
"Hey you"
"Have you got a ciggarette"
"hi there"
"hi there"
"Hey you stop that"
"hi there"
"let that go"
"hi there"
"hi there"
"Hey, gimme back my pants!!"
"Kommst Du mit mir"
"Hast Du was geld f¸r mich"
"Shall we have lunch together"
"Or shall we go to my place"
"Have you got a car"
"Tony are you working"
"Yes will you pleas talk to me "
"talk to me "
"What are you doing"
"come on talk to me"
"ficken ficken ficken ficken ficken"
"ficken ficken ficken ficken ficken"
"Fatty germans"
"stop you"
"Gooten Taag. Vee gate es eenen"
"Gooten Taag. Vee gate es eenen"
"Gooten Taag. Vee gate es eenen"
"Good morning. Welcome to the British Council"
"Good morning. Welcome to the British Council"
"Hello. How are you today"
"Hello. How are you today"
"Gooten Taag. Vee gate es eenen"
"Gooten Taag. Vee gate es eenen"
"Gooten Taag. Vee gate es eenen"
"Hello. How are you today"
"Good Afternoon London Calling!"
"Hello. How are you today"
"Gooten Taag. Vee gate es eenen"
"Gooten Taag. Vee gate es eenen"
"Gooten Taag. Vee gate es eenen"
"Hello. Welcome to the British Council"
"Hello. Welcome to the British Council"
"Hello. Welcome to the British Council"
"Hello. Welcome to the British Council"
"Gooten Taag. Vee gate es eenen"
"I am very well thank you!"
"Gooten Taag. Vee gate es eenen"
"Gooten Taag. Vee gate es eenen"
"Gooten Taag. Vee gate es eenen"
"Gooten Taag. Vee gate es eenen"
"Hello. Welcome to the British Council"
"Gooten Taag. Vee gate es eenen"
"Gooten Taag. Vee gate es eenen"
"Gooten Taag. Vee gate es eenen"
"Gooten Taag. Vee gate es eenen"
"Gooten Taag. Vee gate es eenen"
"Gooten Taag. Vee gate es eenen"
"Hello. Welcome to the British Council"
"Hello. Welcome to the British Council"
"Hello. Welcome to the British Council"
"Hello. Welcome to the British Council"
"Hello. Welcome to the British Council"
"Hello. How are you today"
"Hello. How are you today"
"Hello. How are you today"
"Gooten Taag. Vee gate es eenen"
"halt de klapper "
"oi toby, pack it in!"
"are you looking at me?"
"oi! what you looking at"
"talk to me"
"how are you"
"hello there sailor"
"hey guys how u doing fancy a chat?"
"hey you are walking all over me stop and talk where are you going?"
"Germans are funny"
"Germans are silly"
"Germans are silly"
"Hello hello hello"
"hello can you reed me"
"hello can you reed me"
"hey fuck up brother"
"hey fuck up brother"
"hey fuck up brother"
"hey fuck up brother"
"hey fuck up brother"
"please stop and talk bitter"
"hallo zusammen"
"Good afternoon berlin"
"Good afternoon berlin"
"halt de clapper"
"are you looking at my bird?"
"ick bin ein berliner"
"who is saying hello hello hello"
"I AM"
"I AM"
"who am i?"
"i am in london with gary"
"are you my friend reuben?"
"are you a northern monkey"
"mike are you still there?"
"where is roger"
"please stop loytering"
"roger is in your head"
"are you roger"
"hello berlin"
"I am looking for Roger"
"Do you speak English"
"i want to know you"
"lets go to home"
"hello people in berlin!!"
"Help, Help , i am stuck in the floor!"
"hallo lady"
"hay you! yes you! get your arse over here and talk to me"
"hey du"
"hey du"
"eingedingste briefendoenger hupft den wesenhafter eingefleischt"
"rararararararrrrraaaaaaaaaarrraaarararaararrrraaaa gggrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrgggggggggggggggggggrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrgrgrrgrgrggrgggggggggggggggggrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrgrgrrgrggrgrgggggggggggggggggggrrrrrrr
"plese stop and talk 2 me"
"all you people from berlin r very boreing"
"do any of u like Drum n bass?"
"go fuck your self!"
"hello berlin"
"Hello is anyone there in Berlin or on line?"
"hello - anybody there?"
"It looks like a rainy night. "
"Everyone was there last night and now all have fled. "
"I will just talk to myself until someone stops to chat. "
"Someone will talk, I am sure."
"Is there no one out there even listening in?"
"Maybe I will try another another day. "
"Is Roger there tonight?"
"Is Axel there tonight?"
"Is no one there tonight?"
"Hello. "
"this is the voice of god!"
"Gorm er t¯ff"
"ha ha ha ha ha ha hah ha ha ha"
"ha haaaaaaaaah hahhhhhhhhhh haaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaah haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa"
"where is roger"
"hello berlin"
"say it again"
"say what"
"who are you?"
"rain rain go away"
"margo from akron"
"i am the one"
"who are you"
"margot from athens?"
"Where are you"
"this goes to slowly. "
"i didn't understand"
"berlin. where are you?"
"who is standing there"
"I am in the united states"
"people come and go so quickly here"
"so long"
"is anyone there?"
"la la la la"
"I can see someone there"
"come over and tell me who you are"
"who bare you...come nearer and tell me who you are"
"who bare you...come nearer and tell me who you are"
"my name is jesus, what is your name"
"my name is jesus, what is your name"
"I can see you, please speak up and tell me who you are"
"do you have a name"
"I can see you moving by my mouth"
"why don't you go and talk to the mouth?"
"it won't bite"
"please speak up"
"ok it might bite"
"hey, lively town huh"
"hey, lively town huh"
"hey you"
"hey you"
"hello you there"
"hello you there"
"Hello Berlin!"
"Hello there"
"Gooten aabend"
"you are wearing a silly hat"
"Welocome to Berlin"
"Good evening"
"Hi, mz name is Christiane"
"Vee gate es eenen"
"Jump at me"
"Gooten aabend. Vee gate es eeneen"
"Hi Berlin"
"Hello world"
"Come with us to the bar"
"hello there."
"is there anyone out there?"
"hey buddy whats going on?"
"my name is jimmy orfendorfer"
"ich ben ein berlinner"
"un kina eiyah"
"greetings from saratoga"
"Please press the speak button once only when you have finished typing,
it will take a few seconds to queue your entry."
"sofort alles fallen lassen"
"thankyou thankyou its now up again...whew"
"hello germans"
"Hallo vee gate es eenen"
"Ish bin ein bratwurst"
"Hallo vee gate es eenen"
"Hallo. vee gate es eenen"
"Hallo. vee gate es eenen"
"Hallo. vee gate es eenen"
"gehen sie links unt dan rechts"
"Hallo. vee gate ess eenen"
"vee hyssen zee"
"vee hzssen zee"
"vee hyssen zee"
"vee hyssen zee"
"eine fuchstuck beater"
"where are you going?"
"vee shpate ist ess"
"vee shpate ist ess"
"vee shpate ist ess"
"vee shpate ist ess"
"vee shpate ist ess"
"halten zee bitter"
"halten zee bitter"
"halten zee bitter"
"halten zee bitter"
"Shouting english things at german people is insulting"
"Bitter stoppen zee"
"Bitter stoppen zee"
"Guten tag meine liebsling"
"Bitter stoppen zee"
"Hallo. Bitter stoppen zee"
"Hallo. Bitter stoppen zee"
"Hallo. Bitter stoppen zee"
"Hallo. Bitter stoppen zee"
"stoppen sie!"
"Hallo. Bitter stoppen zee"
"stoppen sie!"
"does this really work?"
"hello my name is eleanor"
"Hello there"
"hallo. Bitter stoppen zee"
"hallo. Bitter stoppen zee"
"hallo. Bitter stoppen zee"
"hallo. Bitter stoppen zee"
"hallo. Bitter stoppen zee"
"Hello Christopher"
"Jetzt hˆren Sie bitte auf mich?"
"Niemand gibt eine Scheie ¸ber dieses stupid kunst"
"du bist ein vikser"
"Hallo. Vee gate ess eenen"
"Hallo. Vee gate ess eenen"
"Hallo. Vee gate ess eenen"
"Drehen zee zich umm bitter"
"Hallo. Drehen zee zich umm bitter"
"Hallo. Is that Hyka"
"hallo. Is that hiker"
"hallo. Is that hiker in there"
"Are you sure"
"Make sure that the door is locked"
"Speak up"
"You are very quiet hiker"
"I like your blouse today"
"Speak up please hiker"
"Hiker are you still there"
"What are you doing for dinner tomorrow night Hiker"
"So would you like to have dinner with alan"
"You are very quiet Hiker"
"Was the microphone louder before susan went back to London"
"Hallo there"
"Hiker - I cannot really hear you"
"Who is on-line now?"
"who has seen the Berlin Biennale?"
"hello there"
"hello there"
"stop right now"
"Hallo Bitter stoppen zee"
"Hallo. Bitter stoppen zee"
"Hallo Bitter stoppen zee"
"Hallo. Bitter stoppen zee"
"who else is typing in here?"
"Hallo. Bitter stoppen zee"
"Hallo. Bitter stoppen zee"
"Hello Eva"
"Tshuss Eva"
"Tshuuuuss Eva"
"who else is typing in here?"
"Don't park that bike there"
"I am a bicycle"
"I am a bicycle"
"I am a bicycle"
"I am a bicycle"
"are you alive"
"Hey you"
"which bicicle"
"who is on the bicycle?"
"there is more than one bicycle"
"there is more than one bicycle"
"I am a bicycle"
"it looks nice and sunny in berlin, I wish I was there"
"are you really alive"
"Stand fast that man"
"Stand still"
"Stop please. Please stop"
"Stop please. Please stop"
"Stop please. Please stop"
"Stop please. Please stop"
"Leave that bike alone"
"I said leave it"
"I told you to leave that bike alone"
"Stop please. Please stop"
"Stop please. Please stop"
"Stop please. Please stop"
"Halt yetzt"
"Halt yetzt"
"why is it so busy and yet no one wants to talk?"
"Die Pawˆrter erhalten Sie aus Sicherheitsgr¸nden innerhalb
der n‰chsten drei Tage mit separater Post"
"Stop please. Please stop"
"Stop please. Please stop"
"Stop please. Please stop"
"Stop please. Please stop"
"how do you say please stop in German? is it halte bitte?"
"Hello. bitter stoppen zee"
"Hello. bitter stoppen zee"
"gorm er t¯ff"
"halt halt halt"
"halt halt halt"
"halt halt halt"
"go on, please stop for me"
"stop, look down, what do you see there?"
"hey you"
"dont stop. go on. please dont stop. go on . simply go on please.
nobody stop. dont listen to this. please go on."
"Hello. bitter stoppen zee"
"Stop please. Please stop."
"do not stop. do not listen to me. please simply go on. do not stop
here please, nobody please. hurry up. do not stop here. sorry. there is
nothing to see here. nothing of interest. please do not make a crowd on
the sidewalk here, people. just go on furthe"
"do not stop. do not listen to me. please simply go on. do not stop
here please, nobody please. hurry up. do not stop here. sorry. there is
nothing to see here. nothing of interest. please do not make a crowd on
the sidewalk here, people. just go on furthe"
"I'm listening to you"
"are you trying the negative psychology approach?"
"are you trying the negative psychology approach?"
"There is really nothing to see here. Please just go on. Please do
not form a crowd on the pavement"
"who are you talking to me?"
" 2nd May 1800"
"you are copying my consept. whoever you are. "
"Get a grip"
"sorry. did not get your last message"
"You are copying my concept whoever you are, get a grip on what?"
"I'm not copying anything - Who is that?"
"who else is out there?"
"sprechen zie englisch?"
"sprechen zee english?"
"sprechen zee english?"
"hello, why do you just walk past when I speak to you? why why why"
"sprechen zee english?"
"oh flip"
"oh flippety flippety flip"
"oh my goodness gracious me, what is that that I can see?"
"is that a man or is that a bike?"
"is that a man or is that a bike?"
"is that a man or is that a bike?"
"is that a man or is that a bike?"
"I have to go home now, is no one else there?"
"who was that person sitting in the doorway"
"who are you and what are you doing in this street?"
"why isn't anyone playing with me?"
"hey guys how u doin?"
"why isn't anyone playing with me?"
"what horrible young men"
"what horrible young men"
"those were scary men I think"
"what are you doing in this street"
"do you like the english?"
"who is that?"
"ooh u got a really sexy walk come back and talk to me i fancy you!!!"
"speaking from Chicago"
"have you had a hard day at work? do u need to destress?talk to me
we can have a laugh together"
"if you stop and talk to me you can win a lot of money come on who
wants to play for a million?"
"why won't you say hello?"
"sprecken sie eeengleeesh bitter?"
"why didn't you stop and look"
"Who's there?"
"Hello Berlin - we see you on an internet site and can speak to you."
"hello - anybody there?"
"Margo is that you?"
"Vie Gehts"
"Hullo blibe marl stane"
"Hullo blibe marl shtane"
"Hulo! Blibe marl shtane!"
"beest doo een ayla ?"
"hullo! "
"schoenen gooten targ!"
"techno! techno!"
"hullo "
"techno techno!"
"The british Council welcomes you!"
"Why are you all so such in a hurry?"
"Would you like to see me?"
"don't worry just pass !"
"would you like to see me?"
"come for a drink?"
"come for a drink?"
"don't worry -just pass!"
"don't worry -just pass!"
"please, come and stay for a while "
"please, come and stay for a while "
"you're not alˆlowed to go by bicycle"
"you're not allowed to go by bicycle"
"hello anna !"
"hello anna ! How are you?"
"hello Sie da. Genau. Sie"
"hello anna! hello Peter! hello Christian! Hello Andrea! hello Helga!
hello Hainz!"
"hello anna! hello Peter! hello Christian! Hello Andrea! hello Helga!
hello Hainz!"
"Hello "
"hello anna! hello Peter! hello Christian! Hello Andrea! hello Helga!
hello Hainz!"
"hello anna ! How are you?"
"what are you doing here?"
"The British Council welcomes you!"
"Hello Marc! Hello Tina! Hello Tomas! Hello Ralph! Hello anna!hello
Christoph! hello sarah!what are you doing here?"
"you're not allowed to go by bicycle"
"you're not allowed to go by bicycle"
"when will you stop passing by?"
"hello there people"
"I'm hiding in here. "
"you're not allowed to go by bicycle"
"don't worry -just pass!"
"don't worry -just pass!"
"don't worry -just pass!"
"Would you like to come for a drink into my tent?"
"Have you ever heard of Savoir vivre?"
"Have you ever heard of Savoir vivre?"
"Have you ever heard of Savoir vivre?"
"Have you ever heard of Savoir vivre?"
"Have you ever heard of Savoir vivre?"
"tell me something!"
"tell me something!"
"tell me something!"
"tell me something!- please"
"come for a drink?"
"speak a little louder please - please-please!"
"speak a little louder please - please-please!"
"Where are you going?"
"would you like to see me?"
"don't worry just pass !"
"don't worry just pass !"
"please please please!"
"yes I can see you"
"yes I can see you"
"hello you guys!"
"have fun have fun have fun !"
"Be careful not to step in !"
"THis morning I woke up and I felt better. But actually I am not
really satisfied. worries are quite helpful sometimes."
"Would you like to hear a story?"
"Tomorrow I 'm going to change my life!"
"It is a lllllazer!"
"It is a lllllazer!"
"It is a lllllazer!"
"don't worry!"
"I have to go now! Don'T be shy."
"actually there is something I would like to tell."
"But nobody is listening."
"Hello You're welcome!"
"the wheels of the truck- nice image."
"We all need a little holiday!"
"We all need a little holiday!"
"We all need a little holiday!"
"hello tell me something!"
"Do you like Bukowski ?"
"hullo!This is not an English lesson but What is your name?"
"hullo!This is not an English lesson but What is your name?"
"hullo!This is not an English lesson but What is your name?"
"hullo!This is not an English lesson but What is your name?"
"hullo!This is not an English lesson but What is your name?"
"Do you like Bukowski ?"
"Hi! My name is Yerlan. I am from Kazakhstan"
"Hello everybody"
"Talk to me"
"Stop where are you going"
"Please talk to me ,please"
"no bicycles on foothpath please"
"Will someone please talk to me"
"Hello Guys"
"Hello guys and girls"
"Will yous please talk to me"
"What have you got in the bag"
"please talk"
"Hello, Hello, Hello. are you gettin wet, you should have an umbrella.
Are you comming for a drink"
"i dont hurt"
"^How are you guys and girls"
"Where can I get a Bus."
"do u like ice cream?"
"do u like ice cream?"
"Has anyone seen my Bicycle someone has stolen it"
"i stole it"
"i stole it"
"i stole it"
"Has anyone seen my Bicycle someone has stolen it and i know who"
"you have to pay me 1000 dollars for you bicycle"
"I am calling the Police"
"Thats far too much money"
"i have eaten the police man"
"Please give it back to me"
"police man tastes like ice cream"
"Ice cream what has that got to do with my Bicycle"
"use the bus you bicycle man, my name is homer I eat donuts and you
are the boogy man"
"Hey man I AM THE bOOGIE mAN"
"look at all these cars. They have 4 wheels you have none. Do you
like house music?"
"look at all these cars. They have 4 wheels you have none. Do you
like house music?"
