The following is
an excerpt from the chatlog for the Helsinki installation of In Conversation
in October 1998
It is a record of the text sent to Helsinki from computers around the
It represents one side of the conversation and many different authors.
"hello i'm calling from London"
"How do you feel about President Clinton?"
"But how do I 'hear' the conversations? Or is it just something witnessed
in Finland? Anyway - hello to everybody. I'm afraid I know no Finish (well,
I am English). (Back to work now.)"
"hello there"
"hello there"
"Hello Rachel, how are you doing?"
"hello there, greetings from the united states!"
"Hi Susan, have you seen Gail lately?"
"My name is Warning, Gail Warning"
"yes I can see you"
"Yes, I can hear everything fine. Thank you"
"It is a bit dark, I cannot see who you are."
"Hello. This is Laurie from Australia"
"This is fun. "
"what is on exhibit at the gallery? I'm in the United States"
"How many people are on the site now?"
"Sorry I don't speak finnish"
"My name is Sandy. I live in South Carolina"
"My name is Sandy. I live in South Carolina"
"My name is Sandy. I live in South Carolina"
"What is your name?"
"What do you think of President Clinton?"
"Laurie has a bit of trouble with slow audio and video in Australia."
"Where is everybody?"
"Hello finland from Glen in Indiana, U S A"
"Where is everybody?"
"How loud is the voice on the street? It is quite loud on my computer."
"Hello this is Pat from Indiana have a good day."
"Hello, this is kind of loud, isn't it?"
"Have a happy Day in Finland. This is Laurie in Australia."
"i'M SORRY i WAS AWAY, I'm still at work you know"
"Is it cold in Finland?"
"I'm from London, UK"
"I am Michiel"
"Hi everybody, especially Susan..."
"Hi, I think this is very good"
"Have fun and have a drink from me"
"Bye bye All from Indiana"
"Goodbye. This is too hard from Australia. There are constant interruptions."
"hi from salford"
"Can I say the F word?"
"I mean fuck... this is really something"
"I want somebody to come in front of the camera, now!"
"Did you fucking here me?"
"Come on! I want to see somebody!"
"Where the FUCK is everybody?!?"
"It is amazing, I cannot even speak corectly, but hold on!"
"Hello you moroons? How are you doing today?"
"Hello, how are you"
"Hello Finland, are you having fun?"
"It looks like the webusers are talking to each other"
"It looks like the webusers are talking to each other"
"There are no finnish people around. The next stage of this project
should translate everything in Finnish"
"this is perttu who was nice enough to make this possible"
"And the other way around"
"Sorry I didn't get that"
"Who else is on this website?"
"Hello, anybody there?"
"Yooooo hoooooo"
"Youbouliedouboulie Toumpiedoum"
"how ae you?"
"yoo boo lea doo boo lea too m bee doom bee doom"
"It is always difficult to get somebody to stop and talk and sometimes
it is difficult to get through the web at all. "
"Someone must stop and talk."
"Hello to all our Finnish friends"
"buna ziua domneavoastra"
"There is not much foot traffick here. "
"Will someone stop and talk?"
"hello, bob, bob, is that you bob"
"NO, it is not Bob"
"hey you!"
"Phew, just i"
"We should not be talking to each other - we should be talking with
our Finnish friends."
"If only we could get someone to stop and talk, "
"i am not here to be enjoyed, no, really"
"can i have a glass of water"
"There is no water on the streets of Finland"
"Are there any people around anywhere?"
"this is fascinating isn't it!"
"stop your engines!"
"I have seen only a handful of people go past for the last 15 minutes"
"are you talking to me?"
"I must talk to the people on the street but there are none."
"Hello hello hello"
"Hello to anyone on the street"
"Hello to Finland from the U.S."
"Hello to anyone "
"shall i sing old shep?"
"Hello to anyone who will stop and talk"
"Mouth! Mouth! Mouth!"
"Hello to anyone who is friendly enough"
"Hey! We can hear you..."
"is there anything happening"
"we can hear your voices... talk to us!"
"Esbo, the city of the bears"
"Where are people on the web viewing from? I am in the u.s."
"I have faith that somone will eventually stop and talk."
"Someone will stop and talk"
"hello hello"
"Hello from the U.S."
"what are your names?"
"We have scared them away"
"where are you...come in Helsinki"
"Hello Helsinki from the U.S."
"Will no one stop and talk to us?"
"Someone will stop eventually."
"Hello Espoo Cultural Center."
"Hello to anyone who will stop and talk."
"i am god"
"i am god"
"talk to us"
"oh yes i am"
"Hello to friendly Finnish people"
"for i am god stop singing"
"what's your name"
"We are talking to you over the Internet"
"We are talking to you over the world wide web"
"at least one of us is in england"
"I am in the U.S."
"my name is sam"
"We can see you from a camera mounted somewhere there"
"We can see your figure"
"There is a time delay"
"stand near the post"
"helo hello"
"There is a time delay between us typing this and you hearing it.
"it's a bit lighter over there"
"what's your name?"
"i'm sam"
"It is a little difficult to see you."
"Why did you stop to talk?"
"yes it is cool"
"I can hear someone singing. "
"i can't"
"hei you"
"Is there anyone else there or have we scared another one away. "
"you there!"
"can you help me"
"i have a problem"
"I think we're in for some heavy weather"
"can you hear me"
"it's nice and sunny where i am\"
"it's nice and sunny w"
"I see an interested but quiet soul. "
"we don't have eyes"
"i need your advice"
"just mouths"
"every cloud has a silver lining"
"my sexlife is not satisfactory"
"hello hello there"
"what is your view on that"
"Hello from the U.S."