"very very funny "
"somebody talk to me you stupid people on the street"
"I like Irish Music"
"somebody talk to me you stupid people on the street"
"Hey whi is calling me stupid"
"i am from london, where are you from?"
"i am from london, where are you from?"
"my cat has no tail it got caught in the food processor"
"i am so lonely will you kiss my mouth??"
"you seem very sexy, I am excited"
"please don't let your dog defacate on my mouth"
"come on guys dont be shy give it a try talk to me"
"I am the police. If you do not stop I will shoot!"
"hello my name is mouth"
"come back!!!"
"come back!!!"
"please talk to me"
"let us be friends"
"i am from london"
"ich mochte ein stuck chocolade kucken"
"i am mouth, but you can call me god do you have a nice wife?"
"i'd like to converse but I'm having technical problems"
"hello there"
"I can't see you as the video stream isn't working, but wanted to
say hello anyway"
"I can't see you as the video stream isn't working, but wanted to
say hello anyway"
"I can't see you as the video stream isn't working, but wanted to
say hello anyway"
"Gr¸e von Whitby."
"Ein w¸tender B‰cker in den Hoffnungen Whitby haben Sie
einen guten Tag. "
"I love this, it's great"
"Dieses ist groe kunst
"Please stop"
"Please stop"
"Halten zee bitter"
"Hallo. bitter stoppen zee"
"Hallo. bitter stoppen zee"
"Hello little girl"
"Hello little girl"
"im Gespr‰ch
"Ich bin in der Liebe mit diesem St¸ck kunst.
"k¸ssen Sie mich k¸ssen mich bitte
"thank goodness, I can see it again"
"kiss me kiss me"
"cant hear anything"
"good morning!"
"Don't just stand there"
"good morning!"
"I say. You there. Don't stand there"
"Stand still"
"we can see you, but we can't hear you at the moment"
"so please can you wave to show that you have heard us?"
"hello, how are you"
"why don't you come in and have a look around?"
"sprechen Sie
"Traurig, kann Ihre Datenbanksuchroutine nicht, Felder anzuzeigen
Folglich kˆnnen Sie nicht diese Site zugreifen. Feedback-email
"Fuck you!"
"so please can you wave to show that you have heard us?"
"so please can you wave to show that you have heard us?"
"so please can you wave to show that you have heard us?"
"so please can you wave to show that you have heard us?"
"we can see you, but we can't hear you at the moment"
"Warum can\'t hˆre ich alles?
"Ich kippe erhalte kein duhduhduh, das, ich erhalte kein
duhduhduh-Zufriedenheits-duhduhduh wenn Im antreibend in mein Auto
"Ich habe Ihre Gestaltungsarbeit verbessert Besuch
"mind that pigeon!"
"Stop. Please. please stop."
"Stop. Please. Please Stop..Stop. Please. Please Stop."
"Stop. Please. Please Stop."
"Stop. Please. Please Stop."
"gorm er lam"
"gorm is lame as hell"
"Jo is tough as whisky"
"Gorm is on a highway to hell"
"hand me the keys, you cocksucker"
"gerade pr¸fend
"just a spoonful of technology helps the ideas go down the server
go down server go down"
"Arbeitet dieses?
"Hello there"
"Hello there. How are you today. It's a nice day but I think it might
rain later."
"Good afternoon"
"Hello. Good afternoon. Welcome to the British Council"
"Good afternoon"
"well hello ther"
"helklo hello hello"
"well hello ther"
"helolo there you on the bicycle"
"helolo there you on the bicycle"
"helloo there, hello hello hello"
"hello hello hello"
"hello hello hello"
"say hello tony"
"say happy birthday tony"
"Frohe you\'rer¸ckseite I\'m so!
"Arbeitet dieses jetzt?
"Hallo Deutsche!
"Ist es sehr kalt und dort regnend?
"Was sind Ihre Gef¸hle ¸ber englische Leute?
"Ich bin deutsch!
"Sprechen Sie Englisch?
"Was denken Sie an meinen deutschen Akzent?
"Ignorieren Sie mich nicht Hundeschwein!
"hallo, hallo, hallo, hallo, hallo, hallo, hallo, hallo, hallo, hallo,
hallo, hallo, hallo, hallo, hallo, hallo, hallo, hallo, hallo, hallo,
"hallo, Anschlag! Anschlag! Anschlag! zahlen Sie Aufmerksamkeit,
betrachten Sie mich, betrachten Sie mich!
"stoppen Sie, stoppen Sie! helfen Sie mir! Hilfe! Feuer! Feuer!
Mord! Raub! Hilfe! bitte!
"hallo, hallo, hallo, hallo!
"hallo, sprechen Anschlag, hallo, Anschlag, hallo, mit mir, sprechen
mit mir!!
"mˆchten Sie Geschlecht mit mir haben? GESCHLECHT! Ich liebe
"automatische ‹bersetzung
"Auf mich hˆren Sie morons!
"Tauben! hallo Tauben. Sie hˆren auf mich.
"Tauben! Beenden Sie den Taubestempel auf der Taube, Taube
"Tauben! Tauben! Tauben! Tauben! Tauben! Tauben!
"Tauben! Tauben! Tauben! Tauben! Tauben! Tauben! Tauben! Tauben!
Tauben! Tauben! Tauben! Tauben!
"Taubehund! Taubehund! Taubehund! Taubehund! Taubehund! Taubehund!
"Niemand hˆrt, niemand kommt.
"Liebedich Ich
"Anschlag! Wartezeit! Gespr‰ch zu mir! Anschlag! Wartezeit!
Gespr‰ch zu mir! Anschlag! Wartezeit! Gespr‰ch zu mir!
"Anschlag! Wartezeit! Anschlag! Wartezeit! Anschlag! Wartezeit!
Anschlag! Wartezeit!
"Anschlag! Wartezeit! Anschlag! Wartezeit! Anschlag! Wartezeit!
Anschlag! Wartezeit! Anschlag! Wartezeit! Anschlag! Wartezeit!
Anschlag! Wartezeit! Anschlag! Wartezeit! Anschlag! Wartezeit!
Anschlag! Wartezeit! Anschlag! Wartezeit! Anschlag! Wartezeit!
Anschlag! Wartezeit! Anschlag! Wartezeit! Anschlag! Wartezeit!
Anschlag! Wartezeit! Anschlag! Wartezeit!
"Sie stoppen! Sie stoppen! Sie stoppen!
"stoppen Sie Sie, stoppen Sie Sie, stoppen Sie Sie, stoppen Sie Sie,
stoppen Sie Sie, stoppen Sie Sie, stoppen Sie Sie, stoppen Sie Sie
"Dummkopf! Dummkopf! Dummkopf! Dummkopf! Dummkopf! Dummkopf!
"der Datentr‰ger mu lauter sein, Leute stoppen zu lassen!
"Stoppen Sie und sprechen Sie mit mir Sie Deutsche!
"hello there"
"what are you looking at?"
"r u deaf or something?"
"why don't you stop and have a chat with me?"
"why not look at me instead?"
"stop, stop right there"
"why don't you stop and have a chat with me?"
"stop right there!"
"what is your name?"
"what is your name?"
"what is your name?"
"Niemand spricht mit Ihnen, wenn Sie an ihnen auf englisch schreien.
"gooten taag"
"stop right there"
"it is raining here in London, what is it like where you are?"
"how can you just walk past and not say hello"
"I am talking to you live on the internet, please talk back to me,
I can see you but you can't see me"
"I am talking to you live on the internet, please talk back to me,
I can see you but you can't see me"
"Kˆnnen Sie nicht auf Deutsch sprechen?
"can you speak english?"
"would you like to practice your english with me?"
"who else is there now?"
"Ich bin englisch, mein Name bin bobble
"what is your name?"
"hackesher market is very nice place I think"
"hackesher market is very nice place I think"
"did you see that girl turn around and walk back"
"I didn't catch your name my name is mary"
"I didn't catch your name my name is mary"
"hey you two, what are your names?"
"Ist diese kunst ¸ber Sie oder ¸ber die Situation?
"what is your name again?"
"Ihr Name ist nicht Mary.
"I am mary from birmingham what about you?"
"Mein Name ist bobble.
"no, mary is my name!"
"stop! stop right there!!!"
"Warum mˆchten Sie meinen Namen irgendwie kennen?
"your name is bobel?"
"Nr., bobble.
"Ich glaube nicht an Sie, Mary. Ich denke, da Sie nicht existieren.
"so bobble, how can we get them to stop and talk to us?"
"do you come here often bobble?"
"Ich wei nicht. Drehen Sie den Datentr‰ger oben?
"they just keep on walking past, its very rude I think to ignore
people that are speaking to you"
"they just keep on walking past, its very rude I think to ignore
people that are speaking to you"
"they just keep on walking past, its very rude I think to ignore
people that are speaking to you"
"sig hile"
"Ich denke, da es sehr rude ist, an den Leuten auf englisch zu
"why won't you stop, I think I will punish you and bend you over
for a good spanking!"
"are you from germany?"
"I don't think you should say things like sig hile, I think its awful"
"The sound is coming through but the image is quite static now"
"Ich sagte nicht den.
"Englisches englisches Englisch. Immer englisch. Ich hasse Englisch.
"ha ha ha he he he its only me me me"
"stop right there"
"stop right now"
"stop stop stop stop"
"stop stop stop stop"
"hello children"
"goooten tag kinder"
"goooten taag kinder"
"that is very rude to bicycle on the pavement I think"
"hello you there with the grey hair!"
"hello you there with the grey hair!"
"stoppen Sie nach rechts dort
"I think you have something on your shoe"
"I think you have something on your shoe"
"oi you there"
"oi you there with the brown hair"
"oi you there with the b"
"oh please talk to me I am very lonely here"
"kein Platz
"oi you there in the jeans"
"oi you there in the jeans"
"are you waiting for a tram here?"
"are you waiting for a tram here?"
"how many people are here now! identify yourselves"
"stop right there right now"
"I am here, my name is mary"
"hello mary, who else is here?"
"Ich bin hier mein Name bin bobble.
"how do you know its one? sounds like more than one to me! who else
is here besides mary?"
"oh your name is bimbobble? what kind of name is that?"
"Ich bin hier mein Name bin bobble.
"hello hello hello"
"hello hello hello"
"stop, stop, stop"
"stop, stop, stop"
"hello from america"
"stop, stop, stop"
"hello hello hello"
"hello hello hello"
"hello hello hello"
"hello hello hello"
"who is here from america?"
"nice white dog?"
"hey you there"
"Hey, can anyone hear me?"
"Can you Speak English, I'm connected to this street from England"
"Hello from Australia"
"Wave at the Camera!!"
"Can anyone hear me? I'm in Australia."
"HELLO?? Gutten tag?"
"I can hear you Australia, I'm in England, no1 wants to speak to
"Hello friends."
"Hello? can anybody hear me?"
"hello people in berlin!"
"Hello, I'm the Spirit of Britain, is anybody there"
"Wave at the Camera!"
"all u people from berlin are faggots because no one ever stops and
"Hello? Guten tag?"
"the inconversation in brighton was the best one"
"i hate fucking germans"
"we should napalm the whole country"
"get your tits out, get your tits out, get your tits out for the
"gooten targ"
"your sister fucks pretty well"
"hello Germans"
"arbeitet dieses Stille?
"gosh, its very distorted suddenly, the sound"
"are yiou finding the sound distorted?"
"is this still working?"
"why does everything sound so jittery?"
"is that better now?"
"crackle crackle"
"crackle crackle"
"Hello, English people. I am in Kalamazoo, Michigan, USA, watching
you walking on your street"
"Hello, English people. I am in Kalamazoo, Michigan, USA, watching
you walking on your street"
"arbeitet dieses Stille?
"stop right there! you knwo you want to!"
"what are your names?"
"we can see you all"
"oi you there with the brown hair!"
"oi you there with the brown hair!"
"hello is there anybody out ther"
"auf wiedersien yah -the limit of my deutsch"
"hello is there anybody out ther"
"Someone, please stop and say hell to Liverppol"
"Halt Halt Down Down Down"
"Gooden nacht"
"stop stop stop stop stop stop stop hello stop stop stop stop stop
stop stop hello hello you say goodbye I say HELLO HELLO HHHEELLOO"
"stop stop stop stop stop stop stop hello stop stop stop stop stop
stop stop hello hello you say goodbye I say HELLO HELLO HHHEELLOO"
"Are all german people boring are all german people boring are all
german people boring ----interact interact interact are all german boring
people people are they please tell me I can hear you"
"Was denken Sie an die Projektion?
"Hallo, guter Abend.
"Ich kann Sie hˆren.
"Ich vermisse Sie.
"Ich vermisse seee
"Ich vermisse seee
"wohin gehen Sie?
"was tun Sie?
"wohin gehen seee?
"wohin gehen seee?
"sprechen Sie, ich kann Sie hˆren.
"sprechen Sie, ich kann seee hˆren
"sprechen Sie seeefreind, ich kann hoaren seee
"sprecken sehen, kannseee Ich hoaren
"Seee Sprecken, kann Ik hoaren
"Ist war Miete naamer?
"was ist Ihr Name?
"schreien Ihr Name bitte
"can you hear me?"
"do you speak english?"
"What is your name?"
"My name is Karen"
"Please speak louder"
"I can't hear you very well"
"hello there"
"we love the soles of your feet"
"I am lonely"
"have a ggod time"
"the street is so busy"
"stop kicking me"
"will you talk to me?"
"please tip toe"
"stop kicking me"
"tip toe through the tulips"
"tip toe through the tulips"
"stop it"
"in the garden by the moonlight"
"kick me again and I will scream"
"be gentle"
"can you see me"
"please see me"
"I am beneath your feet"
"mind your feet"
"mind your feet"
"mind your feet"
"mind your feet"
"mind your feet"
"mind your feet"
"mind your feet"
"mind your feet"
"please step somewhere else"
"am I in berlin?"
"please help me, am I in Berlin?"
"please help me, am I in Berlin?"
"please help me, am I in Berlin?"
"please help me, am I in Berlin?"
"please help me, am I in Berlin?"
"please help me, am I in Berlin?"
"please help me, am I in Berlin?"
"please help me, am I in Berlin?"
"please help me, am I in Berlin?"
"please help me, am I in Berlin?"
"please help me, am I in Berlin?"
"please help me, am I in Berlin?"
"please help me, am I in Berlin?"
"I think you are gorgeous"
"I think you are gorgeous"
"I think you are gorgeous"
"I think you are gorgeous"
"I think you are gorgeous"
"I think you are gorgeous"
"I think you are gorgeous"
"I think you are gorgeous"
"I think you are gorgeous"
"I think you are gorgeous"
"hey you...stop right now"
"whats your name?"
"are you confused? I'm confused...its ok to be confused!"
"don't be shy, please"
"hello there"
"sprechen zee english?"
"I am calling you from England Manchester"
"did you have a good time?"
"please speak to me"
"Was that an accident?"
"I can see you all from my home, please talk..."
"don't go away please, talk to me, I can see you and hear you all."
"Hello, please don't go away!!!"
"hello !"
"come on - say hello to me !"
"this is an official announcement. Stop what you are doing and speak
to me !"
"Hello - come and speak to me. I won't hurt you, you know !"
"This is an official announcement. Be ready to evacuate the area."
"Come and talk to the nice man in the wall"
"Schnell Schnell !"
"say hello to me !"
"hello - I'm here. This is an alien"
"This is a government announcement. Be prepared to evacuate the city.
We are coming under nuclear attack"
"Good morning there"
"Hello! Can you please stop and talk to me?"
"Hello!!! Stop it ther!!!"
"hello there hello hello"
"hello, please stop and talk to me"
"oh my god"
"who is the girl in the buggy?"
"is someone there?"
"oh my god"
"stop right there, I'm on to you"
"oh my god, its sunday in berlin"
"oh my god, its sunday in berlin"
"oh my god, its sunday "
"who is this other person online?"
"oooh did you see that man swinging his brolly, what a dandy he was!"
"oooh did you see that man swinging his brolly, what a dandy he was!"
"I'm going to kill you all, all of you, do you hear?!! HAHAHAH!"
"who are you you bad person"
"who are you you bad person"
"who is the naughty person saying scary things?"
"Fear my leet hacking skillz!"
"looks like it must be warm in berlin, warmer than London anyway"
"looks like it must be warm in berlin, warmer than London anyway"
"why won't people stop? why isn't this becoming a fun hangout, I
woudl have thought it would you know"
"Call the police, I'm under the pavement, I want to get out! Help!
Help!, Oh my god, please help me!"
"donkey dick"
"nice skateboard"
"ich komme"
"prok prok prok prok prok"
"suck suck suck suck suck"
"Hast oo ein Beefee?"
"get your tits out"
"sucky sucky ten dorrah"
"fucky sucky ten dorra"
"beefee beefee beefee beeeeee feeeee!"
"i like germans"
"Hello Berlin"
"sour crout"
"Hello Berlin"
"oi you yes you get your dick out"
"Hello Berlin"
"Sprechen Sie bitte mit mir"
"suck my dick"
"How do you feel about being watched by people all over the world?"
"nice tits"
"Wartezeit - ich mu alles ¸bersetzen"
"i like granny sex"
"i am watching you germans"
"hallo sprechen Sie bitte mit mir"
"finger my pussy oh yah"
"hallo sprechen Sie bitte mit mir"
"Acktung! Achtung!"