"hello can you hear me"
"i am art"
"Goodbye from the U.S."
"don't walk away"
"and i'm sam"
"This is very addictive"
"ahoy there!!"
"hey man"
"hey, come and talk to us"
"hey I said hey!"
"we are bored"
"hey "
"but we like it"
"say something in Finnish"
"hey nonny no"
"look at me "
"I'm not Finnish"
"I wish some one would come and speak to me i'm very lonely here
"onko siell‰ kukaan"
"hello "
"I am from london"
"t‰m‰ on jumalan ‰‰ni, kuuntele tarkkaan"
"heloo there I'm over here - in LOndon!"
"heloo there I'm over here - in LOndon!"
"heloo there I'm over here - in LOndon!"
"heloo there I'm over here - in LOndon!"
"in london do you speak english"
"I cxan hear you halloooo"
"you sound familiar"
"halloo to you too"
"i'm sam from lancaster"
"I don't understand Finnish"
"I don't understand Finnish"
"you sound nice you do you do"
"you do you sound nice"
"is Susan there?"
"you have to guess"
"I think we are in for some heavy weather"
"a conversation piece??"
"Gail warning gail warning "
"could you all speak a bit louder"
"is it cold where you are"
"so you like sailing"
"i am far away from you, but i can read your mind!"
"can you wave at us"
"it probably doesn't matter"
"what's stupid?"
"I did not say that"
"oh sorry we like you really"
"I just asked you what you said"
"min‰ ajan"
"kukaan enoo mis‰‰n"
"Hi its peter"
"Hi guys yes its me"
"is it cold out there?"
"sounds nice"
"who are the other people in this converstaion?"
"can you wave to me?"
"hello elanor"
"hi, helena!"
"cyril here, hello lovely people"
"and peta"
"I missed it too "
"is it cold?"
"your voice is clear but the artificial voice is not clear"
"cyril here, is this some kind of magic"
"it's a kind of magic"
"is it good magic?"
"which which is the white which"
"why don't you stand in the light"
"please will the white which wave"
"take your hands out of your pockets"
"oh that's better"
"very good "
"what works well?"
"is susan there"
"can you show us a traditional finnish dance"
"hi susan"
"hi susan"
"hi susan its cyril"
"you must dance you must dance you must dance you must dance"
"give us some action"
"peter says you must dance the net dance the net"
"what time is it"
"i am dancing"
"cool dancing!"
"i like that"
"we want more"
"I am getting thirsty with all this talking"
"you could all do the can can"
"cyril is dancing"
"yes more"
"i want all of you dancing"
"I'm so lucky lucky lucky lucky"
"I'm so very lucky lucky lucky lucky"
"sam is doing the polka"
"I can't hear you"
"cyril is also in Lancaster"
"off you trot then"
"off you go, have fun"
"why? why?"
"bye from cyril"
"bye bye"
"please stay"
"please stay"
"Hi this is Peter saying good bye"
"don*t get out"
"they've gone..."
"I have to home to put my babies to bed"
"I have to home to put my babies to bed"
"where has everybody gone??"
"hi there"
"who are you"
"nimeni on jukka"
"i was speaking in foreign language"
"are you having fun"
"are you having fun"
"you are mistaken"
"this is not helsinki"
"we are not in helsinki"
"i'm lost "
"are you too "
"where are you"
"where are you really"
"who are you really"
"what culture"
"what center"
"with the suitcase"
"who is with the suitcase"
"hi "
"please identify yourself"
"please open the suitcase"
"we are realy curious"
"are you hiding something"
"please dont go"
"come here and speak to me"
"Hi you with youre bicycle"
"hello there"
"time to start talking again"
"oh go on stop and talk to me"
"tappa tappa tappa tap"
"i can barely hear you all , speak up!"
"hello anyone out there"
"too busy shopping to talk"
"hello there"
"hello jukka"
"jukka oletko siell‰"
"jukka oletko siell‰"
"muu mediabase calling"
"muu mediabase calling"
"houston, we have a problem"
"check 1 2 check 1 2"
"testing testing"
"Hello. Is anyone out there?"
"Somebody speak to me please"
"Nobody wants to talk to me."
"Everybody's over there in the distance. How do we attract them to
"Susan. If you're there come outside so we can chat."
"You know, the picture quality is very good here in England"
"Suuusan. Where arrrrrre you?"
"Hello. Hello in Tapiola."
"Will nobody speak to me?"
"Will nobody speak to me?"
"Here I am in England hoping for a conversation in Finland and nobody
seems to want to talk. Hello? Hello? Is there anyone over there in ear-shot?"
"Susan. Where are you? If nobody from Tapiola wants to comne out
to playt maybe you and I can gossip for a while."
"Well, I've waited around for as long as I can, but nobody in Finland
seems to want to get in conversation. Maybe I'll try again another time.
Is it to do with where the camera's placed? Or maybe there's a problem
with the speaker. I'll wait two more minut"
"Suuuuuuusan! Suuuuuuusan!"
"Time to go. Try again later. Bye for now."
"What the hell is all that noice?"
"What the hell is all that noise?"
"Sounds like a dustbin lorry."
"Pity we don't have control of the camera. Then we could move it
around to see where people and things are coming from."
"I can hear voices but I canot see anybody."
"Hello. Hello"
"Is there anybody nearby?"
"Soooooooosan. Soooooooosan. Where are you?"
"Hey, it is live again"
"It looks like a different position"
"Is this the same place as yesterday?"
"Hello, anyone, I see loads of people walking by, but nobody wants
to talk to me."
"Hello Tapiola. At last. Somebody to talk to!"
"yuu hoo du bee du bee du bee du bee du"
"What does that mean?"
"It is difficult to make a computer sing"
"Can you come in front of the camera."
"This is weird, two webusers talking to each other, and nobody is
"So are you speaking to me from the web and not from Tapiola?"
"I am inputting into the website. There is nobody to come in front
of the camera"
"I am from London, and you?"
"Identify yourself properly. Are you Finnish or England or what?"
"I am not finnish"
"Susan. Is that you?"
"Who are you?"
"I did not get the name you typed"
"A rather strange chatroom this is"
"hage tea tea pee double you double you double you colon slash slash
"Okay. Let's clear this up. Who is out there?"
"hage tea tea pee colon slash slash double you double you double
you in conversation dot com"
"ha ha ha"
"So I'm speaking TO a website then?"
"Identify yourself"
"Yes, you are speaking to the website. As I said I am from london"
"But who are you?"
"Twenty questions then. Or maybe less if the phone rings. Are you
tall, with long hair and a love of sheep?"
"talk to me"
"Sorry I did not get the last part. I clicked the wrong link and
chose archive instead of speak. So I lost the video for a short while."
"Are you still there? I am Michiel, incase you want to know"
"Is Susan Collins out there with you?"
"Ok, well I have to get back to work. See you come other time"
"I think susan is in Finland"
"Sorry. It got very noisy in the office just then? Can you say again?"
"Hey it timed out that's no fun"
"I lost my sound. Sea ya. "
"Time to go, I'm afraid. Back later I hope. Have fun!"
"i`m speaking"
"Hello thom how are you today"
"Hello, anyone this is a test"
"Is it working too early, or why is it working already?"
"hage tea tea pee colon slash slash double you double you double
you in conversation dot com"
"age tea tea pee colon slash slash double you double you double you
in conversation dot com"
"hello espoo"
"Hello Helsinki hello helsinki land of the mid night sun!!"
"Hello Helsinki hello helsinki land of the mid night sun!! "
"Hello Helsinki hello helsinki land of the mid night sun!! "
"hello is there any body there?"
"Hello Helsinki hello helsinki land of the mid night sun!!"
"Hello Helsinki hello helsinki land of the mid night sun!!"
"is there any body there?"
"do you speak english?"
"Hello Helsinki hello helsinki land of the mid night sun!!"
"Hello Helsinki hello helsinki land of the mid night sun!!"
"i can hear you I can see you"
"i can hear you I can see you"
"say something to me"
"i can hear you I can see you"
"i can hear you I can see you"
"hello hello can you hear me"
"i can hear you I can see you"
"hello Helsinki are you there?//////"
"heloo there in the land of the midnight sun!!!!!!!"
".. -- .. ---"
"...--- .. --- +++"
"++++ //// >>>>"
"+++ ??? ==== >>>>>"
"well well well, can you hear me now??"
"I hope this is working for everyone else out there?"
"a s d f g h j k l ; ' # / . , m n b v c x z \ |||!|"|£|$%|"
"a s d f g h j k l ; ' # / . , m n b v c x z \ |||!|"|£|"
"a s d f g h j k l ; ' # / . , m n b v c x z \ |||!|"|£|"
"yes I can"
"we'll be down there shortly so will have a chance to chat in person"
"who are you?"
"who are you?"
"its a bit slow today"
"The street is very empty"
"This is a nice street"
"This is a nice street "
"What ids this street called"
"Where am I"
"help help help help"
"help help help help"
"We have net congestion We have net congestion 123 We have net congestion"
"We have net congestioWe have net congestion "
"Please press the speak button when you have finished typing, it
will take"
" a b iii ab iii"
"o o o o o help o o o o "
" a b a b i i i o"
" a b a b i i i o"
" a b a b i i i o this is my song"
" a b a b i i o do do daaa this is my song"
" a b a b i i o do do daaa this is my song a b a b i i o do do daaa
this is my song"
"// >>>> I'm a happy oh a b a b i i o do do daaa this
is my song"
"oooh wahts'happening there"
" a b a b i i o do do daaa this is my song"
"oooh oooh what's happening to you"
" a b a b i i o do do daaa this is my song a b a b i i o do do daaa
a b a b i i o do do daaa a b a b i i o do do daaa "
" a b a b i i o do do daaa this is my song a b a b i i o do do daaa
a b a b i i o do do daaa a b a b i i o do do daaa "
" a b a b i i o do do daaa this is my song a b a b i i o do do daaa
a b a b i i o do do daaa a b a b i i o do do daaa "
"Hello there hello a b a b i i o do do daaa this is my song a b a
b i i o do do daaa a b a b i i o do do daaa a b a b i i o do do daaa "
"Hello there hello a b a b i i o do do daaa this is my song a b a
b i i o do do daaa a b a b i i o do do daaa a b a b i i o do do daaa "
"Hello there hello a b a b i i o do do daaa this is my song a b a
b i i o do do daaa a b a b i i o do do daaa a b a b i i o do do daaa "
"Hello there hello a b a b i i o do do daaa this is my song a b a
b i i o do do daaa a b a b i i o do do daaa a b a b i i o do do daaa "
"Hello there hello a b a b i i o do do daaa this is my song a b a
b i i o do do daaa a b a b i i o do do daaa a b a b i i o do do daaa "
"Hello there hello a b a b i i o do do daaa this is my song a b a
b i i o do do daaa a b a b i i o do do daaa a b a b i i o do do daaa "
"come to me come to me Tapiola come to me"
"come to me come to me Tapiola come to me oooohhh come to me come
to me Tapiola oooohhh come ooooh comeeeeeeeummmyyyyy"
"come to me come to me Tapiola come to me oooohhh come to me come
to me Tapiola oooohhh come ooooh comeeeeeeeummmyyyyy"
"come to me come to me Tapiola come to me oooohhh come to me come
to me Tapiola oooohhh come ooooh comeeeeeeeummmyyyyy"
"Tapiola finland you must be nice in a nice street in nice old tapiola"
"in a nice street in nice old tapiola"
"in a nice street in nice old tapiola la la la la"
"tapiola la la la lala la la la"
"tapiola la la la la"
"haw haw haw haw haw haw"
"ha ha ha heee hee heee haa haa ha ha ha heee hee heee haa haa"
"ha ha ha heee hee heee haa haa ha ha ha heee hee heee haa haa"
"ha ha ha heee hee heee haa haa ha ha ha heee hee heee haa haa"
"haaaa haaaa haaaaa heeeeee heeeeeee heeeeeee haaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaa
haaaaaaa haaaaaa haaaaaaa heeeeeeeeeee heeeeee heeeeeeeeeeeee haaaaaaaaaa
"haaaa haaaa haaaaa heeeeee heeeeeee heeeeeee haaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaa
haaaaaaa haaaaaa haaaaaaa heeeeeeeeeee heeeeee heeeeeeeeeeeee haaaaaaaaaa
"What are you saying?"