"Come inside for free beer"
"cheesy poofs"
"hallo sprechen Sie bitte mit mir"
"Come inside for free prostitutes"
"hallo sprechen Sie bitte mit mir"
"suck my balls hick"
"hello berlin hello hello"
"hello berlin hello hello"
"All your bases are belong to us"
"Jesus hates you, you're all going to die"
"hello berlin hello hello helo helo please speak with me"
"Hello mister pigeon"
"hello berlin hello hello hello hello please speak with me berlin
"Come inside for free beer and prostitutes"
"hello berlin hello hello hello hello please speak with me berlin
"My willy has come off"
"Do you want to see my boypussy ?"
"all you prok are belong to us."
"Careful of the road mister pigeon"
"hello berlin hello hello hello hello please speak with me berlin
"I am your skitzo voice. Kill everyone, kill them all, do you hear
me? Muahahah!"
"hello berlin hello hello hello hello please speak with me berlin
helphello berlin hello hello hello hello please speak with me berlin help"
"hello berlin hello hello hello hello please speak with me berlin
helphello berlin hello hello hello hello please speak with me berlin help"
"All your stoat are belong to us"
"kˆnnen Sie mich hˆren"
"Free beer here ! Free beer here ! Free beer here ! Free beer here
! Free beer here !"
"I OWN J00!"
"I OWN J00!"
"Free beer here ! Free beer here ! Free beer here ! Free beer here
! Free beer here !"
"kˆnnen Sie mich hˆren kˆnnen Sie mich hˆren
kˆnnen Sie mich hˆren kˆnnen Sie mich hˆren kˆnnen
Sie mich hˆren kˆnnen Sie mich hˆren kˆnnen Sie mich
hˆren kˆnnen Sie mich hˆren kˆnnen Sie mich hˆren
kˆnnen Sie mich hˆren kˆnnen Sie mich hˆren kˆnnen
Sie mich hˆren "
"kˆnnen Sie mich hˆren kˆnnen Sie mich hˆren
kˆnnen Sie mich hˆren kˆnnen Sie mich hˆren kˆnnen
Sie mich hˆren"
"Geschlecht ist gut f¸r Sie"
"Free beer here ! Free beer here ! Free beer here ! Free beer here
! Free beer here ! Free beer here ! Free beer here !"
"sucky sucky sucky sucky sucky sucky sucky sucky sucky sucky sucky
sucky sucky sucky sucky sucky sucky sucky "
"I'll suck you baby"
"donkeylash!! donkeylash!! donkeylash!! donkeylash!!"
"suck my chocolate salty balls!"
"who the fuck are you looking at, cunthooks? Half cooked gizzards
of an inside dog"
"who the fuck are you looking at, cunthooks? Half cooked gizzards
of an inside dog"
"are you in there fred, you scruffy fucking gippo?"
"fuck the bonus"
"Speak to me"
"Hello Berlin!"
"Who are you? What is your name?"
"I can see you"
"Who are you? What is your name? I can see you."
"Where are you all going?"
"greetings from california"
"guten abend"
"hallo whats going on"
"Pooh off big head"
"stop, wie f¸hlen sie sich heute"
"Who are you? What is your name?"
"Who are you? What is your name?"
"hello there - come and talk to me !"
"Hello what is your name?"
"Please insert money"
"Hello. Talk to me. What is your name?"
"look up into the camera !"
"hey - you down there on the street. Listen up and speak to me !"
"Hey you. Just stay right there and speak to me. I'm listening you
"Promise I won't hurt - just say something and wait for a response"
"Hello you down there - say hello to me !"
"What's your name then ?"
"You are talking to a computer in England. Say something to me and
I'll get right back to you"
"This is an alien speaking. Come and say hello to me now or I'll
kill you"
"I promise I won't hurt."
"Hey you - yes you on the street. Just say hello - there's a camera
pointing down at you. Look up and say hello"
"Hey you down there on the street. Stop what you are doing and say
hello to me !"
"Sprechensie Deutch ?"
"Anyone listening to me out there ?"
"give me the keys you cocksocker"
"how long can you wait?"
"hey there. yes you"
1:1In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. 1:2And the
earth was waste and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep:
and the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters 1:3And God said,
Let there be light: and there was light."
Practical principles are propositions which contain a general
determination of the will, having under it several practical rules.
They are subjective, or maxims, when the condition is regarded by
the subject a"
"guten tag"
"guten tag"
"How you Doin"
"How you Doin"
"hello from america"
"hello from where?"
"give me the fucking keys your cocksocker!give me the fucking keys
your cocksocker!give me the fucking keys your cocksocker!give me the fucking
keys your cocksocker!"
"that is you that you are talking about, loser"
"I said LOSER!"
"Please press the speak button once only when you have finished typing,
it will take a few seconds to queue your entry."
"Read my lips"
"Read my lips"
"Hey. You there. Stop scratching your arse and do something."
"susan@inhabited.net "
"Please stop."
"Hey. You there. Yes I mean you. Pack it in now."
"Stop please. Please stop"
"Watch my lips"
"Hey. You there. Stop scratching your arse and do something useful."
"Hey. You there. Stop scratching your arse and do something useful."
"Yes I meant you"
"Watch my lips"
"Stop right there"
"Watch my lips"
"Hello there"
"Don't do that"
"Read my lips"
"Hey. You there. Stop scratching your arse and do something useful."
"Hey. You there. Stop scratching your arse and do something useful."
"talk to me. please"
"Hey. You there. Stop scratching your backside and do something useful."
"hay fucker"
"Hey. You there. Stop scratching your backside and do something useful."
"bonjour "
"Watch out for the lips"
"Aren't you a little bit surprised to see me chatting away at you?"
"Don't you speak english. don't any of you speak fucking english.
I'm not Jewish. are you antisimetic? are you a nazi? "
"always look on the bright side of life. always look on the right
side of life. life seems quite absurd, and death's the final word."
"come on, I'm sitting here in England, will someone look at me"
"please don't ignore me. I am sitting eating my supper in england.
please wave at the camera. I'm quite attractive. do you fancy a kiss.
what are you waiting for. yum, so, you with the silly hair cut, want a
"please don't ignore me. I am sitting eating my supper in england.
please wave at the camera. I'm quite attractive. do you fancy a kiss.
what are you waiting for. yum, so, you with the silly hair cut, want a
"please don't ignore me. I am sitting eating my supper in england.
please wave at the camera. I'm quite attractive. do you fancy a kiss.
what are you waiting for. yum, so, you with the silly hair cut, want a
"hello berlin!"
"please don't ignore me. I am sitting eating my supper in england.
please wave at the camera. I'm quite attractive. do you fancy a kiss.
what are you waiting for. yum, so, you with the silly hair cut, want a
shag? so do you fancy prince william? do you lik"
" Are you people idiots... whableblatterrathattaty"
"do hol de kunst in vie fell growen shtunden, vo mick des vidlen
kunstplease don't ignore me. I am sitting eating my supper in england.
please wave at the camera. I'm quite attractive. do you fancy a kiss.
what are you waiting for. yum, so, you with the si"
"i am hitler sieg heil!!! sieg heil"
"la la la la lala la la la lala la la la lala la la la lala la la
la lala la la la lala la la la lala la la la lala la la la lala la la
la lala la la la lala la la la lala la la la lala la la la lala la la
la lala la la la lala la la la lala la la la lala "
"lllaaaaaaaaallaaaaaa lala lalalalaal laaaaalllaaaaaaaaaaaa llaalllaaaaa
lllaaaalllllaaaaaa la lla la lallallalalalalalalalal la lal la la la lal
al all lllaaaaaaaaallaaaaaa lala lalalalaal laaaaalllaaaaaaaaaaaa llaalllaaaaa
lllaaaalllllaaaaaa l"
"do not stop. please do not listen. just keep on walking please.
do not make a disorder here please. move on. there is nothing of interest
here.do not stop. please do not listen. just keep on walking please. do
not make a disorder here please. move on. the"
"Hiyeeeee! ;0)"
"hello there"
"I can see that mouth on the pavement"
"what is that car doing there?"
"why has that car stopped by the mouth?"
"who are you?"
"who are you "
"why won't you stop"
"Hey, Can anybody hear me? I need your help!!"
"Hey, Can somebody help me for awhile?"
"Hey, Can somebody help me for awhile?"
"Hey heyt Good looking, What you got cooking? How about cooking something
up with me!!"
"Hey, Can you lend me a dollar?"
"Hey you guys, where can I find a Hot Girl!!"
"Can you please help me? I have fallen and can't get up!!"
"Hey, Will you please help me? I am stuck in this box and can't get
"Hey, I need a drink, Where can I get a drink?"
"Where does Hitler live?"
"What do you think about the situation?"
"I have to go, Talk with you guys later!!"
"Move that bloody bike."
"Yes. I'm speaking to you"
"Get off your backside and move that motor bike"
"Quicker than that please"
"Clear off"
"Hello ! Is there anyone ?"
"Hello ! Is there anyone ?"
"Hey mam ! Could you hear me ?"
"Hey mam ! Could you hear me ?"
"Hello ! Is someone could hear me ?"
"hello Berlin ! I'm french, and I'm speaking to you from Internet.
Make a sign on the camera if you hear me, please !"
"hello Berlin ! I'm french, and I'm speaking to you from Internet.
Make a sign on the camera if you hear me, please !"
"hello Berlin ! I'm french, and I'm speaking to you from Internet.
Make a sign on the camera if you hear me, please !"
"hello Berlin ! I'm french, and I'm speaking to you from Internet.
Make a sign on the camera if you hear me, please !"
"hello Berlin ! I'm french, and I'm speaking to you from Internet.
Make a sign on the camera if you hear me, please !"
"hello Berlin ! I'm french, and I'm speaking to you from Internet.
Make a sign on the camera if you hear me, please !"
"hello Berlin ! I'm french, and I'm speaking to you from Internet.
Make a sign on the camera if you hear me, please !"
"hello Berlin ! I'm french, and I'm speaking to you from Internet.
Make a sign on the camera if you hear me, please !"
"hello Berlin ! I'm french, and I'm speaking to you from Internet.
Make a sign on the camera if you hear me, please !"
"hello Berlin ! I'm french, and I'm speaking to you from Internet.
Make a sign on the camera if you hear me, please !"
"Hello every body. There's a camera watching you ! Yes, here, over
your head. Can you see it ? If you do, make me a singn, I'm connected
from France ! Hello !"
"Hello every body. There's a camera watching you ! Yes, here, over
your head. Can you see it ? If you do, make me a singn, I'm connected
from France ! Hello !"
"Hello every body. There's a camera watching you ! Yes, here, over
your head. Can you see it ? If you do, make me a singn, I'm connected
from France ! Hello !"
"Hello Brelin ! Your visible from Internet and I'm looking for you
! Make a sign if you hear me please !"
"Hello Brelin ! Your visible from Internet and I'm looking for you
! Make a sign if you hear me please !"
"Hello Brelin ! Your visible from Internet and I'm looking for you
! Make a sign if you hear me please !"
"Hello Brelin ! Your visible from Internet and I'm looking for you
! Make a sign if you hear me please !"
"Hello Brelin ! Your visible from Internet and I'm looking for you
! Make a sign if you hear me please !"
"Hello Brelin ! Your visible from Internet and I'm looking for you
! Make a sign if you hear me please !"
"Hello Brelin ! Your visible from Internet and I'm looking for you
! Make a sign if you hear me please !"
"Hello Brelin ! Your visible from Internet and I'm looking for you
! Make a sign if you hear me please !"
"Hello Brelin ! Your visible from Internet and I'm looking for you
! Make a sign if you hear me please !"
"Hello Brelin ! Your visible from Internet and I'm looking for you
! Make a sign if you hear me please !"
"Hello Brelin ! Your visible from Internet and I'm looking for you
! Make a sign if you hear me please !"
"Hello Brelin ! Your visible from Internet and I'm looking for you
! Make a sign if you hear me please !"
"Ich Liebe dich Berlin !"
"Ich Liebe dich Berlin !"
"Ich Liebedich "
"Ich Liebedich "
"hello Berlin ! I can see you by Internet. I'm french, and I'm looking
for you. You can't see me, but please, if you hear me, make a sign on
the camera over your head. Thank You !"
"hello Berlin ! I can see you by Internet. I'm french, and I'm looking
for you. You can't see me, but please, if you hear me, make a sign on
the camera over your head. Thank You !"
"hello Berlin ! I can see you by Internet. I'm french, and I'm looking
for you. You can't see me, but please, if you hear me, make a sign on
the camera over your head. Thank You !"
"hello Berlin ! I can see you by Internet. I'm french, and I'm looking
for you. You can't see me, but please, if you hear me, make a sign on
the camera over your head. Thank You !"
"hello Berlin ! I can see you by Internet. I'm french, and I'm looking
for you. You can't see me, but please, if you hear me, make a sign on
the camera over your head. Thank You !"
"hello Berlin ! I can see you by Internet. I'm french, and I'm looking
for you. You can't see me, but please, if you hear me, make a sign on
the camera over your head. Thank You !"
"hello Berlin ! I can see you by Internet. I'm french, and I'm looking
for you. You can't see me, but please, if you hear me, make a sign on
the camera over your head. Thank You !"
"hello Berlin ! I can see you by Internet. I'm french, and I'm looking
for you. You can't see me, but please, if you hear me, make a sign on
the camera over your head. Thank You !"
"hello Berlin ! I can see you by Internet. I'm french, and I'm looking
for you. You can't see me, but please, if you hear me, make a sign on
the camera over your head. Thank You !"
"hello Berlin ! I can see you by Internet. I'm french, and I'm looking
for you. You can't see me, but please, if you hear me, make a sign on
the camera over your head. Thank You !"
"hello Berlin ! I can see you by Internet. I'm french, and I'm looking
for you. You can't see me, but please, if you hear me, make a sign on
the camera over your head. Thank You !"
"hello Berlin ! I can see you by Internet. I'm french, and I'm looking
for you. You can't see me, but please, if you hear me, make a sign on
the camera over your head. Thank You !"
"hello Berlin ! I can see you by Internet. I'm french, and I'm looking
for you. You can't see me, but please, if you hear me, make a sign on
the camera over your head. Thank You !"
"hello Berlin ! I can see you by Internet. I'm french, and I'm looking
for you. You can't see me, but please, if you hear me, make a sign on
the camera over your head. Thank You !"
"hello Berlin ! I can see you by Internet. I'm french, and I'm looking
for you. You can't see me, but please, if you hear me, make a sign on
the camera over your head. Thank You !"
"Hey you. Yes I mean you. Don't just stand there scratching your
backside. Do something"
"Nice red jumper"
"Stop just there"
"Nice weather for the time of year"
"Help me"
"Help me please"
"Stop just there and don't move"
"Get a grip"
"Biiter stoppen zee"
"Biiter stoppen zee"
"Bitter stoppen zee"
"Bitter stoppen zee"
"Hi ! I'm Cecile from France ! I'm speaking to you over Internet
! Can you hear me ? Make me a sign, please."
"perhaps every man is at heart a log-roller"
"in relation to each other men are like irregular verbs in different
languages; nearly all verbs are slightly irregular - kierkegaard"
"Men always talk about the most important things to perfect strangers.
In the perfect stranger we perceive man himself; the image of God is not
disguised by resemblances to an uncle or doubts about the wisdom of a
mustache - Chesterton"
"Hello, I'm FIF from France !"
"Hello, I'm FIF from France !"
"No place in England where everyone can go is considered respectable
- George Moore"
"No place in England where everyone can go is considered respectable
- George Moore"
"Stop in the name of Love"
"Stop please"
"Stupid cars!"
"You look nice!"
"haltet ihn!"
"you are so beautiful."
"you are so beautiful."
"stop you idiot"
"stop, please stop."
"please stop. it would be wonderful if you take some time to stop
right here. please stop."
"Alles fauler Zauber! Alles fauler Zauber! Alles fauler Zauber!"
"Stand still. Stand very still. Can't you hear the music"
"Stop please. please stop"
"Hey you. Yes I mean you. Get up off your ass and do something. Yes
"Hey you. Yes I mean you. Get up off your ass and do something. Yes
"Nice ass"
"Is there anyone there?"
"Und wo willst Du hin? Weshalb gehst Du zu Fu? Wieso tr‰gst
Du keine Handtasche? Ich wei nicht, wem ich diese Fragen stelle. Aber
wenn Du mir antwortest werde ich es wissen. Ich hˆre dich zuhause."
"Stop please. Please stop"
"Don't leave your bike there"
"Yes I mean you with the bike. Clear off"
"Clear off"
"Clear off"
"hello there"
"hello there"
"is that a bicycle I see before me?"
"is that a bicycle I see before me?"
"looks nice and sunny there in berlin"
"hello hello hello"
"hello, you there"
"hello, you there"
"can you hear me"
"can you hear me"
"can you hear me"
"can you hear me"
"stop and speak to me"
"stop and speak to me"
"stop and speak to me"
"stop and speak to me"
"stop and speak to me"
"stop and speak to me"
"hello, heloo, heellooo"
"hello how are you?"
"hello how are you?"
"hello how are you?"
"hello how are you?"
"hello how are you?"
"hello how are you?"