"How are you doing that."
"Hello there hello a b a b i i o do do daaa this is my song a b a
b i i o do do daaa a b a b i i o do do daaa a b a b i i o do do daaa"
"I am in london - where are you"
"I am in the u.s."
"hello there - I am in london where are you"
"hello there - I am in london where are you"
"I lost you there for a minute"
"I am in the U.S."
"I could not hear where you were from"
"United States"
"where are you from I am sorry I cannot hear you that time"
"ahhhh U s of a"
"We should be talkign to people in Finland, not each other. "
"I am from lodon - what part of the united staes "
"all right fussy boots where are they"
"All Right i will try to get their attention"
"Hello there hello a b a b i i o do do daaa this is my song a b a
b i i o do do daaa a b a b i i o do do daaa a b a b i i o do do daaa"
"Fussy boots is a good term - I will have to use it here. "
"over here over here you finlanders"
"Hello from the U S"
"over here you finlanders"
"There is no one on the street"
"over here you finlanders "
"hello to you folk from the u s"
"There is no one on the street so we will have to talk to each other"
"I agree - there is nobody there - i feel powerless"
"I saw a film once where a man was trying to attract attention from
a drain under the sidewalk - he could only use his finger through a hole
on the floor - nobody could hear or see him - he had a very sore finger
"hey there's a car - maybe there is a chance"
"oh its gone"
"is this some kind of shopping center"
"I wish there was someone to talk to "
"thsi place is completely deserted"
"what is happening"
"what is happening"
"Hello - is anyone there?"
"helloo helloohelloo"
"helloo helloo helloo helloo helloo helloo"
"Yes - who is it?"
"Its pooter in london"
"Where are the people on the street?"
"Did you say Scooter?"
"there are no people on the street it is empty"
"this is very dull indeed yes my name is pooter"
"somebody just went bye"
"WE should have grabbed him."
"we should what?"
"I was here yesterday for a little while but only a few people stopped
to talk. "
"yes i was here yesterday and a few people came bye but today there
is no one"
"Scooter - I think you and I are the only people on, aren't we?"
"oooh look there is somebody going bye"
"It is difficult to time the voice when someone is there. "
"the connection is not working so well today"
"I keep loosing contact "
"I do too. "
"So how is the weather in London?"
"It looks sunny in Finland."
"I did not here that properly"
"How is the weather in London"
"it has been a nice day today but it is getting colder now it is
nearly winter"
"yes i think it is quite warm there"
"Are you and I the only people out there?"
"helloo people of Finland come and talk to us "
"Funny, isn't it."
"in a nice street in nice old tapiola la la la la"
"Did you go to the site in Brighton?"
"tapiola la la "
"I did not hear that. "
"No I only visited Brighton on the Internet - and the line was bad
- this is much better"
"This site is much better."
"Well - what can we do now?"
"I must go back to work now but will come back on later - in about
half an hour"
"hello where are you from_"
"I am at work also - goodbye Scooter. "
"where is your workplace?"
"goobye for now"
"I work in a hospital in the U.S."
"please come over and talk to me"
"come on down"
"I have been trying to attract peoples attention for about an hour
- "
"yes - there is no one about. "
"it is quite interesting to listen to someone else trying to get
people over to the camera to talk"
"this is very lonely up here, why don't you come over and have a
"It is never easy to engage someone in conversation. "
"I must do some work now but i will come back on later it is a pity
because it is light there now - later on it will be dark"
"Never easy in person or on the street. "
"who is out there"
"I am."
"Is that thunder or a plane?"
"talk to me"
"who else is out there?"
"There is no one to talk to. "
"you can talk to me"
"Okay I shall"
"there is someone over there if only they would come to the camera"
"It is difficult to bring them over. "
"jukka are you there yet?"
"There is no real incentive for them to speak."
"if you are there come outside and have a chat"
"talk to me"
"Finally someone to talk to"
"what are your names?"
"What are you doing there?"
"HURRAH there are some people here"
"Hey - what are you doing"
"we are talking to you live via the internet"
"I have been waiting for an hour for someone to come along"
"I am talking to you from the United States"
"we are from all different places where are you from"
"We can see you but not well. "
"speak louder its hard to hear you"
"I am talking to you from England"
"Why are on the street and not in school or at work?"
"have you been to england?"
"Hey bye bye"
"bye bye"
"Well that was temporarily fun. "
"oh dear they have gone"
"so who is left then?"
"We will have to snag another victim or two."