"do you speak English"
"do you speak English"
"excuse me, hello, hello"
"excuse me, hello, hello"
"excuse me, hello, hello"
"excuse me, hello, hello, hello, "
"excuse me, hello, hello, hello, please stop and speak to me. How
are you? hello - stop and talk"
"excuse me, hello, hello, hello, please stop and speak to me. How
are you? hello - stop and talk. Do you speak English? Come and speak to
me I'm over here. Hello there"
"excuse me, hello, hello, hello, please stop and speak to me. How
are you? hello - stop and talk. Do you speak English? Come and speak to
me I'm over here. Hello there"
"excuse me, hello, hello, hello, please stop and speak to me. How
are you? hello - stop and talk. Do you speak English? Come and speak to
me I'm over here. Hello there. Do you hear me? I am in England speaking
to you right now. Please talk to me"
"excuse me, hello, hello, please stop and speak to me. How are you?
hello - stop and talk. Do you speak English? Come and speak to me I'm
over here. Hello there. Do you hear me? I am in England speaking to you
right now. Please talk to me. Do you speak English? Stop and talk. Its
a very nice day there. Stop and talk. Do you speak English?"
"excuse me, hello, hello, please stop and speak to me. How are you?
hello - stop and talk. Do you speak English? Come and speak to me I'm
over here. Hello there. Do you hear me? I am in England speaking to you
right now. Please talk to me. Do you speak English? Stop and talk. Its
a very nice day there. Stop and talk. Do you speak English?"
"excuse me, hello, hello, please stop and speak to me. How are you?
hello - stop and talk. Do you speak English? Come and speak to me I'm
over here. Hello there. Do you hear me? I am in England speaking to you
right now. Please talk to me. Do you speak English? Stop and talk. Its
a very nice day there. Stop and talk. Do you speak English?"
"excuse me, hello, hello, please stop and speak to me. How are you?
hello - stop and talk. Do you speak English? Come and speak to me I'm
over here. Hello there. Do you hear me? I am in England speaking to you
right now. Please talk to me. Do you speak English? Stop and talk. Its
a very nice day there. Stop and talk. Do you speak English?"
"excuse me, hello, hello, please stop and speak to me. How are you?
hello - stop and talk. Do you speak English? Come and speak to me I'm
over here. Hello there. Do you hear me? I am in England speaking to you
right now. Please talk to me. Do you speak English? Stop and talk. Its
a very nice day there. Stop and talk. Do you speak English?"
"excuse me, hello, hello, please stop and speak to me. How are you?
hello - stop and talk. Do you speak English? Come and speak to me I'm
over here. Hello there. Do you hear me? I am in England speaking to you
right now. Please talk to me. Do you speak English? Stop and talk. Its
a very nice day there. Stop and talk. Do you speak English?"
"excuse me, hello, hello, please stop and speak to me. How are you?
hello - stop and talk. Do you speak English? Come and speak to me I'm
over here. Hello there. Do you hear me? I am in England speaking to you
right now. Please talk to me. Do you speak English? Stop and talk. Its
a very nice day there. Stop and talk. Do you speak English?"
"excuse me, hello, hello, please stop and speak to me. How are you?
hello - stop and talk. Do you speak English? Come and speak to me I'm
over here. Hello there. Do you hear me? I am in England speaking to you
right now. Please talk to me. Do you speak English? Stop and talk. Its
a very nice day there. Stop and talk. Do you speak English?"
"excuse me, hello, hello, please stop and speak to me. How are you?
hello - stop and talk. Do you speak English? Come and speak to me I'm
over here. Hello there. Do you hear me? I am in England speaking to you
right now. Please talk to me. Do you speak English? Stop and talk. Its
a very nice day there. Stop and talk. Do you speak English?"
"who are all the pies"
"who ate all the pies"
"Would sir like some lard with that"
"Hello Berlin"
"Hello, can you hear me germans?"
"Deiner Mutter ist ein gross hund"
"Hello Berlin ! It's time to go back home ? Your daywork is finishÖ
You can eat your soup and go to bed !"
"Hello Berlin ! Is someone can hear me speaking over internet. You
can speak to me too !"
"hallo Leute der Deutschland.. Gr¸e vom Kˆnig von England.
"hello, how are you? Stop and speak to me"
"hello, how are you? Stop and speak to me"
"hello, how are you? Stop and speak to me"
"hello, do you speak English"
"hello, do you speak English"
"hello, do you speak English? Stop and speak to me"
"hello, I am Nadia"
"hello, I am Nadia"
"Wolfgang, are you there?"
"My name is Nardia"
"My name is Nardia"
"there is a delay in our comunication"
"Stand by the mouth so I can see you please"
"How are you all?"
"How are you?"
"where are you going? Don't go Wolfgang"
"Hello , do you speak English? Stop and speak to me"
"Hello , do you speak English? Stop and speak to me"
"Hello , do you speak English? Stop and speak to me"
"Hello , do you speak English? Stop and speak to me"
"Hello , do you speak English? Stop and speak to me. I am in London"
"Hello there"
"Hello , do you speak English? Stop and speak to me. I am in London"
"Hello , do you speak English? Stop and speak to me. I am in London"
"Hello , do you speak English? Stop and speak to me. I am in London.
Where are you going? You can speak to me if you want."
"Hello , do you speak English? Stop and speak to me. I am in London.
Where are you going? You can speak to me if you want."
"How is Berlin this evening"
"Hello , do you speak English? Stop and speak to me. I am in London.
Where are you going? You can speak to me if you want."
"Hello , do you speak English? Stop and speak to me. I am in London.
Where are you going? You can speak to me if you want."
"Hello , do you speak English? Stop and speak to me. I am in London.
Where are you going? You can speak to me if you want."
"Hello , do you speak English? Stop and speak to me. I am in London.
Where are you going? You can speak to me if you want."
"Hello , my name is Nardia"
"there is a long delay in communicating"
"hello, do you speak English?"
"hello, do you speak English?"
"hello, do you speak English?"
"hello, do you speak English?"
"hello, don't go."
"hello, please wait"
"hello, please wait"
"do you speak english"
"do you speak english"
"hello, don't go, do you speak english? There is a delay, please
wait. Lets talk. What is your name. please wait for my reply"
"hello, don't go, do you speak english? There is a delay, please
wait. Lets talk. What is your name. please wait for my reply"
"hello out there, talk to me"
"hello out there, talk to me! hello out there, talk to me! hello
out there, talk to me! hello out there, talk to me! hello out there, talk
to me! hello out there, talk to me! hello out there, talk to me! hello
out there, talk to me! hello out there, talk to me! hello out there, talk
to me! hello out there, talk to me! hello out there, talk to me! hello
out there, talk to me! hello out there, talk to me! hello out there, talk
to me! "
"what is your name?"
"good evening"
"good evening"
"how are you"
"how are you?"
"this is very slow"
"this is very slow"
"hey noisy"
"english only please"
"can i have a beer please"
"i am very thirsty"
"Late resounds what is sounded early - Goethe"
"Progress celbrates Phyrric victories over nature - Kraus"
"Jenes Madchen Kann schon singen"
"oh the traffic here drives me crazy"
"hello people"
"Anything goes ?"
"gutten abend meine dammen und herren"
"Anything goes ?"
"don't tread on me please"
"it's a long long way to Tipperary but my heart's right there"
"if all the world were paper and all the seas were ink, and all the
trees were bread and cheese, what would we have to drink?"
"if all the world were paper and all the seas were ink, and all the
trees were bread and cheese, what would we have to drink?"
"if all the world were paper and all the seas were ink, and all the
trees were bread and cheese, what would we have to drink?"
"if all the world were paper and all the seas were ink, and all the
trees were bread and cheese, what would we have to drink?"
"bee bopa lula she's my baby"
"it's a long long way to Tipperary but my heart's right there"
"it's a long long way to Tipperary but my heart's right there"
"ha ha ha ha ha ha ha"
"ha ha ha, he he he little brown jug, don't I love thee?"
"ha ha ha, he he he little brown jug, don't I love thee?"
"speak to me only with thine eyes"
"speak to me only with thine eyes"
"speak to me only with thine eyes"
"Late resounds what is sounded early - Goethe"
"today I went to my dance class - it was good even though I messed
up one of the sequences"
"well please say something to me!"
"life's a gas"
"Hello James. Hello Hazel. Hello Fiona"
"Hi I'm Lollipop"
"Hello Berlin"
"go "
"You have no chance to survive. Make your time."
"I am Hal"
"Hello ... is anyone there "
"How are you?"
"Hummm, you are small"
"ruck my pussy please"
"You fat sausage eating bastards"
"I hope everyone had a good night tonight"
"slip it in me now"
"can you hear me"
"http://suburban-vandalism.co.uk for president. WuGGA WUGGA WUGGA
do it now!"
"Testing 1 2 3 "
"Hello people"
"critics say go to hell, i say yeah, stupid mother fucker, im already
"Hello out there"
"hello berlin"
"i am fat"
"hello berlin ich brauche deinen hilfe."
"bla bla bla"
"proper handsome geezer @ www.pinktuxedo.com Roll up and see the
ultimate stud (and his double fit sister) by the lopez"
"daves not here maaaan!"
"http://suburban-vandalism.co.uk free toke on a danish shlong UH
"yo! do any of you german wiener suckers know that saddam is a phuckin
"this goes out to all yall dealers and shit smoking crack on the
street next to the speaker. FUCK Yuh ALL yu fuckin PUMA TRACKI FUCKERS!!!
"I need some www.weed maaan"
"and some shit hot german hardcore"
"and one who says hard core techno and gabba techno is dead FUCK
"take a verbal dump on the suburban vandalism message board and point
those browsers to http://suburban-vandalism.co.uk sorry theres no pics
up yet but i got no camera. FUCK YALL Im out"
"Unfortunately due to network errors the live streaming sucks"
"Gooten morgen"
"Gooten Morgen"
"Gooten Morgen"
"Stop. Please stop"
"Hello from england"
"Do you speak English"
"Do you speak English"
"Hello from England. Do you speak English?"
"Hello from England. Do you speak English?"
"Hello from England. Do you speak English?"
"Hello from England. Will you talk to me?"
"Can you hear me?"
"Hey! Can you hear me?"
"Hey? Hey?"
"Gooten targ"
"Hey! I think you dropped something."
"Hello Berlin"
"ich haben einer claustrophier alas klaua"
"was is das"
"einer keiner nachmitag "
"du bist einer bleisteif"
"du bist einer bleisteif"
"nachmitag der zimmer der zimmeer is das"
"haben zi das mousteif"
"hello will you speak to me"
"hello will you speak to me"
"Greetings From glasgow"
"speak to me please"
"woo hoo"
"talk to me please"
"stop right now, thank you very much , i need somebody with a human
"Hey you. Stop there"
"Hey you. stop there please"
"Hey you. stop there please"
"Nice pony tails"
"Hello there"
"hello hello"
"anybody speak englis-h"
"anybody speak english"
"can you hear me"
"Icant hear you"
"speak louder"
"any body there"
"handihok handihok"
"i must apologise for my country's conduct during the war"
"somebody speak to me"
"What are you doing"
"ra ra rasputin, russia's greatest love machine"
"Where are you"
"stop you lovely german people! for I am an english lord, and I wish
to marry"
"Help me"
"give us a kiss"
"somebody speak to me"
"help me help me help me help me help me"
"Am i invisible"
"Hello there"
"when all of your wishes are granted, many of your dreams will be
"Hi there stop and speak to me "
"You there stop where are you going stop please"
"Who are you"
"Where are you going"
"Do you speak english"
"Please stop"
"Can you speak to me"
"Can you speak to me"
"Hi there"
"Talk to me please"
"I am english"
"hello is anybody there"
"Oi! Germans!"
"Your trousers are riding up into the crack of your brain"
"Ihre Hose reitet oben in den Sprung Ihres Gehirns.
"Wie ist Ihre Eiscreme Dame?
"yo german gabba techno crew underground hardcore junglist massive
take a toke on de skunk bifter and white one out yall crew"
"sea gea eyes suck big time, activer server pages lead the way you
know that"
"Hello from England"
"hitler has only got one ball, the other is in the albert hall, his
mother, the dirty bugger, she cut it off when he was small, she threw
it, into an apple tree, it landed in the deep blue sea, the fishes, got
out their dishes, and had scollops and bollocks for tea, YEAH YEAH UH"
"My name is Cheryl"
"Hey, I think you dropped something."
"Hey, I think you dropped something."
"Who farted?"
"ruck my pussy please"
"I can see...its a miracle"
"der Himmel ist blau und der Hund ist krank"
"hello sexy legs"
"hello out there. please stop and talk to me"
"hello out there. please stop and talk to me"
"hello out there. please stop and talk to me"
"who are you?"
"yes, you, with the black and white bag and the long blond hair!"
"yes, you, with the black and white bag and the long blond hair!
you should not smoke!"
"hello there, hello hello"
"it looks very nice and warm and sunny in Berlin"
"it looks very nice and warm and sunny in Berlin"
"it looks very nice and warm and sunny in Berlin"
"hello 2 u 2"
"who else is there?"
"schumacher has lost his edge, hasn't he?"
"ha ha ha he he he its only me me me"
"don't come to the UK, we have foot and mouth disease over here"
"my mouth hurts"
"abbrechen abbrechen wave to me"
"i can see you i can see you i can see you wave wave wave please
i can see you"
"i can see you i can see you i can see you wave wave wave please
i can see you"
"good afternoon everyone in germany. Say hello to Chris."
"good afternoon everyone in germany. Say hello to Chris."
"Talk to me German people. This is the voice of Rob. Stop what you
are doing and wave to me. Thank you."
"Talk to me German people. This is the voice of Rob. Stop what you
are doing and wave to me. Thank you."
"stop hello say hello old lady"
"bow wow yippy yo yippy yay. Where my dogs at, yo yippie yaya. Who
is the mumma over there, not you, look behind you. I am the voice from
the camera. You are being watched."
"hello, wave to me, lady"
"Whereas in Ibiza tunes have three months to make their mark on clubbers,
tunes in Miami have just a week. Because there has been no Spiller or
Stardust this year no one really seems to be prepared to pick any one
tune as a standout track. Having said that there were many magical moments
to be had dancing to tunes featured in the list below, tunes you can expect
to be hearing more of in the coming months. "
"The first design decision taken in the coding of the Slot Sketcher
was how to store the sketch, both while the program was running and while
it was closed. Two options were considered for the dynamic storage of
the garden: An Array and a Vector. Both structures were programmed in
a very early version of the Sketcher program and testing was carried out
to determine which would be a more suitable structure. It was decided
that while Vectors were resizable, they added an unnecessary level of
complexity to the program, and were also likely to negatively affect the
running time of the algorithms for removing, loading and saving sketches.
Although Arrays were harder to use, they could increase speed and were
less complex, so the vector option was discarded. The permanent storage
of the sketch is a file named customername.sketch.slot. It contains the
sketch dimensions as its first line, and then on every subsequent line
3 colon separated fields representing the garden object, and its x and
y coordinates within the sketch"
"hello did you enjoy my essay?"
"can you hear me? you two girls over there, can you hear me?"
"hello monsieur pattel"
"hello ?"
"who are you?"
"excuse me"
"excuse me, could you please talk to me ?"
"excuse me, could you please help me pleeeease!"
"you with the bikes!"
"Hello? Do you speak english?"
"Hello, My name is Cheryl, can you hear me?"
"Hey! I think you just dropped something."
"Will you talk to me please?"
"Will you talk to me please?"
"Will you talk to me please?"
"My name is Cheryl, I am from England. Will you talk to me please?"
"My name is Cheryl, I am from England. Will you talk to me please?"
"My name is Cheryl, I am from England. Will you talk to me please?"
"Hey! Will you stop for a minute?"
"My name is Cheryl, I am from England. Will you talk to me please?"
"My name is Cheryl, I am from England. Will you talk to me please?"
"Do you speak English. I do not speak German, sorry."
"The sun is in my eyes."
"guten tag"
"That's it . Just walk past me . I don't care."
"Hello, will you talk to me please"
"Hello, will you talk to me? My name is Cheryl."
"Hello, my name is Cheryl. I have come all the way from England to
talk to you."
"Hello, my name is Cheryl. What is your name?"
"hey you"
"Will you talk to me?"
"hey you"
"hey you yes you look here"
"hello there"
"hello will you talk to me"
"hello my name is jane will you just stop for a while and speak with
"hey you stop for a minute and talk to me"
"du kannst mir auf den bukkel steigen"
"hey you with the guitar"
"yes you"
"say hello will you"
"look up to your left"
"Hello, my name is Cheryl. I am from England. Will you talk to me
"hello hello hello hello hello hello hello hello hello hello hello
hello hello hello hello hello hello"
"Hello, my name is Cheryl. I am from England. Will you talk to me
"hello cheryl"
"You see these lips? Will you please bend down and kiss them?"
"i already have kissed them"
"Thank you for saying hello. What is your name?"
"hey no problem mark here from the u k"
"Where do you live? Do you come here often?"
"all the time but gotta go for a while seeya later"
"Hello Mark. Do these people ever stop and talk to you?"
"Hey! I am very nice. Will you talk to me? I can see you."
"My name is Cheryl. Will you stop for a minute and talk to me?"
"My name is Cheryl. Will you stop for a minute and talk to me?"
"Hello. Gutten Tag. I am a voice on the wall"
"Can anyone hear me "
"Hey you there, Yes you . What time is it ."
"can anyone hear me"
"is anyone there"
"hey you come here"
"i am watching you will you please stay and have a little time to
speak with me"
"hello there"
"am I going to have to have a conversation with myself."