"yes that was great really good"
"come back all is forgiven"
"It was difficult to catch them - how can it be done again. "
"if only we could shout a bit louder"
"Hello there hello a b a b i i o do do daaa this is my song a b a
b i i o do do daaa a b a b i i o do do daaa a b a b i i o do do daaa"
"Yes - let us shout a bit louder!"
"ok so lets plan a strategy"
"Yes - let us shout all together and at once. "
"Yes - we need a strategy."
"Is that a person in London I am playing with?"
"Hello there hello Hello there hello Hello there hello Hello there
hello v v Hello there hello Hello there hello"
" yes"
"That was good."
"I think we should say hello a lot "
"Is it just three of us?"
"are you from the hospital in the u s"
"Yes and I should be working. "
"I'm peter in london"
"me too"
"i really must do some work"
"Hello Peter this is Roger from the hospital."
"A rescue from work would be lovely. "
"goodbye from peter in london i will come back on later goodbye "
"Let's try to get someone to come over, shall we?"
"yes work is really dull sometimes"
"Hello there hello a b a b i i o "
"This must be a funny location. No one comes around. "
"there cannot be many places in the world like it"
"great place for a holiday so quiet"
"a good place to get away from it all"
"i think it is a shopping center"
"No - it is a cultural center. "
"correction i think it is the back end of a cultural center"
"That is correct."
"I don't see much cultural going on"
"Are those boxes in the frame?"
"They look like bales of hay, but I know that cannot be right. "
"I need to talk to someone!"
"if ther ewas somebody there we could ask them what the boxes are
"about bloody time"
"Hey is that Susan?"
"Who is that?"
"Hello - at last someone to talk to."
"I hesistate to say."
"No neither."
"Hello there hello a b a b i i o do do daaa this is my song a b a
b i i o do do daaa a b a b i i o do do daaa a b a b i i o do do daaa"
"As usual I should be working and yet I am not. "
"no you do a dance for us"
"Is that Susan? If so, this is a nicer site than the last one."
"may I introduce you to Roger he works in a hosptal in the U s"
"Roger and out"
"Roger and out"
"come up to the camera and let us see your faces"
"come on over and let us seee you"
"ooh pretty ones come to me my pretty ones"
"you are not being very sociable"
"hey you lot "
"Susan it is nice to follow you around the world."
"hey you miserable unsociable stupid lot"
"hello everyone from cyril"
"poor old b b c"
"It is funny but I recognize your voice Susan, but I have no clue
what you look like. "
"come on the b b c come on the b b c come on the b b c"
"hello susan"
"so what time do open in the morning"
"come on the b b ccome on the b b ccome on the b b c"
"come on the b b ccome on the b b ccome on the b b ccome on the b
b c"
"come on the b b ccome on the b b ccome on the b b ccome on the b
b ccome on the b b c"
"who are you skinny"
"You are now there alone - but what is your name again?"
"your mother did not feed you properly"
"are you very clever"
"i am cyril"
"my mum has big bum"
"big bum"
"are you dancing?"
"big bum big bum my mum has big bum"
"or are you scratching"
"we can sing a song and you can dance"
"Hello there hello a b a b i i o do do daaa this is my song a b a
b i i o do do daaa a b a b i i o do do daaa a b a b i i o do do daaa"
"very nice dance very good"
"nice dancing dude"
"shall we do that one for the b b c"
"Why are the BBC there again?"
"you have it easy over there we have to type like mad "
"my voice sounds strange"
"I am going for a smoke and a cup of tea and i will see you later"
"i am going to preston"
"that was a loud bike"
"Hello Gallery Otso - Hello BBC - Hello young dancing man. "
"it was a train?"
"i think i am going to watch countdown"
"Hello "
"It is difficult to engage in conversation with this delay as it
"do not trust the person on your left"
"Oh - so that is where the camera is mounted. "
"she wants what is in your bag"
"Come closer to the camera."
"Hey bike person"
"that bike is dangerous"
"Hey what are you doing there."
"please ignore this"
"It is difficult to talk like this. "
"It is difficult because there is a time delay. "
"you are pacing up and down"
"i'm sam"
"in england"
"but you knew that"
"Hello Susan - Hello BBC - Hello Otso Gallery"
"hello everyone else"
"who are you"
"What on earth are those boxes there."
"They look like bales of hay."
"that wasn't sam. who was it"
"There does not seem to be much foot traffic at this site. "
"Except that now there is much activity. "
"oh is that what they are"
"It is funny, Susan, that I can instantly recognize your voice by
now but do not know what you look like. "
"bloody bricks"
"I am here but I am tired and just listening."
"Somtimes I participate and sometimes actively talk - just like real
"I will likely talk more next week."
"Today is Friday, after all."
"It sounds like I am the only one here - it is Roger."
"That is correct."
"I follow you around."
"There were more people out here earlier. Now it is quiet."
"It is Roger again - no one is suffering. "
"Talk to me."
"Talk to me. Talk to me please."
"It was difficult to catch people to talk to earlier in the day.
We had a few, though."
"Will I be on the BBC, will I?"
"Then that is the important thing. "
"My life is varied in Akron - it is much better when I am in Europe.
"I come when I can."
"Am I monopolizing this conversation?"
"Sorry, Susan, couldn't help butting in. Paul here from not so sunny
"Here are more people."
"Very well and good to see you live in Tapiola"
"I have never been to Finland, so I shall certainly talk to you.
"The link is a little slow from England at the moment, Susan. Seen
any good Finnish sheep there yet?"
"Steady on the expenses!"
"Is there a good time or bad time to catch people on the street there
to talk to?"
"So much for virtual environments!"
"Weather poor, but at least it is still daylight. Intriduce yourself
Martin. What do you do?"
"that was a really original question"
"Goodbye Susan - I must go now. Goodbye BBC. I will check back with
you all next week."
"Of course!"
"sam is back"
"Hi there people "
"hey so many people -so little time"
"hello from peter"
"Blimey. That was a bit profound."
"Peter peter pumpkin eater"
"blimey gives it all away"
"ahoy there "
"It's a small world, Susan. A moment after I got your email about
the installation this monring, Peter Ride sent me a text about In Conversation."
"you are so clever - you are getting goo at this Susan"
"1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 testing testing spaeking teasing"
"i would like to see a face close to the camera"
"the b b c are so organised"
"I rather like that pile of bricks."
"Is that camera crew packing up? Where's their stamina?"
"any chance of some dancing today?"
"is that the pile of bricks or is it just a pile of bricks"
"do some brick dancing"
"Hey - get that tripod out of the way!"
"i will sing a song if you will do a dance"
"I will hum along."
"Susan. You've disappeared behind a mass of outdated hardware!"
"Is Tee Aitch over there with you?"
"Tapiola Tapiola ooo ahh Tapiola how I would love to be in Tapiola"
"Tapiola Tapiola ooo ahh Tapiola how I would love to be i"
"ok see you later"
"much better"
"What's happening, Susan? Where have you gone to? Where's the artist
"one of us is sam"
"Fine, but keep it short."
"dance dance"
"Sorry, can you say that again? I didn't hear you properly."
"Hello there hello a b a b i i o do do daaa this is my song a b a
b i i o do do daaa a b a b i i o do do daaa a b a b i i o do do daaa"
"three blind mice three blind mice see how they run hummm hummm"
"Hello there hello a b a b i i o do do daaa this is my song a b a
b i i o do do daaa a b a b i i o do do daaa a b a b i i o do do daaa"
"yes very good"
"no my browser screwed up"
"Great, but do not give up the day job!"
"Give up the day job!"
"your mum fed you well when you were a little sprog"
"What about a duet with Susan?"
"I think its your browser"
"Common, Susan. We know how well you dance!"
"it stops doing video sometimes..."
"mum can you hear me mum can you hear"
"the browser stops doing video sometimes..."
"we want susan we want susan we want susan"
"Here's a tune for Susan. Waltzing matilda, waltzing matilda, we'll
come a waltzing matilda with you"
"Bien sur!"
"much better without the tripod"
"dip dip did did dip dippetty dip dip dip"
"Susan, tell us about your trip to Down Under"
"is the floor hard?"
"is the floor hard"
"Martin. You're flying solo. Tell us about life in Finland in not
more than one paragraph"
"Hello susan, are you still there?"
"Is that it? So life in Finland is exciting."
"This is Heikki. I'm home now, but I can't see you."
"do you remember the monty python song about finland?"
"do you remember the monty python song about finland?"
"Can we have some meat on the bone of the argument. Tell us about
other kinds of public art in Scandanavia."
"Oh - I'm back and the lighting is much more dramatic now. "
"finland finland finland, the country where i want to be, pony trekking
or camping or just watching t v"
"Susan, do you know the painter Mark Fairnington, He's just come
into my room in the Ruskin."
"eff aaa iii rrr nnn iii nnn ggg ttt ooo nnn"
"Susan. Stop talking to the camera crew and get into conversation
with your Oxford fans"
"Are there still sounds associated with the mouth images? I do not
hear them."
"Those sounds were quite annoying - but I sort of like that one.
"ooh strange noises"
"I like a good car alarm now and again. "
"are there any burglars out there?"
"what program will the film be in"
"hello b b c crew"
"hello crew"
"Hello crew"
"tell us about it"
"Have you ever been to Milton Keynes? The world's greatest city!"
"why are you in Helsinki"
"Oh my God!"
"Do you really live in Milton Keynes? "
"milton keynes oh milton keynes milton keynes in is my genes"
"Goodbye crew"
"Poetry, pure poetry"
"say goodbye to the world"
"milton keenes is one of those boxy places isn't it"
"Susan, have you given up smoking yet?"
"And Tumblong!"
"you are pretty laid back you were not at all shocked about the milton
keynes thing"
"at least you aren't trying to do a project with 30 kids"
"that is a total revelation to me"
"yeah who"
"sam is and he will have to take up smoking"
"Hello Susan. This is Roger and I am back to ask if I was a help
to you earlier. "
"sam knows but it's still tempting"
"no that the open university is in milton keynes"
"What about the Oxford posse?"
"Okay - have fun in Australia nex week. I leaving now. Roger Signing
off. "
"Roger there probably people dying in your hospital right now"
"Roger there probably people dying in your hospital right now"
"Bye, Susan. Have fun. Paul off now to a preview."
"back to your patients roger"
"sam is 19 and will try not to smoke"
"Lucia Coray. A Swiss artist who is exhibiting here in Oxford at
the School."
"well if everybody else is going then i am going to the pub to drink
and smoke myself silly"
"jucca you are a lovely man"
"Don't get too cold, Susan, and keep off the booze!"
"smoke smoke lets all smoke smoke smoke lets all smoke until we are
"no it wasn't sam... sam is going to go home and have tea"
"sam is the man"
"Martin. You look extremely cold. Jump around a bit."
"god i'm bored"
"there is nothing going on at your end"
"you are boring"
"How long do you two have to stay out in the freezing Finnish air
for before you can get hard-earned cups of coffee?"
"they are very silly"
"they will catch thier death of cold"
"Susan. if you go to Sydney, check out Chris Nash."
"hello this is John"
"I am not john"
"Hello, Susan, Stephen Farthing has just arrived in the office."