"please stay to talk to me"
"i want to talk to someone "
"What is my name"
"hello, I'm CÈcile from France"
"if you stay here i can talk with you please"
"then we can talk to each other i would lik that"
"Hello I am Andy from England"
"Don't you heard me ? I'm speaking from France"
"i can see you through the camera"
"Cool. But, it's not so fine to chat in a Berlin's streetÖ"
"hey come and talk to me i am from the isle of man i want to talk
to you please stay"
"if you stay there you can talk to me ask me anything"
"There's people there. hello Guys ! Who are You !"
"go on ask me anything you like i will answer you please"
"Our name is Legion, for we are many"
"please talk to us we are your friends"
"hello out there come and speak to us "
"we just want to talk"
"Strange conversation, don't you think? Trying to speack to avatars
and shadows"
"stay by my lips and i will speak to you i can see you as well"
"hello come back and stay a while"
"Can somebody put a light on. its so dark"
"i can see you standing there by the side"
"Not so greatÖ But who are you, you ? Can you hear me to ? I'm
Cecil from france. How are you ?"
"i can see you looking at me please stay"
"No actually I'm speaking from england"
"hello where are you going tonight would you like to stay and talk
for a while"
"But I dont think you care either way"
"is the weather nice over there toinight it looks quite nice"
"Hey Bob ! I'm not on the camera, i'm speaking to you over Internett
"Thats it , Walk on by ."
"please stay and talk to me i am from england "
"Sometimes I think I'm talking to myself"
"please stay and talk it takes a while for the computer to talk to
you so you have to stay a while i am on my computer in england but i can
see you "
"would you like to talk to me i would like to talk to you somebody
please stay and talk its not a joke i can see you and talk to you from
the little camera over there "
"Can anyone spare some change for a cup of tea"
"your not alone.I'm here too. Where are you from in england ?"
"hey you lot please stay and talk to me hi there can you speak english
"Big issue sir ."
"the isle of man how are you"
"I'm from sheffield"
"are you from england as well"
"I'm from Marseille, in france"
"No one seems to want to talk"
"nice one sheffield is cool yes i am from england too nice to meet
"Poeple here is not very funÖ They deosn't stop and talk"
"Where abouts are you from"
"we can just talk to each other cant we then they might join in"
"bow to my greatness"
"the isle of man near ireland"
"hy ! I don't know how many poeple. the conversation is a little
beat strange"
"please stay a while and talk to us we are trying to talk to you
"attention, actung . please speak to us "
"please stay and talk to me i am lonley"
"Scuse me, but could you repeat your name ?"
"Excuse me , have you got a light"
"Let it fall. they are drunky greman, full of bearÖ"
"Thats it . have a good laugh ."
"can you speak to me i am you friend can you speak english"
"guten tag"
"hello english man. Do you still there ? "
"please speak to me i know you can here me please stay and talk to
"hi jane from the isle of man"
"Yes I'm here"
"jane is my sister and my friend"
"Bye Bye, I'm leaving the place ! Good luck to every body !"
"Are there three of us talking"
"please stay and talk to us come on be a pal stay and talk to me
i am lonely and you can make me happy as well "
"Hello are you there"
"oops i have just farted"
"oops i have just farted"
"i think i have an itchy ring piece could someone please scratch
"oops i have just farted"
"Hello down there , sprachen see english"
"Hello from England, would you talk to me."
"What is your name?"
"Wow it seems so dark here"
"My name is Cheryl."
"Hello. Please stop and talk to me. "
"Please, kiss me."
"Hello. I am from Brighton. Where are you?"
"Taxi. Taxi"
"Taxi, can you take me to covent garden"
"Do you come here often?"
"You sweet talker you"
"You can come round to my house. I will cook you dinner. Help! Help!
I am stuck in the pavement!"
"Hello big boy, where 's the action"
"Hello down there. I am an electronic wasp."
"Help! Help! Can someone help me? I am stuck in a hole in the pavement
and I can't get out."
"Hey Mister German dude, I think you just dropped something."
"Can you turn the noise down . I'm trying to sleep down here"
"If another one of you steps on me, I am going to climb out and punch
your lights out."
" hey "
"at last"
"People abound here have no respect. All I want to do is go to sleep."
"Excuse me . Is this your money."
"Is this what?"
"Actung, shnell .I think we are alone"
"hello down there"
"Hey! Citizens of Berlin, can you hear me? Do you speak English?
Please stop and talk to me."
"If you do not talk to me I will cry. I came here to spread love
around the world, and build a better realtionship between us."
"is there anybody there. one knock for yes . two knocks for no"
"Boo hoo. Boo hoo. Boo hoo. boo hoo."
"Cool for cats"
"Any english speakers?"
"Any english sp"
"I think we are talking to ourselves up here"
"What is your name? My name is Chair all. I live in england. These
germans are very rude."
"I am god"
"actung scnell . de englanders wish to speak mit you"
"hey, pay attention to me!!!"
"who is a dog"
"We are the aliens. We have come to take over the world. Some of
you will call us the Gods. We want to kill your children."
"All your base are belong to us!"
"whistle to us your earth music"
"Do you have any children?"
"Make your peace"
"Can you dance?"
"This realplayer feed from Berlin will be 'live' streaming from Hackescher
Markt, Berlin from 9.30pm ( 21:30 Berlin time) on Tuesday 24th April 2001
"What is your poisen. Do you know Jack Daniels? Are you drunk? Please
fall over so I can laugh at you."
"Hello cars. Hello buses."
"hello jesus"
"Good bye from Chair all in England."
"A cloud is like a teapot. It is one of natures laws. for have you
ever heard the phrase, it never rains it pours"
"somebody talk to me please, i am a robot and I am stuck, somebody
help me!"
"Does anyone know of a good dentist in town"
"hello there loook @ me"
"hello gorge us"
"bow wow wow yippy yo yippy yay shut up and listen, this is Rob,
here me roar....ROAR"
"Oi U lot look over here, come and talk to me"
"bow wow wow yippy yo yippy yay shut up and listen, this is Rob,
here me roar....ROAR"
"Oi U lot look over here, come and talk to me"
"hey you with the bike, wave at the camera"
"hello gorge us talk me some pavement gutter talk"
"Oi U lot look over here, come and talk to me"
"I s It cool to swear? or what"
"feed me, I'm a massive pair of pavement lips and I need food...help
"I s It cool to swear? or what"
"does any one no what time it is"
"I s It cool to swear? or what"
"stop stop stop stop stop stop help me help me help me help me "
"I've gotta say it, shit and Piss"
"Be bop a lo la. she's my baby. Be bop a loo la and I don't mean
"baggy gash"
"stop help me, shit man, i'm stuck, %00 quid to anyone that gets
me out, help heeeeelp"
"go on lads slip it in me mouth u no u wanna"
"does anyone feel ze need to apologise for their nation's conduct
during ze war?"
"apologise, now!"
"Hey is that a foot in your shoe or are you just pleased to walk
on me ."
"This realplayer feed from Berlin will be 'live' streaming from Hackescher
Markt, Berlin from 9.30pm ( 21:30 Berlin time) on Tuesday 24th April 2001
"The Millions Of Room"
"You put your left leg in. you put your left leg out . you do the
oh key coke ee and you turn it all about"
"The projection on the street is only active (visible) from dusk
to dawn, however the speak option and this videostreaming will remain
active 24 hours daily until May 14th 2001."
"did it kick of here yesterday for may 1st? i couldt see as i'm a
tad 2 dimensional, shit this is bad, can somebody go and get me a drink
as well thirsty"
"If Im going to speak to myself at least make it interesting"
"We live in a world of pee adn soft poo"
"somebody stop and talk to me"
"stop and talk"
"has any 1 got a light?"
"I am the mouth from britains foot and mouth disease"
"its actually a bit rubbish here isnt it, absolutly nothin goin on"
"Wait until the pubs come out"
"bombs over ibiza"
"check the new Ae album out, its called confeild and its very nice"
"Feck I need a fecking drink"
"eat me eat me eat me eat me eat me eat me eat meeat me eat me eat
me eat me eat me eat me eat meeat me eat me eat me eat me eat me eat me
eat meeat me eat me eat me eat me eat me eat me eat me"
"eat me eat me eat me eat me eat me eat me eat meeat me eat me eat
me eat me eat me eat me eat meeat me eat me eat me eat me eat me eat me
eat meeat me eat me eat me eat me eat me eat me eeat me eat me eat me
eat me eat me eat me eat meeat me eat me eat me eat me eat me eat me eat
meeat me eat me eat me eat me eat me eat me eat meeat me eat me eat me
eat me eat me eat me eeat me eat me eat me eat me eat me eat me eat meeat
me eat me eat me eat me eat me eat me eat meeat me eat me eat me eat me
eat me eat me eat meeat me eat me eat me eat me eat me eat me eat meat
me eat me eat me eat me eat me eat me eat meeat me eat me eat me eat me
eat me eat me eat meeat me eat me eat me eat me eat me eat me eat meeat
me eat me eat me eat me eat me eat me eat meat me eat me eat me eat me
eat me eat me eat meeat me eat me eat me eat me eat me eat me eat meeat
me eat me eat me eat me eat me eat me eat meeat me eat me eat me eat me
eat me eat me eat meeeat meat me"
"eat me eat me eat me eat me eat me eat me eat meeat me eat me eat
me eat me eat me eat me eat meeat me eat me eat me eat me eat me eat me
eat meeat me eat me eat me eat me eat me eat me eeat me eat me eat me
eat me eat me eat me eat meeat me eat me eat me eat me eat me eat me eat
meeat me eat me eat me eat me eat me eat me eat meeat me eat me eat me
eat me eat me eat me eeat me eat me eat me eat me eat me eat me eat meeat
me eat me eat me eat me eat me eat me eat meeat me eat me eat me eat me
eat me eat me eat meeat me eat me eat me eat me eat me eat me eat meat
me eat me eat me eat me eat me eat me eat meeat me eat me eat me eat me
eat me eat me eat meeat me eat me eat me eat me eat me eat me eat meeat
me eat me eat me eat me eat me eat me eat meat me eat me eat me eat me
eat me eat me eat meeat me eat me eat me eat me eat me eat me eat meeat
me eat me eat me eat me eat me eat me eat meeat me eat me eat me eat me
eat me eat me eat meeeat meat me"
"eat me eat me eat me eat me eat me eat me eat meeat me eat me eat
me eat me eat me eat me eat meeat me eat me eat me eat me eat me eat me
eat meeat me eat me eat me eat me eat me eat me eeat me eat me eat me
eat me eat me eat me eat meeat me eat me eat me eat me eat me eat me eat
meeat me eat me eat me eat me eat me eat me eat meeat me eat me eat me
eat me eat me eat me eeat me eat me eat me eat me eat me eat me eat meeat
me eat me eat me eat me eat me eat me eat meeat me eat me eat me eat me
eat me eat me eat meeat me eat me eat me eat me eat me eat me eat meat
me eat me eat me eat me eat me eat me eat meeat me eat me eat me eat me
eat me eat me eat meeat me eat me eat me eat me eat me eat me eat meeat
me eat me eat me eat me eat me eat me eat meat me eat me eat me eat me
eat me eat me eat meeat me eat me eat me eat me eat me eat me eat meeat
me eat me eat me eat me eat me eat me eat meeat me eat me eat me eat me
eat me eat me eat meeeat meat me"
"Is your Dad a baker?.............cos you've got the nicest baps
I've ever seen!"
"eat me eat me eat me eat me eat me eat me eat meeat me eat me eat
me eat me eat me eat me eat meeat me eat me eat me eat me eat me eat me
eat meeat me eat me eat me eat me eat me eat me eat me"
"meeat mlah meeeattttermeeeat mlah meeeattttermeeeat mlah meeeattttermeeeat
mlah meeeattttermeeeat mlah meeeattttermeeeat mlah meeeattttermeeeat mlah
meeeattttermeeeat mlah meeeattttermeeeat"
"Mlleeeeep mleeeep mllleeepppp, blahhhhhh Mlleeeeep mleeeep mllleeepppp,
blahhhhhh Mlleeeeep mleeeep mllleeepppp, blahhhhhh Mlleeeeep mleeeep mllleeepppp,
blahhhhhh Mlleeeeep mleeeep mllleeepppp, blahhhhhh Mlleeeeep mleeeep mllleeepppp,
blahhhhhh Mlleeeeep mleeeep mllleeepppp, blahhhhhh Mlleeeeep mleeeep mllleeepppp,
blahhhhhh Mlleeeeep mleeeep mllleeepppp, blahhhhhh Mlleeeeep mleeeep mllleeepppp,
blahhhhhh Mlleeeeep mleeeep mllleeepppp, blahhhhhh Mlleeeeep mleeeep mllleeepppp,
blahhhhhh Mlleeeeep mleeeep mllleeepppp, blahhhhhh Mlleeeeep mleeeep mllleeepppp,
blahhhhhhMlleeeeep mleeeep mllleeepppp, blahhhhhh Mlleeeeep mleeeep mllleeepppp,
blahhhhhh Mlleeeeep mleeeep mllleeepppp, blahhhhhh Mlleeeeep mleeeep mllleeepppp,
blahhhhhh Mlleeeeep mleeeep mllleeepppp, blahhhhhh Mlleeeeep mleeeep mllleeepppp,
blahhhhhh Mlleeeeep mleeeep mllleeepppp, blahhhhhh Mlleeeeep mleeeep mllleeepppp,
blahhhhhh Mlleeeeep mleeeep mllleeepppp, blahhhhhh Mlleeeeep mleeeep mllleeepppp,
blahhhhhh Mlleeeeep mleeeep mllleeepppp, blahhhhhh Mlleeeeep mleeeep mllleeepppp,
blahhhhhh Mlleeeeep mleeeep mllleeepppp, blahhhhhh Mlleeeeep mleeeep mllleeepppp,
blahhhhhh Mlleeeeep mleeeep mllleeepppp, blahhhhhh Mlleeeeep mleeeep mllleeepppp,
blahhhhhh Mlleeeeep mleeeep mllleeepppp, blahhhhhh v Mlleeeeep mleeeep
mllleeepppp, blahhhhhh Mlleeeeep mleeeep mllleeepppp, blahhhhhh Mlleeeeep
mleeeep mllleeepppp, blahhhhhh v v Mlleeeeep mleeeep mllleeepppp, blahhhhhh
Mlleeeeep mleeeep mllleeepppp, blahhhhhh"
"Hello, will you talk to me? "
"ch ch ch tsss ch ch ch ch ch tsss ch ch ch ch ch tsss ch ch ch ch
ch tsss ch ch ch ch ch tsss ch ch ch ch ch tsss ch ch ch ch ch tsss ch
ch ch ch ch tsss ch ch ch ch ch tsss ch ch ch ch ch tsss ch ch "
"hey there, nice clothes, they'd look even better on my bedroom floor"
"is your dad a baker? cos you've got the nicest baps I've ever seen"
"ping pong ping pong ping pong ping pong pth thipppp thip thip ssssthththththtwerererwrerererwewre
ping pong ping pong ping pong ping pong pth thipppp thip thip ssssthththththtwerererwrerererwewre
ping pong ping pong ping pong ping pong pth thipppp thip thip ssssthththththtwerererwrerererwewre
ping pong ping pong ping pong ping pong pth thipppp thip thip ssssthththththtwerererwrerererwewre
ping pong ping pong ping pong ping pong pth thipppp thip thip ssssthththththtwerererwrerererwewre
ping pong ping pong ping pong ping pong pth thipppp thip thip ssssthththththtwerererwrerererwewre"
"is that a ladder in your tights, or a stairway to heaven?"
"If you are having difficulties receiving the video stream, then
select 'help' on the menubar. If you get a message that 'form contains
no data' this means that it may be a peak period, with many people 'speaking'
at once, please keep trying."
"new napies that are specially design to deal with pee and soft poo,
i can recomend tham sometimes alot, inttit"
"This realplayer feed from Berlin will be 'live' streaming from Hackescher
Markt, Berlin from 9.30pm ( 21:30 Berlin time) on Tuesday 24th April 2001
"boom shake shake shake the room, i'm down with it, yo mamma's so
fat, who's the daddy? Not you, losers. This is the voice of Rob, I speak
from the camera, I look down on you, slow down, don't run, chill out baby.
"wave at the camera"
"wave at the camera"
"boom shake shake shake the room, i'm down with it, yo mamma's so
fat, who's the daddy? Not you, losers. This is the voice of Rob, I speak
from the camera, I look down on you, slow down, don't run, chill out baby.
"Hi dave, here the answers to your q's."
"bye bye children, bye bye"
"0essentially 2 , with honary members"
"03 / what do you call yourselves collectively? why?"
"The Millions of Room........ Thats for us to know and for you to
find out."
"The Millions of Room........ Thats for us to know and for you to
find out."
"29 and 23"
"05 / where do you come from? how did you meet? what else do you
do besides music?"
"0MistdaMillion comes from a place called Runcorn, inbetween Manchester
and liverpool. Rob Betamax Comes From a town called Aberystwyth in mid
west wales."
"We met at various free partys in and around wales. aprt from music
we are into philosophy, sex, programming, drinkin and avin a good time
in no special order."
"where are you now?"
"MistdaMillion is in his loft studio in aberystwyth, Rob Betamax
is in brighton"
"7 / which artists do you listen to?"