"I am john"
"don't go I'am john and you must not go"
"Hello Susan and goodbye. You look ravishing. Stephen and Paul are
off now and have fun."
"i am john stay where you are"
"bye susan good night enjoy yourself says sam"
"if you go you will have john to answer to"
"come back bicycle person"
"what is your name"
"do you speak english"
"one of us is sam"
"you are very clever"
"why don't you ask us something"
"are you happy to be in helsinli"
"i think they've gone"
"they have gone - it is like being an alien trying to talk to the
"they have gone - it is like being an alien trying to talk to the
"absolutely - earthlings never bluddy listen"
"is that the wind or just heavy breathing"
"hello tapiola people, please come and talk to us!"
"i need to go to the toilet soon"
"where in finland is tapiola?"
"hello! come and talk... i'm getting bored"
"where is everybody"
"walk round the bricks and interact with us"
"what is that beeping?"
"is there a cash machine near the camera"
"say something you silly cash machine operating people i can hear
"baa baa black sheep have you any wool - yes sir yes sir three bags
full - one for the master and one for the dame - and one for the little
boy who lives down the lane"
"they have gone - it is like being an alien trying to talk to the"
"that was almost succesfull as far as digital nursery rhymes go"
"i want the bicycle people to come back"
"or whoever is using the cash machine"
"i'm fine"
"how are you?"
"come back"
"hello can anybody hear me?"
"Hello. Is anyone awake"
"It is twelve forty three in the afternoon in Indiana in the United
"Have a good evening. Good Bye"
"Yes, I love you! Im from Saginaw Michigan."
"Who is the holding the fishing pole?"
"Who is the guy holding the fishing pole?"
"Who is the guy holding the fishing pole?"
"Who is the guy holding the fishing pole?"
"Hello, Can we make this work this time around?"
"Hello, Can we make this work this time around?"
"Can you bite me?"
"Can you bite me?"
"Hello Susan, I hope everything is working great!"
"Hello Susan, I hope everything is working great!"
"Hello Susan, I hope everything is working great!"
"Hey is this working?"
"Im I ever glad I didn't tell anyone about nthis time around. Are
you cutting me out deliberatly?"
"Go fuck yourselfs, Im sighning off now and forever! All of America
hates you! Really they do! "
"Hello Susan."
"Nice legs baby."
"Go fuck youyrself!"
"Hello Hello Hello!"
"Hi Doll, what you doing?"
"Hi Doll, How are you?"
"Hi Susan, I just found your sites. I'm here in Tuusula and send
message for you. My name is Jari. It's raining here in Tuusula and it
same kind wheather in there Tapiola. I think I must visit in Otso-galleri
some day and sheck muu media exhipition in there. Very nice day to you
and look forward to hearing from you. Jari."
"I must stop now because I must go teaching art in this evening.
"hello there"
"helloooo dharmaa! nice view!"
"i can see ya walk around"
"You look good in the darkness hehe"
"i wonder how this robot would spell kztmhghdss!"
"one two one two checking one two check my mic"
"there's someone behind you!"
"I'm not lieing.."
"do you have long hair?"
"you fixxed iiiit!!"
"well, keep up the long hair"
"hehe , my day was kinda boring"
"go away"
"is there anybody out there"
"come talk to me i am lonely"
"do not walk away don¥t be afraid i want to be your friend"
"hello there come and talk to me"
"hello is there anybody out there"
"Terve Jukka, terve Annikka. miten pyyhkii"
"come talk to me"
"annikka taas tupakalla"
"do you speak english"
"i¥m lonely come talk to me"
"i am lonely i am desperate i would like to speak to you whoever
you are"
"apua apua"
"hey man come here. i want to talk to you."
"come near. i want to see you"
"hey boys. stop"
"hey boys. come here"
"do not be shy, boys."
"kuka siell‰ on"
"hello. hello. come here. i am lonely."
"hey you. what is your name "
"hi people"
"wherea are you"
"hello to all"
"is anybody there"
"hello to all"
"where is the lights"
"yo, bronx"
"happy anyway"
"happy anyday"
"who are you?"
"just a moment"
"bye for now"
"comr closer"
"this way"
"this way"
"i am lonely here"
"what did you say"
"hello all "
"is anyone there?"
"Hey. biker. come back."
"come to speak to me."
"how are you. who is talking"
"how are you. who is talking"
"hello there"
"who are you"
"who are you"
"tell me your name"
"are your swearing"
"yes do that"
"play guitar"
"i can see four people. who are you"
"play guitar now"
"give us some music"
"can you sing too"
"how many is there. tell me your names."
"can you also dance?"
"are you playing guitar"
"please do not dance"
"yes i can hear"
"i can hear well"
"are you playing guitar in a band. are you a professional musician"
"what is a song you are going to play"
"can i wish a song. can i ask you to play a song to me"
"there is other people too"
"there is other people too"
"do you have a cat"
"i can see it"
"hello juhani"
"my name is joonas"
"tell us about you"
"Do you have cat?"
"pc sucks"
"play besame mucho for me"
"some one is blocking the sight"
"can you come closer to the camera"
"i like this music"
"are you a hairy man"
"tell us more about your hair"
"can you jump jump jump jumppp pp ppp "
"clap clap calp clap"
"it is very easy"
"my computer is not enough powerful for showing any realvideo"
"sing another song"
"can you look at the camera"
"joonas is now quitting his netscape software. He doesn't want to
"dony go gogogoogogoog dont don dodoooont"
"oh no oh no where are you allllll alll"
"hello juhani again"
"who is this swearing nasty words"
"who are you"
"hi "
"what isyour name"
"do not go away"
"Who are you?"