"Theres to many to list really, fav's r Ae, Plaid, 2ls, Boc, u know
the usual"
"08 / what was the first record you are now ashamed to have bought?"
"I've never really bought anythin i've been ashamed of, Rob reckons
he is ashamed of a simultaneous Ahaa, Tpau purchase"
"speak to me"
"speeeeeeaaak t oooooo meeeeeeeeeeee"
"don't tread on my lips. Walk around them. I told you not to tread
on my lips."
"Guten Nacht"
"wooaa, watch the lips"
"oi, you right there, ask me a question and I will respond with the
right answer. Talk to the lips and the lips will speak back."
"ask me a question"
"ask me a question"
"how are you"
"nice pants"
"i can see you jump up and down wave at the camera"
"Wie viele Fragen"
"i am fine how are you"
"how are you 2 lovely ladiess"
"swhout i can not hear you"
"what is two plus two"
"where are you from i am from england"
"oi, you 2, don't tread on my lips, they are magical"
"whose lips are these anyway they look like madonnas"
"hello other person using this, where in england are you, I'm in
leamington spa right now!"
"haay hey yes you look at me look at me look at me "
"hello other person i didnt hear you properly but yes i am in england
where are you from"
"my name is wigz what is your name"
"where for art thouw romeo. Thou shalt not tread on my lips. Ask
the a question"
"hello there what is your name?"
"oi, don't walk by me without jumping around my nostril."
"what was that, speak up please, I'm a long way away!"
"do we have to speak in german"
"how can you leave, me, please stay and play!"
"nice coat mr. watch out for my big brother hiding around the corner.
he will jump out and eat you"
"i love sven vath"
"can you speak in german?"
"not much but ill go find a translator"
"don't ignore me, I am more powerful than you think."
"Incorporating key Nautilus technologies, these radical designs fully
exploit the demanding dynamic range of the best modern recordings. They
do so with the lowest distortion or coloration ever achieved by such designs."
"yes I am talking bollocks"
"Ach nee, du bist auch hier"
"Guten Abend"
"Mˆchtest du zu meiner Party kommen"
"Hast du Lust auf ein Bier"
"hello luci"
"Das ist unglaublich"
"Ich kann nicht mehr"
"Ich weiss nicht was mit mir los "
"can you hear me luci its wig"
"ok im off to bed goodnight berlin"
"Hello, you.!!! talk to me"
"is there anybody there"
"speak to me"
"fuck you dick "
"is there anybody there"
"does anyone fancy a little mouth to mouth"
"speak to me"
"speak to me please"
"I am the lord Jesus Christ"
"help me"
"where am i"
"what does a policeman put in his sandwiches.The answer is trun shun
meat . hee hee haa haa "
"i like you"
"nice pants"
"ha ha ha ha ha ha"
"I aint got no body . no really I aint"
"wiggle it baby"
"wiggle it baby"
"Don't get lippy with me sunshine."
"go on wiggle it"
"I am hitlers love child,. Take me as your leader"
"your on tv"
"I am watching you"
"has anyone got a fag"
"You all smell"
"nice but baby"
"You fat sausage eating bastards"
"U tit"
"Smoke my duck"
"Hast. any.von.got.ein.cigaretten."
"your mother"
"shake it baby"
"Everyone else listening - you can all smoke my duck!"
"ow you just stood on my mouth"
"I wish my bloody voice had better internation."
"walk the walk baby"
"Andrew smells of poo everyone"
"who is talking"
"Dave hello"
"hello baby"
"Who do you think ."
"say something dirty"
"that was not dirty"
"I am the mouth from the foot and mouth disease"
"who is that on line"
"Get voice sex here people! Listen to my gravelly voice!"
"Its me"
"stop looking at me"
"she's a hooker"
"David, smoke my duck!"
"your on candid camera"
"Gay boys!"
"are you there eddie"
"Crash you bastard cars!"
"whats that stuff on the screen"
"what do you call a sheep in wales"
"If you said candid camera you are gay"
"Eddie is king"
"Hi. My name is Allan Partridge.a ha"
"Eddie rules"
"Newcastle United forever"
"what was that shitface"
"I wish I had a camp voice to chat up the chick boys"
"why can't i shut up"
"Kerb Crawler!"
"stop standing on me"
"You're. my .wife .now .dave"
"are you a girl or"
"Who's that pissing in the corner?"
"Everyone smoke my duck"
"nothing better to do"
"Fuck a duck puck"
"any tink you want"
"Dont be quiet Dave"
"go away"
"Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled pepper"
"damn i'm good"
"Ladies and gentlemen. darmen unt hairon.madame ay miss your,please
talk to us, you sausage eating bastards"
"no your not"
"lady boy"
"now we have new and improved flavours that give you the best taste
experience ever. Just taste the initial flavour hit then savour the smooth,
balanced flavour sensation."
"If you can make this out, then kauydsfgiwear"
"Golden wonder, bringing flavour to life!"
"Any Germans listening?"
"You're all class"
"Smoke me a kipper I'll be back for breakfast"
"say something witty someone"
"attention Deutchland, this is the voice of england.we are watching
"Smoke me a kipper I'll be back for breakfast"
"Smoke me a kipper I'll be back for breakfast"
"what the hell"
"why are you obsessed with smoking"
"nice one ace"
"hi from the isle of man"
"dont you..................throw them bloody spears...................at
"its so very hard not to mention the war .but lets try"
"bad jacket"
"I am looking good, my shadow is looking good"
"isle of man smells of shit"
"Aliens is on ITV"
"Hey you from the Isle of man. you were on earlier"
"aliens was on last week"
"go away"
was that you said?"
"come on girls show some tit"
"who won the bloody war anyway"
"your missing graham norton"
"come closer my pretties"
"get a life berlin"
"wellies get wellies while there fresh"
"you dropped your wallet"
"fight me, fight me fight me fight me"
"any fit looking women there"
"Does anyone have a mint kit kat"
"you dropped your wallet"
"please could you stop the noise i'm trying to get some rest"
"from all the unborn chicken voices in my head"
"Where can I get a tube of smarties at this time of a night"
"go home"
"hi there berliners"
"What about just a packet of crisps"
"why are there so many foreigners?"
"shake it baby"
"what do you mean foreigners"
"Actually I could really just do with abit of peace and quiet out
here . Have I made myself clear ."
"altogher now we are sailing we are sailing across the sea"
"dont die dont die dont die............infact............DIEE!!"
"go germany"
"quick run"
"sit on my face"
"speak we can hear you"
"you look nice"
"you dropped your pasty..........my....i'm original"
"you are easily amused"
"nearly.....nearly........a bit more......... no.......too far........try
"go home aliens is on the box"
"Everything is just a wonderful blur down here."
"i sound like steven hawking"
"has anybody got a joke"
"meelah moo"
"I must come across as a skits oh frenic"
"whats the matter you....whats the matter me....ey..shadapa your
"i got a joke"
"two snails crash"
"Hey joe"
"rebuffering is a pain in the arse"
"and the police comes to question them what happened"
"whats the matter you....whats the matter me....ey..shadapa your
"john is that you"
"Hey joe. where are you going with that tung in your mouth"
"and one snail says, i don't know everything happened so fast"
"whare are you from?"
"im beggining to find that life is just one constant struggle....i
need to get out of here.....suicide is the only option"
"don't step on my mouth please"
"if only i could move....id throw myself infront of one of those
cars there....so many opportunites...missed...someone kill me...please"
"do not turn your back on me"
"so many fast cars . is there a gary newman in the house"
"what is there to look forward to....ask yourself that....there is
nothing.....nothing.....join me....we will leave this stench for good.....
our lives will be so much better....if only i wasnt born"
"dork sprung tecknik"
"look out"
"i'm just a voice......let me out of this cage.....i have potential......someone...please..im
crying out for help...help me"
"careful now"
"is there anyone in berlin?"
"handeehock handeehock"
"i am watching you all"
"do not stand on me"
"gay vek verdamter idioten"
"Once upon a time there was a little white bull"
"whats your favourite scary movie bitch?"
"whats your favourite scary movie bitch?"
"I am begining to feel abit more chirpy now"
"are you grey squirrel?"
"love is suicide..love is suicide..love is suicide..love is suicide..love
is suicide..love is suicide..it is you know..i will prove it now...3..2"
"dont mention the war"
"You will rejoice to hear that no disaster has accompanied the commencement
of an enterprise which you have regarded with such evil forebodings. I
arrived here yesterday, and my first task is to assure my dear sister
of my welfare and increasing confidence in the success of my undertaking."
"the blood flows from my wrists"
"look out for the luftwaffe"
"life is good, lighten up for gods sake."
"the blood flows from my wrists"
"all stand for general von-klinkohoffen"
"when all of your wishes are granted, many of your dreams will be
"no, i wont, poo to you, your a poo head"
"your servant.marmm"
"light a candle for the sinners, and set the world on fire"
"dot com"
"Your servant marm.marmite on toast"
"visit berlin, its chuffing grand"
"my cat's breath smells of cat food"
"This breeze, which has travelled from the regions towards which
I am advancing, gives me a foretaste of those icy climes. Inspirited by
this wind of promise, my daydreams become more fervent and vivid. I try
in vain to be persuaded that the pole is the seat of frost and desolation;
it ever presents itself to my imagination as the region of beauty and
"god I cant stop thinking about food. I am chuffing starving down
"There, Margaret, the sun is forever visible, its broad disk just
skirting the horizon and diffusing a perpetual splendour. There -- for
with your leave, my sister, I will put some trust in preceding navigators
-- there snow and frost are banished; and, sailing over a calm sea, we
may be wafted to a land surpassing in wonders and in beauty every region
hitherto discovered on the habitable globe."
"give me some head"
"Depression and fancy words are one thing . but have you got any
pringles on you . Guv"
"fuck you all, fuck this world, fuck everything that you stand for,
don't belong, don't exist, don't ever fucking judge me"
"god loves you"
"Hey Fritz.get your trousers on . you are nicked ."
"i wasnt born with enough middle fingers"
"big brother is watching you"
"this building will self destruct in ten seconds, nine, eight, seven,
six, five, four, three, two, one, bang!"
"are you alive?"
"hey you. you with the face"
"Hi . my name is lippy lipton and I am a figment of your imagination"
"actung.snell.vas is das ."
"helo there"
"what`s yor name ?"
"oh I do like to be beside the seaside.oh I dlike to be beside the
"how old are you ?"
"you look very pretty"
"ay up"
"hay mate, where can I get some chips"
"it's not unnusual to have fun with anyone, it's not unnusual to
be loved by anyone"
"it's not unnusual to have fun with anyone, it's not unnusual to
be loved by anyone"
"so whats new"
"beeboppallulla she's my baby."
"why why oh why.Del eye ler"
"one day i'll touch the green green grass of home"
"one day i'll touch the green green grass of home"
"i saw the light in the night as i passed by her window"
"pussycat I love you"
"take my lips, i never use them"
"take my lips, i never use them"
"thats nice. pussycat"
"faster pussycat.go go go,"
"8 out of 10 cats would not by wiskers supermeat.pussycat darling
"the first time ever I kissed your mouth"
"take my lips, i never use them"
"it's a long way to Tipperary, it's a long way to go, it's a long
way to Tipperary, to the sweetest girl I know"
"can anyone smell dog shit. I am absolutely starving"
"ding dong bell, pussy's in a well, who put her in?, little Tommy
"who pulled her out?, little Tommy Stout, what a naughty boy was
that, to drown poor pussycat, who ne'er did any harm, but killed all the
mice in the farmer's barn"
"Tony Blair think's we need a missle shield"
"who pulled her out?, little Tommy Stout, what a naughty boy was
that, to drown poor pussycat, who ne'er did any harm, but killed all the
mice in the farmer's barn"
"can anyone smell dog shit. I am absolutely starving"
"hello Darling"
"give us a kiss. cheeky chops ."
"I think. there for I may be ."
"You can take a horse to water. but a pencil must be led"
"many a mickle macks a muckle"
"Thats it . just bloody ignore me"
"god. I am alone in berlin . "
"has anyone got two twos and a one. for a 5"
"Big issue. big issue sir. support your local pavement artist"
"is there anybody there"
"coo ee mister shifter."
"hello guys"
"whats that"
"woof woof"
"Are you drunk"
"Are you drunk.you skunk"
"well. what are you looking at."
"have you seen enough.or do you want some more"
"Hey you. you in that car.Dont you know that you should never mix
crossply with radials."
"Help I'm stuck in a lamp"
"Help I'm stuck in a lamp"
"Help me get out"
"Can't you see me, I'm over here"
"Anyone out there?"
"i am the one"
"any babes whant to talk"
"any babes whant to talk"
"aaaaaaaaaaa hfgyhcfg drfgdt set srytsesa dtu yi"
"hello hello are you there"
"hello hello are you there"
"hello hello are you there"
"hi i am trying to speak to someone and i am trying from edinburgh
to be frank"
"come on i am trying since so long to speak to someone from berlin.....hello
berlin are you there"
"come on i am trying since so long to speak to someone from berlin.....hello
berlin are you there"
"come on i am trying since so long to speak to someone from berlin.....hello
berlin are you there"
"come on i am trying since so long to speak to someone from berlin.....hello
berlin are you there"
"come on i am trying since so long to speak to someone from berlin.....hello
berlin are you there"
"come on i am trying since so long to speak to someone from berlin.....hello
berlin are you there"
"will you stop and speak to me for a while"
"will you stop and speak to me for a while"
"will you stop and speak to me for a while"
"will you stop and speak to me for a while"
"will you stop and speak to me for a while"
"Hey stop and talk to me for a while"
"actung actung"
"actung actung actung"
"servus alter"
"yo, what's happening?"
"hello this is big brother"
"hello this is big brother"
"hello this is big brother. Lie down and stay down"
"was geht ab yo"
"I'm a barbie girl, in a barbie world. It's fantastic I am made of
"I'm a barbie girl, in a barbie world. It's fantastic I am made of
"Hey! You! Stop! Do not move! Yes, that means you! You have been
chosen as "
"Hey! You! Stop! Do not move! Yes, that means you! We are an alien
race. We come in peace. You have been elected as earth's representative"
"communicate "
"i hear you"
"from venus"
"only women... "
"hallo du"
"I like your style. Let's go for coffee"
"guten tag"
"gootin tog. Hey do, blyb schtehn. gootin tog. Hey do, blyb schtehn.
gootin tog. Hey do, blyb schtehn. gootin tog. Hey do, blyb schtehn. gootin
tog. Hey do, blyb schtehn. gootin tog. Hey do, blyb schtehn. Ick bin computer,
do bist mensch"
"hello you out there, talk to me!"
"gootin tog. Hey do, blyb schtehn. gootin tog. Hey do, blyb schtehn.
gootin tog. Hey do, blyb schtehn. gootin tog. Hey do, blyb schtehn. gootin
tog. Hey do, blyb schtehn. gootin tog. Hey do, blyb schtehn. Ick bin computer,
do bist mensch"
"speak to me"
"hey you, please stop and talk to me! hey you, please stop and talk
to me! hey you, please stop and talk to me! "
"oi i was speaking first"
"is there anybody out there watching these pictures?"
"hey you! please stop for a second and talk to me, i am watching
"hey you! please stop for a second and talk to me, i am watching
"hey you! please stop for a second and talk to me, i am watching
"hey you! please stop for a second and talk to me, i am watching
"hey you! please stop for a second and talk to me, i am watching
"Video¸berwachung ist geil!"
"big wanker is watching you"
"hello speak to me!"
"nice and sunny there in berlin!"
"don't just look at me, stop and talk!"
"don't just look at me, stop and talk!"
"well you could at least look at me when I'm talking to you"
"well you could at least look at me when I'm talking to you"
"well you could at least look at me when I'm talking to you"
"who are you?"
"what are you doing in my space?"
"Hello there"
"Acktchung Spitfire"
"rig up"
"ok heike thankyou"
"yes yes yes"
"hello there!"
"thankyou heike and your sister!"
"are you still there? maybe we can see you leaving!"
"hello people in the street, I am so happy I can see you all the
way from london"
"i am alive"
"why is everyone "
"look out"
"that is one bad jacket"
"you dropped something"
"no over there"
"i am all alone"
"nobody cares"
"do not just stand there do something"
"you will have to do"
"the car next to you is up to something"
"nobody will speak to me"
"hey you what time is it"
"houston we have a problem"
"you look like shit"
"tell the guy in the car next to you that i want him"
"vorsprung duk teknick"
"hey you stop playing with yourself"
"turn around and put your hands in the air"
"you lot are very boring"
"ouch your standing on my face"
"wiggle it baby"
"why is everyone driving on the left"
"spraken ze english"
"gay vek verdamter idioten"
"sprakken ze english"
"big brother is watching you"
"is she a hooker"
"get me a nice girl to talk to"
"i said i want a nice girl to talk to"
"will somebody just stop for a minute and talk to me"
"it does not hurt to say hello"
"do not be shy i will not bite"
"somebody talk to me pretty pretty pretty please"
"ther should be a microphone right by you"
"the microphone should be long and hard"
"will you just talk to me i am paying good money for this"
"Guten abend, Deutchland!"
"england two germany nill"
"1966 mate"
"you look like your up for anything"
"how about it then"
"Wie gehts?"
"women women women everywhere you look lovely women"
"nobody likes me"
"come on do not be shy say something"
"show me your arse"
"Hallo, mine froynd. Vee gates?"
"can anybody in this country speak"
"i am sad and lonely get me a woman"
"i could be watching the television now"
"for christ sake just speak to me"
"for christ sake just speak to me"
"look into my eyes"
"it is getting really dark"
"tally ho"
"gay vek"
"is the bus coming yet"
"rob davies england looking for a woman"
"kevin carroll from liverpool is looking for a woman"
"ouch that hurt"
"you dropped your wallet"
"you dropped your wallet"
"you dropped your wallet"
"her is your mission should you choose to accept it"
"spuds spuds get your fresh spuds only a pound a kilo"
"last nights audience were better than you lot"
"free see dees ask inside"
"nice legs"
"confess your sins my child"
"mind the step"
"what are you looking at"
"speak to me"
"say your name into the camera"
"can i have your phone number"
"for a really really good time ring five five five ben dover"
"ooooo it is getting busy now"
"is that your mother on that corner"
"comb your hair"
"mind you do not step on me"
"help i am trapped"
"do you like my mouth"
"bright light bright light"
"simon says always shave your nipples"
"watch out for the guy behind you"
"goodbye world it was nice knowing you"
"britney spears implants or real"
"big or pert discuss"
"can anyone speak english"
"stay a while stay forever ha ha ha ha ha ha"
"w w w dot in conversation dot com"
"what exactly do you lot see in david hassle hoff"
"someone scratch my nose"
"Smoke my duck everyone"
"Smoke my duck everyone!"
"I hate you"
"Dolan Smells"
"I hate Germans"
"Heil Hitler"
"England rules!"
"hi Please press the speak button "
"can anyone here me"
"i am back"
"is anyone on line"
"speak to me"
"nice legs"
"look into the camera and say your name"
"stop standing on me"
"gay vec"
"hello rob from liverpool"
"you dropped your wallet"
"behind you"
"do not be rude ssay hello"
"anyone sprakken ze english"
"will somebody just talk to me i am paying good money for this"
"will somebody just talk to me i am paying good money for this"
"turn that music down"
"well this is fun"
"can i have your number"
"this floor is freezing"
"would you believe this is my good side"
"when is the next bus due"
"look out behind you"
"you cannot hide from me"
"where is the nearest club"
"good isnt it"
"did you just fart"
"i heard that"
"what is your name"
"have you got a ciggarette"
"that tickles"
"get skinning up mate"
"dont go"
"hello to you"
"is that sheefield or isle of man"
"hello other person speak to me"
"carefull mind the lips they are very special"
"hello is the anyone else on this website say hello"
"hello this is rob from liverpool"
"hello other person i am from the lake district"
"anywhere near barrow"
"this time delay stinks"
"in kendal what is your name"
"i hear thunder"
"speak to me"
"shake it baby"
"go away"
"what are you up to"
"guten abent"
"pant hoes panty hoes get your fresh edible panty hoes"
"why is everyone running"
"stay a whle stay forever ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha"
"this site is better in the day time"
"vorsprung dork teknick"
"i am all wet"
"for christ sake just speak to me"
"big brother is watching you"
"did you just fart"
"confess your sins my child"
"come closer my pretties"
"britney spears implants or real"
"does any one no where we are"
"hello baby"
"can anybody in this country speak"
"have you got a ciggarette"
"anyone sprakken ze english"
"do not be rude ssay hello"
"for a really really good time ring five five five ben dover"
"houston we have a problem"
"is that your mother on the corner"
"thong or nickers discuss"
"goodbye world it was nice knowing you"
"i need a woman"
"house wife wanted must have long legs and long fingers"
"do not look at me in that tone of voice"
"i can see right up skirts from here"
"fuck fuckity fuck fuck, fuck fuckity fuck fuck, fuck fuckity fuck
"guten ahben"
"can anyone hear me?"
"high there but i cannot hear u"
"GOOtan Margeen"
"how are you today?"
"good morning in berlin"
"good morning berlin from london"
"this is the voice of london speaking to you on this fine morning"
"hello there, hello hello, hello from London"
"say hello to London"
"wave to us, we can see you here in London"
"gooten tag"
"gooten tag"
"are you deaf or what?"
"How are you today?"
"How are you today?"
"Hello - what is your name?"
"Hello - what is your name?"
"Hello - what is your name?"
"Hello - what is your name?"
"Hello - can you speak English?"
"Hello - can you speak English?"
"Hello - can you speak English?"
"Hello - can you speak English?"
"Hello - can you speak English?"
"Hello - can you speak English?"
"Hello - can you speak English?"
"Hello - can you speak English?"
"Good afternoon, I am an ENglishman!"
"Hello - can you speak Englisg?"
"Hello - can you speak English?"
"Hello - can you speak English?"
"Hello - can you speak English?"
"Hello - can you speak E"
"Good afternoon, I am an ENglishman!"
"Hello, I can speak English - I learnt it from a book!"
"Hello, I can speak English - I learnt it from a book!"
"Hello, I can speak English - I learnt it from a book!"
"Hello, I can speak English - I learnt it from a book!"
"Hello, I can speak English - I learnt it from "
"Hello, I can speak English - I learnt it from a book!"
"Tag, mein lieblings! Ich is ein English"
"Hello, I can speak English - I learnt it from a book!"
"Hello, I can speak English - I learnt it from a book!"
"Hello, I can speak English - I learnt it from a book!"
"Hello, I can speak English - I learnt it from a book!"
"Hello, I can speak English - I learnt it from a book!"
"big brother is watching you"
"why won't anyone speak to me"
"anyone sprakken ze english"
"come on do not be shy say something"
"come closer my pretties"
"you dropped your wallet"
"nice legs"
"does anyone fancy a pint"
"hey you in the black top"
"confess your sins my child"
"do not be shy i will not bite"
"for christ sake just speak to me"
"do not just stand there do something"
"your laces are undone"
"get me a nice girl to talk to"
"houston we have a problem"
"what do you call a sheep in wales"
"gay vec "
"hey you in the black top"
"watch the man behind you "
"your nice can i have your number"
"will meta kruger please report to the sexual disease clinic"
"you need to comb your hair"
"can you believe i chose berlin over rome"
"mum is that you"
"single female wanted seventeen to twenty five must be extremely
"litter bug litter bug pick that up"
"mind your head"
"if you can speak english say hello"
"would you believe i also have a life"
"you lot are very boring"
"single female wanted seventeen to twenty five must be extremely
"can somebody get me an ice cream"
"can someone tell the man inside to change the camera view"
"hello this is rob from liverpool"
"my mother says i am really good looking"
"can someone tell the man inside to change the camera view"
"Hello, I can speak English - I learnt it from a book!"
"Hello, I can speak English - I learnt it from a book!"
"how are you ?"
"hi there"
"hi there "
"hi there"
"talk to me"
"twenty five years of age and spending friday night watching the
"had a nice day at work"
"hey you yes you come here"
"anyone fancy a beer"
"single female wanted seventeen to twenty five must be extremely
"please speak to me i am all alone in here"
"i think i am in love"
"i saw that"
"can someone call me a taxi"
"what are you looking at"
"w w w dot in conversation dot com"
"u r"
"w w w dot in conversation dot com go ahead try it"
"can i have your phone number"
"w w w dot in conversation dot com will answer all of your questions"
"german women are so sexy"
"w w w dot in conversation dot com it's a hoot"
"it's friday night and i need a beer"
"will someone knock on this door when the bus comes"
"w w w dot in conversation dot com make it so"
"she canny take any more of this captain"
"captain one more shot and the hull will buckle"
"what the rush stay a while stay forever he he he he"
"germany, land of the porche, sausages and deckchairs"
"wave to the camera, it won't kill you"
"quick, get him"
"say hello to the camera, pretty please"
"o k, heres the situation, your on a web cam, and you are not making
this very interesting"
"dance for me, or at least say hello"
"your on w w w dot in conversation dot com, the idea is that you
can talk to people, that is, if they don't run away"
"will you marry me"
"is anyone else on line"
"nice threads"
"hey you, yes you, clean that up, litter bug"
"i know what you've just been doing, you should be ashamed of yourself"
"would anyone like to see a demonstration"
"wave if you've just had sex"
"beep beep"
"will you keep the noise down, i'm trying to sleep"
"there is no point in this if no one will say hello"
"pull your pants up"
"i can see right up your skirt"
"Hello Berlin"
"Would you like to talk to me? My name is chair all and I live in
"can anyone here me"
"dont go away"
"dont go away"
"dont go away"
"hey talk to me belgium!!!!!!!"
"dont go away"
"pleas dont go"
"w w w dot in conversation dot com make it so"
"she canny take any more of this captain"
"captain one more shot and the hull will buckle"
"my, were all looking nice tonight"
"single female wanted seventeen to twenty five must be extremely
"the cameras gone all funny, no wait, thats you"
"anyone fancy a beer"
"hey you, yes you, you know who you are, pick that up"
"w w w dot in conversation dot com make it so"
"come on , speak to me, i don't get out much"
"w w w dot in conversation dot com it's a hoot"
"i can see right up skirts from here"
"does anyone know how to fix a web cam"
"there was a young woman from venus, who had a body shaped just like
"he's behind you"
"i think i'm in love. marry me"
"watch out for that guy on the bike, he's up to something"
"w w w dot in conversation dot com, laugh, i nearly cried, he he
he he he "
"can anyone fix web cams, i can't hear a thing"
"what bus are you waiting for"
"that was exciting"
"ouch, stop standing on me"
"i think the microphone is buggered, sorry, i mean malfunctioning"
"i could do with a good blow, my nose is runny"
"Hello form England"
"hello Germans"
"Hello Berlin!"
"Hello Berlin!"
"Ich bien ein Berliner!"
"hello berlin"
"hellow hello were are you going"
"hellow hello were are you going"
"hellow hello were are you going"
"hello there"
"do you like my mouth?"
"are you my friends?"
"can you hear me?"
"can you hear me?"
"can you h"
"I can't hear you, can you hear me?"
"I can't hear you, can you hear me?"
"hello hello hello"
"hello there, hello hello hello"
"why can't I hear myself speak?"
"why can't I hear myself speak?"
"hi there"
"yo whatsup "
"yo hows it goin"
"yo hows it goin"
"hello sonia, where are you?"
"hackescher Markt"
"excuse me sir, have you seen my cock?"
"excuse me sir, have you seen my cock?"
"touch it...touch it!"
"i have another just like it at home"
"hello there"
"hello hello hello"
"hello hello hello"
"hello hello hello"
"I can't hear the sound of my own voice"
"the amp is not switched on I think"
"why can't I hear my own voice?"
"Stop Please. Please stop"
"Stop Stop Stop Stop Stop Stop Stop Stop "
"well hello thete"
"who is the gal with the bike"
"who is the gal with the bike"
"who is the dike with the bike"
"who is the dike with the bike"
"who is the dike with the bike"
"who is the dike with the bike"
"who is the dike with the bike"
"does anyone give a shit whether I am here or not?"
"heloo hello"
"heloo hello"
"heloo hello"
"why is it not working yet?"
"why is it not working yet?"
"hello there"
"hello there"
"how are you doing?"
"what are you looking at?"
"what are you looking at?"
"hello helolo"
"hello helolo"
"hello helolo"
"hello helolo"
"my heart is broken"
"my heart is broken"
"my heart is broken"
"my heart is broken"
"my heart is broken"
"my heart is broken"
"Is anyone there?"
"Is anyone there?"
"Is anyone there?"
"hello. Is there anyone there?"
"people of earth can I have your attention please ?"
"willy "
"stop please. please stop.stop please. please stop.stop please. please
stop.stop please. please stop.stop please. please stop."
"stop please. please stop."
"stop please. please stop."
"stop please. please stop."
"hello hello hello"
"Hey you. Stop doing that and get up off your fucking backside and
do something useful."
"hello hello hello"
"Stop just there"
"hello hello"
"hello there"
"oooh its working again, thank goodness for that!"
"who is the man in yellow with the bike?"
"nice pigeons there in berlin"
"who else is here on line?"
"ha ha ha ha"
"what are you looking at?"
"you look very pleased with yourself"
"well, look at me when I'm talking to you!"
"ha ha ha ha"
"what are you looking at?"
"what are you looking at?"
"nice doggie in the window"
"nice doggie in the window"
"too many bicycles in berlin"
"what are you looking at?"
"nice bottom"
"nice bottom"
"nice outfit!"
"nice bottom"
"nice buns"
"nice clothes you are wearing"
"nice bottie tottie"
"nice tottie bottie"
"nice tottie bottie"
"Get a grip"
"Hey you. Stop just there and do something useful."
"hello there"
"hello how are you today?"
"hello where is Susan ?"
"hello beutiful girl, talk to me, please. I am lonely"
"hello beutiful girl, talk to me, please. I am lonely"
"hello beutiful girl, talk to me, please. I am lonely"
"hello beutiful girl, talk to me, please. I am lonely"
"hilfe hilfe hilfe hilfe hilfe hilfe hilfe hilfe hilfe hilfe hilfe
hilfe hilfe hilfe hilfe hilfe hilfe hilfe hilfe hilfe"
"erik? erik? erik? erik? erik? erik? erik? erik? erik? erik? erik?
erik? erik? erik? erik? erik? erik? erik? erik? erik? "
"eric is lame. "
"hello, i am trapped in this machine. please call the police"
"erik dyrnes is a cocksucker from hell"
"hello, Gorm how are you? I can heare you i think"
"i am fine and how are you?"
"i am at the horselover factory"
"help me Gorm, I am trapped in this machine, it is very scary. Please
call the police at once Gorm Gorm GormGormGormGormGormGormGormGormGormGormGorm"
"i am out"
"say hello to your friend Stefan from me: hello Stefan hello Stefan
hello Stefan hello Stefan hello Stefan hello Stefan hello Stefan hello
Stefan hello Stefan hello Stefan "
"hello Berlin hello Berlin hello Berlin hello Berlin hello Berlin
hello Berlin hello Berlin hello Berlin hello Berlin hello Berlin hello
Berlin hello Berlin hello Berlin hello Berlin hello Berlin hello Berlin
hello Berlin hello Berlin hello Berlin hello Berlin hello Berlin "
"hello thyere"
"hello thyere"
"ha ha ha ha ha"
"loud hooters there in berlin"
"loud hooters there in berlin"
"can anyone hear me"
"can anyone hear me"
"can anyone hear me"
"can anyone hear me"
"how are you"
"how are you"
"how are you"
"good night"
"good night"
"good morning"
"good morning"
"good morning"
"how are you"
"how are you"
"how are you"
"how are you doing"
"where is the party"
"where is the party"
"I am from california"
"I am from california"
"My name is Dan"
"My name is Dan"
"what is your name?"
"hello what is your name?"
"hello what is your name?"
"hello what is your name?"
"hello what is your name?"
"hello what is your name?"
"hello what is your name?"
"hello what is your name?"
"hello what is your name?"
"hello what is your name?"
"hello what is your name?"
"hello what is your name?"
"hello what is your name?"
"hello what is your name?"
"fuck me in the ass"
"nice but"
"fuck off"
"I have big balls"
"hello, anybody there"
"Hey you"
"talk to me"
"hello there"
"stop and be my friend"
"be my buddy, why won't you"
"that mouth is my mouth, it speaks for me and to you"
"hello hello what are your names?"
"how can you leave me this way?"
"come back, please come back"
"come back, please come back"
"this is my mouth, it spoeaks for me"
"what is your name?"
"who are you, in the white trousers?"
"speak up, I can't hear you"
"please tell me your name, loudly"
"come back my friend in the white trousers"
"please tell me your name, please don't be shy"
"please tell me your name, please don't be shy"
"yes, me, I am talking to you"
"what do you have in your hand? is that a drink?"
"are you smoking cigarettes? they are bad for you you know"
"who is the man in the white shirt?"
"who is the man in the white shirt?"
"who is the man in the white shirt?"
"do you understand english?"
"do you understand english?"
"speak up, I can't hear you at all"
"please speak to me, i am very lonely here on the internet"
"sprechen sie ingleesh"
"if you understand me at all please go and jump on the mouth to show
"sprecken see ingleesh"
"sprecken see"
"do you like this mouth?"
"do you like this mouth?"
"you are very boring, why won't you play with me?"
"oh I heard that sigh...please play with me, that would be nice"
"all I want is for you to be my friend!"
"you have to speak up so I can hear you"
"what are your names? my name is mary"
"what are your names? my nam"
"what are your names? my nam"
"I am mary from chicago"
"I am mary from chicago"
"I am watching you on the internet"
"I am the voice of britain"
"would you like a chat with the voice of britain?"
"would you like a chat with the voice of britain?"
"would you like a chat with the voice of britain?"
"would you like a chat with the voice of britain?"
"would you like a chat with the voice of britain?"
"would you like a chat with the voice of britain?"
"would you like a chat with the voice of britain?"
"come closer and talk to me"
"Stop just there"
"Stop scratching your backside and give me a blow job"
"hello there! whose is the bike?"
"who the hell do you think you are?"
"is that the shadow of a tram I see before me?"
"who left that bicycle clogging up the pavement?"
"hello there, hello hello"
"la la la la la ha ha he he"
"who is the man with the red shirt and the bicycle?"
"get off that telephone now!"
" Hello you, Good afternoon."
"Wave to me please, I'll give you money."
"I cant see you waving."
"Help, help me, help me please."
"Guten Abent,"
"Berlin, please help me."
"fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck,k,k,k"
"suck my fucking screen you wankers,"
"fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking"
"show me you pussy you fuck slut, I want to fuck you big time."
"Put you hands in the air, Ass hole. Fuck off."
"one two three four fucking ass hole, Im tring to count in english,
Bastards. "
"Fucking bastards, Show me your pussy, I want to suck on it. Go away
now, oh kay. Fuck off then, Ass hole."
"Speak english to me or fuck off out of my sight, Ass holes"
"Hey, Youre a hot looking chick, Id love to suck on those tits, Please
let me see them."
"fucking in berlin fucking in berlin fucking in berlin fucking in
berlin fucking in berlin fucking in belfast or is it berlin fucking in
berlin yes thats it fucking in berfast Ahh fuck it."
"fucking in berlin fucking in berlin fucking in berlin"
"easy now"
"This is god speaking, you have been very bad, its off to hell for
"dead or alive your coming with me"
"wake up!"
"up there!"
"hello, this is God"
"... but I guess you've heard that one before... "
"... but I guess you've heard that one before... "
"you two, in the corner with the bags on your back... take a walk"
"got a light?"
"don't really understand this but here goes"
"life sucks"
"hello goodbye"
"wwwwwdotdotwwwdotdotwtchtchtchtchtchdotdot com"
"wwwwwdotdotwwwdotdotwtchtchtchtchtchdotdot com"
"wwwwwdotdotwwwdotdotwtchtchtchtchtchdotdot com"
"nnnnananannnnanannannnnananano time ta stup"
"are you normal ?"
"are you normal ?"
"are you normal ?"
"im tchelet bash a maim u dzei dagan masif washaw hagal amaiim udstei
danash aviv"
"im tchelet bash a maim u dzei dagan masif washaw hagal amaiim udstei
danash aviv"
"I'm sad like a flower with no water"
"I'm so sad "
"I don't know where I lost my leaves"
"I'm sad like a flower with no water"
"Yes indeed !"
"I wish I was not alone lost in that heap of forgotten things and
"Do you like to walk around"
"I'm sad like a flower with no water"
"it is a strange thing with that town you are not concsious what
happens all at the same time town "
"but I don't think this purple colour is true"
"flieder lilac brombeere "
"flieder lilac brombeere mountains skyies"
"flieder lilac brombeere mountains skyies"
"I'm sad like a flower with no water"
"hello what are you waiting for ?"
"im tchelet bash a maim u dzei dagan masif washaw hagal amaiim udstei
danash aviv"
"are you normal ?"
"hello goodbye"
"May I ask you a question: Who are you ?"
"Who are you today ?"
"This might be indiscrete but what are you thinking at the moment
"Don't forget to lock your bike !"
"money makes the world go round the world go round the world go round
money money money money money money money money !"
"hey ihr zwei"
"was sagst du?"
"hallo ich kann euch hˆren"
"was soll das sein?"
"wer das liest ist blˆd"
"wer das liest ist bloed"
"auf diesem punkt werden alle stimmen und toene in das internet uebertragen!"
"auf diesem !"
"wer das liest ist sicht- und hoerbar!"
"hello berlin"
"looks nice and sunny and hot there in berlin"
"are you hot? or are you not"
"how can you be wearing black on a nice warm day like this?"
"how can you be wearing black on a nice warm day like this?"
"talk to me please, how can you ignore a vocie like mine?"
"Einen wunderschˆnen guten Tag w¸nsche ich Ihnen!"
"Hallo freunde wie geht es euch"
"Hey friends. How are you?"
"Hallo my friends. How are you?"
"Hello. Is their anybody there."
"move that bike"
"hello berlin"
"did you have a good ride?"
"greetings from scarborough UK"
"ich bin ein berliner"
"is there anybody there"
"is there anybody there"
"it looks like a hot day"
"it looks like a hot day"
"do you know my friend Adam? He lives in Berlin"
"Do you speak English?"
"Excuse me, do you speak English?"
"I am just looking for someone to talk to. I am sorry, but my German
is not so good."
"Please stop and talk to me!"
"Excuse me, do you speak English?"
"Do you know my friend Adam?..................He is an artist in
"There is a lot of traffic there today"
"Is it as hot as it looks on my computer screen"
"hello, lady. are you wondering who I am?"
"Can any one tell me where this street is"
"Please stop and talk to me! PLEASE!!!!"
"Look up and talk to the little camera above your head"
"where are you all going"
"Are you allowed to ride bicycles on the sidewalk in germany"
"Hello, did I just see my friend David.....he went into the door
"I am sorry I don't speak German. Can any one talk to me in English,
Just to say hello"
"Are you allowed to ride bicycles on the sidewalk in germany"
"where are you all going"
"Look up and talk to the little camera above your head"
"Please stop and talk to me! PLEASE!!!!"
"hello, lady. are you wondering who I am?"
"Is it as hot as it looks on my computer screen"
"Do you know my friend Adam?..................He is an artist in
"Do you speak English?"
"Do you speak English?"
"Excuse me, do you speak English?"
"Do you know my friend Adam?..................He is an artist in
"Can any one tell me where this street is"
"Please stop and talk to me! PLEASE!"
"where are you all going"
"Are you allowed to ride bicycles on the sidewalk in germany"
"I am sorry I don't speak German. Can any one talk to me in English,
Just to say hello"
"I give up, I am going now, Aufwiedersehen!"
"hey, you two"
"its wabbit season"
"Digi-armour energize"
"Tiny Tiger"
"hello there"
"hello there"
"hello there"
"hello people of berlin!"
"hello people of berlin! hello people of berlin!hello people of berlin!
talk to me!"
"who are you?"
"who are you?"
"hello berlin"
"hello berlin"
"you, there, talk to me!"
"I am michael from chicago, who are you?"
"who are you, opening the door?"
"who are you, opening the door?"
"you, in the white shirt, please stop"
"who is the man with the bike?"
"hi michael, i am axel!"
"who else is here on line?"
"kann ich ihnen helfen?"
"wo mˆchten sie hin?"
"is this a recording, some stuff keeps coming up on screen"
"wave if you are really there"
"hey, you four, standing at the street, looking in your map, where
do you want to go?"
"who is the babe in black?"
"is there anybody at all talking to us?"
"english is the language of the internet"
"hey you, say something!"
"hey you, say something!"
"we are very friendly, we aren't strange, we won't hurt you"
"hey you, say something!"
"oi you"
"oi you"
"we are very friendly, we aren't strange, we won't hurt you"
"we are very friendly, we aren't strange, we won't hurt you"
"talk to me"
"talk to me"
"talk to me"
"stop and talk to us! "
"stop and talk to us! "
"oi you"
"why do you walk past, that i"
"stop and talk to us! "
"who else is here on line?"
"i am "
"people in berlin are not very friendly, not like in brighton"
"sprecken see english?"
"who is I?"
"i am alice from paris"
"i am alice from paris"
"hey lets talk among ourselves if nobody stops!"
"christian, are you out there?"
"hello there, hello hello"
"parlay voo fransai"
"oh, what a wonderful day!!!oh, what a wonderful day!!!oh, what a
wonderful day!!!"
"axel is that you?"
"you have to talk a bit louder!!"
"yes, i am here, looking at you! why is nobody talking to us?"
"hey you, you got toothpaste on your nose!"
"what is orange and sounds like a parrot? - a carrot!!!"
"who was that undressing in public?"
"hey you, your shoelaces are undone!"
"can they hear us at all?"
"kiss me quick"
"berlin, berlin, this london calling!!berlin, berlin, this london
calling!!berlin, berlin, this london calling!!"
"kiss me on the lips"
"who are you two there?"
"hello there, talk to me, what are your names?"
"speak a boit louder, we can't hear you!!"
"hello susanna "
"hello susanna "
"hello susanna who is your friend"
"hi susanne!"
"hello susanna, I am alice from paris"
"hello susanna, I am alice from paris"
"hi susanne, what are you doing there?"
"who is your friend?"
"oh susanna, please throw me a kiss"
"hello susanna from berlin...what are you filming?"
"sorry what was your friends name? I couldn't catch that"
"sorry what was your friends name? I couldn't catch that"
"oh susanna, kiss me quick, you look nice"
"you can't film us because you can't see us"
"hello patricia"
"hello patricia"
"nice to meet you susanna and patricia"
"I am michael from chicago"
"I am alice from paris"
"I am alice from paris"
"what station are you filming for? my name is george!"
"there is a time lag so it takes some time for us to answer you"
"my name is michael"
"my name is michael"
"there are more than one of us here"
"why don't you make a little dance for us?"
"sinhg a song, and we will be singing along!"
"wave at least for us?"
"would you like me to make some music for you?"
"which channel of german television are you filming for?"
"please why don't you kiss the mouth and be friendly?"
"la la la la la"
"do ray me far so la ti do"
"do ray me far so la ti do"
"I am at hoem dialling int o watch you instead of watching television"
"I am at hoem dialling int o watch you instead of watching television"
"la li la li la li la"
"la li la li la li la"
"la la la la la la la"
"nice car there I can see"
"michael is the musical one, I am singing"
"do you like my tuneful voice?"
"michael is the singer la la la la"
"where have you gone?"
"why don't you wave at us? or shake your limbs wildly at the camera?
hi michael!"
"why do people in berlin not stop? do you knwo why they aren't very
"oh tannenbaum, oh tannenbaum ..."
"yes yes shake those limbs...nice idea...was that george?"
"would you stop and talk to us if you weren't filming?"
"don't turn your back at us, that is not polite? have your parents
not told you?"
"would you stop and talk to us if you weren't filming?"
"do you like the mough picture on the pavement? I can see it from
"do you like it here?"
"what is the weather like in berlin today?"
"what is the weather like in berlin today?"
"hey, please stop and tell us a little story!"
"hello there, this is lee from texas calling"
"who else is here, this is lee"
"the weather was gorgeous!"
"lots of people walking past, please stop and be friendly...join
our club!"
"well a story would be nice, but a kiss on the lips would be even
"hi texas! hi me! but i am me too!"
"hi texas! hi me! but i am me too!"
"are you a lurker?"
"this is alice from paris, "
"who wants a story?"
"hi elke, are you there?"
"I want a kiss not a story!"
"hey who, who are you asking for?"
"hey who, who are you asking for?"
"hey please stop, be my friend."
"oh please stop and play with me"
"please say your name, and speak up so we can hear you"
"I am lee from texas, who are you"
"what is your name, please introduce yourself"
"what is your name, please introduce yourself"
"people keep walking on the mouth...how could they"
"hello susanna, this is christina from new york city, just came online...whats
happening there in berlin?"
"why won't anyoen send us a kiss...we are lojnely here on the internet"
"susanna it is nice that you came to talk to us...that is very friendly"
"susanna it is nice that you came to talk to us...that is very friendly"
"berlin has got very dark already, must be getting late"
"berlin has got very dark already, must be getting late"
"give us a kiss...we are nice, we deserve it"
"susanna will you be my friend?"
"oh susanna"
"oh susanna that is a song i think"
"oh susanna that is a song i think"
"la la la la la la"
"la la la la la la"
"where is susannah? has she gone away? come back susanna"
"we love you susanna and patricia"
"come back susanna and patricia"
"come back susanna and patricia"
"oooh la la"
"how can people walk past and not stop"
"how can people walk past and not stop"
"anyone else still there on line, or am I all alone here?"
"nice bottom, give us a kiss"
"ooooh noisy cars"
"bend over and I'll spank you on your bottom"
"bend over and I'll spank you on your bottom"
"boo boo"
"boo boo"
"oh pleeeeease kiss me quick"
"oh pleeeeease kiss me quick"
"hello what is your name?"
"I think we caught a live one"
"speak to us, so we can hear you"
"speak to us, so we can hear you"
"oh blah blah blah"
"oh blah blah blah"
"I have run out of things to say it is hard talking to oneself"
"where is susanna? I thought she was my friend"
"come back susanna, come back patricia"
"I have no friends, i am just a sad fuck sitting at home on the internet"
"I have no friends, i am just a sad fuck sitting at home on the internet"
"are you a sad fuck?"
"are you a sad fuck?"
"please be my friend, you look like you could be friendly if given
half a chance"
"please be my friend, you look like you could be friendly if given
half a chance"
"what is going on with all thos car horns and whistles?"
"is axel still here?"
"ha ha ha he he he its only me me me la la la"
"talk to me...please!"
"hello there, hello hello"
"hello there, hello hello"
"hello there, hello hello"
"hello there, hello hello"
"hello hello flipping heck where have I landed this time?"
"hello hello flipping heck where have I landed this time?"
"oooh whats happening?"
"lights camera action"
"lights camera action"
"lights camera action"
"lights camera action"
"lights camera action"
"stop and say hello"
"my name is michael,m please say hello to me"
"I am a friendly voice, be nice, please"
"I am a friendly voice, be nice, please"
"I can see someone lurking, why won't they say hello?"
"say hello to me"
"are you a working girl?"
"what is your name?"
"I have to go now, my telephone bill is getting too big and horrid"
"time to go beddie byes"
"ta ta tra la la"
"suck my dick"
"suck my dick"
"suck my dick"
"kiss my lips!"
"kiss my lips!"
"suck my dick, please please suck it now!"
"suck my dick, please please suck it now!"
"suck my dick, please suck my dick, now."
"suck my dick, please suck my dick, now."
"Ich habe deine Mutter Gefichte"
"Fichen sie"
"hey fich sie"
"suck my dick kraut"
"ficken zee"
"suck my cock"
"ficken zee narzi"
"yoo narzi wanka"
"Eng ger land eng aa land"
"yoo german scum"
"ficken sie aless nazis"
"Ich bin Adolf hitler"
"adolf ficken sie"
"licken sie mina balls"
"Ficken zee al ess"
"sprecken zee bitte"
"vas macken zee"
"der kreeg"
"kommen zee here"
"halten sie"
"deine mutta"
"was machen Sie?"
"ooooooo oooooooo"
"hey bitch"
"Suck it down Kraut"
"Shiesss kopf"
"Trink bitta"
"Hey shise kopf"
"acktung shise kopf"
"stop and listen to me"
"halt shise kopf"
"stop and listen to me"
"hey fools"
"hello - who are you"
"I am mee"
"do not stand on me"
"wee must be skitzofrenic"
"who are you?"
"ooo hit me baby one more time"
"I feel good naa naa naa I feeeeeeel good"
"I cannnot believe that this could work."
"hello berlin"
"help me! i'm trapped!"
"won't somebody help me?"
"what a nice bus"
"what a nice bike"
"who is the dike with the bike"
"who is the dike with the bike"
"exterminate! exterminate!!!"
"The dinosaurs were wiped out by an asteroid that smacked the Earth
65 million years ago, but they survived another cataclysmic event -- perhaps
another asteroid impact -- that snuffed out 80 percent of all species
about 200 million years ago, scientists said on Thursday. By studying
the fate of a type of marine plankton, single-celled organisms called
Radiolaria, researchers found that the mass extinction was a sudden event"
"hello there"
"hello there"
"how are you today?"
"please stop and say hello, don't just walk past - there is a time
lag, but I'll wait if you will"
"please stop and say hello, don't just walk past - there is a time
lag, but I'll wait if"
"sprecken sea english?"
"this is a voice from the internet"
"if you come back tonight, you can see my mouth, but right now I'm
kind of invisible"
"hello there"
"hello, this is alice from paris, what is your name?"
"please stop, stop and talk to me"
"please stop, stop and talk to me"
"la la la la la la la"
"la la la la la la la"
"who else is here online, this is michael"
"who else is here online, this is michael"
"how can you just walk past, how can you do that?"
"how can you just walk past, how can you do that?"
"oi, you, you in the white shirt"
"hello alice, this is michael"
"who is the man with the rucksack?"
"who is the man with the rucksack?"
"hello little girl, what is your name?"
"hello there"
"hello there"
"hello and how are you?"
"what is happening there in the street?"
"who is that wearing the white outfit?"
"looks sunny there in berlin"
"this is alice from paris, what is your name?"
"please stop, stop and talk to me"
"hello there, hello hello"
"how are you today?"
"my name is susan, please stop and tell me your name"
"sprecken sea english?"
"sprecken sea e"
"halt bitte"
"halt bitte"
"looks nice and sunny there in berlin"
"who is the gal in the white dress?"
"who are the babes on the bikes"
"this is alice from paris, why won't you stop and be my friend"
"that street looks very empty indeed"
"parlai voo fransai?"
"parlai voo fransai?"
"sprecken sea english?"
"sprecken sea english?"
"who is the lady in the orange top?"
"I am speaking to you live from the internet, and you are completely
ignoring me"
"why won't you stop and say hello"
"who is the person in the shite t shirt?"
"who is the person in the shite t shirt?"
"who is the person in the white t shirt?"
"sprecken sea english"
"who is the babe on the bike?"
"please please please please please"
"la la la la la la la"
"la la la la"
"la la la la la la la"
"ho ho ho he he he"
"that was a very tall man"
"do you like my singing voice?"
"I have only one voice, this voice"
"this is the voice of the internet"
"please stop and be my friend"
"my name is alice from paris, what is your name?"
"this is michael from chicago - hello alice, hello berlin"
"hello michael, this is alice speaking - anyone else here on line?"
"hello michael, this is alice speaking - anyone else here on line?"
"why won't berlin say hello back?"
"hello you there"
"i'm blind, o my god, i can't see"