"dance to us"
"I can not speak finnish"
"I can not speak finnish"
"can you speak english?"
"hello boys"
"i can see you"
"I have a camera"
"I have a camera"
"there is a camera in the ceiling"
"I can see you"
"hello, I aam a machine"
"Tapani is your name, or what"
"hi there"
"whats going on"
"what are you doing"
"why not nothing"
"please jump jum um jum jum pÂ"
"please jump jum um jum jum pÂ"
"pthat is fine"
"you discuss very well in english"
"nice weather there in finland"
"people, come here"
"hu. huu "
"come back"
"people, come here"
"where are all the nice finnish people"
"who want to conversate with me"
"I'm alone here. Please come to discuss with me"
"hu. huu "
"my name is kekkonen"
"is there anybody out there"
"osku is best"
"hello eija"
"come here you"
"have a nice cup of tea"
"whats up in otso?"
"hello osku"
"hello Juhani"
"how is the exhibition"
"anything special?"
"hi there!"
"it's quite dark in finland, eh?"
"Who are you"
"The wind is blowing very hard"
"It's autumn"
"get ready all of you"
"i am sure soon appears a creature"
"sing to me"
"this is juhani"
"music please!"
"dance please"
"very nice"
"we don't here you very well"
"very good"
"i'm here"
"are you there"
"here are some beautyful girls "
"but they don't discuss with you"
"bye bye"
"they are closing here"
"let's meet some other time"
"hello you"
"what do you think you are doing"
"who are you"
"where are you going"
"are you doin something illegal there"
"what do you want to hear"
"my name is yucca"
"oho hieman hankalaa puhua"
"talla kielella"
"Hi how are you today"
"i can confirm that"
"i see you"
"i am not so far away"
"are you an artist"
"what ind of art you do?"
"what kind of art you do"
"sorry this is a bit slow"
"a can hear strong wind"
"or is it you breathing"
"here is bad air"
"no air conditioning"
"it was nice"
"hello is there anyone"
"is that sigarette good??"
"where are you from?"
"is that sigarette good??"
"uuh baby!!"
"you are beautiful"
"you are beautiful"
"from my fingers comes a voice"
"yes kind of you"
"do not go pease"
"is that you veka??"
"fuck you!!"
"who are you"
"moi veka mit‰ kuuluuu???"
"i think this sounds irrelevant"
"hello "
"fuck you tapani"
"hi there"
"are you a boy or a girl"
"what is your name"
"can you speak to me in finnish please"
"tapani is gay tapani is gay tapani is gay tapani is gay tapani is
gay tapani is gay tapani is gay tapani is gay tapani is gay tapani is
gay tapani is gay vtapani is gay tapani is gay tapani is gay tapani is
gay tapani is gay tapani is gay tapani is gay tapani is gay "
"fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck
you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck
you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you v fuck you fuck you fuck
you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you"
"veka is homo veka is homo veka is homo veka is homo veka is homo"
"veka is homo veka is homo veka is homo veka is homo veka is homo"
"where is the Heikki?"
"Is library open? Where is Heikki and pirjo?"
"Hey all you Espoo citizens"
"Is there anybody?"
"Speak to me please, pretty please!"
"hi there invisibles"
"Am I all alone in this cold and windy world?"
"Reveal thyself o distant stranger!"
"Please come froward and speak to me!"
"Nii oikke kuis sit?"
"hi you who are you"
"can you speak to me"
"what are you doing"
"please come closer"
"what is your name"
"please do not go"
"say something"
"hello. anybody out there"
"what if it would rain today?"
"what what what what what"
"stop stop stop to the right spot"
"suomi on kaunis maa"
"while I wait patiently for you"
"while I wait patiently for you"
"and so on into the night"
"hi hi hi hi hi"
"hope to see you there!"
"Here mee calling youuu huhuhuu huhuuuu!"
"hi you"
"how are you doing"
"come closer"
"clclclcloser clclclclclcloserclclclclclosercloser"
"i can see some movement there"
"please be seated"
"oh uh ouhhuhhhhhhh"
"cooooooooommmmmmmmeeeeeeeeee heeeeeerrrrreeeeeee"
"missa olette hoi"
"empty space"
"come near. fill this empty space"
"come here"
"ok if you so demand"
"i heard some body talking. i could not uonerstand. are you speaking
"where are you calling from"
"hello tall boy"
"are you trying to be smaller"
"HI THERE from c3"
"it is Marci from c3"
"nice to see you"
"is that a dance you are doing. or is it the cold wheather"
"you said it is abit cold. how could. is it already minus degrees
in finland"
"see you in budapest soon"
"i just went inside"
"but i'll be in a moment"
"where is that tall boy"
"the small boy is going to return just in a moment i can tell"
"hey uuuuuuu"
"are you speaking english. i can not understand a word"
"kylla ehdottomasti"
"hello who are you there outside"
"kuka olet siell‰ tolpan vieress‰"
"hello what are you doing there"
"who are you?"
"please come closer"
"okey buy buy then"
" olen terho multimedia "
"hypp‰‰ ilmaan"
"please come back"
"hello you all come and talllllllllkkkkkkk ttttttoooooo meeeeeee"
"hi there"
"hello where are you from"
"do you see an empty space?"
"just a moment please"
"i think some one might appear pretty soon"
"i hope so"
"wat are you doing"
"come back to here instantly"
"can you repeat that"
"yes you must be right"
"tell me your name"
"hi there"
"how are you doing"
"my name is j who are you"
"i am fine how about you"
"it is nice to hear that"
"it is nice to talk to you"
"hi you out there"
"hi there"
"I'm speaking amongst the bricks"
"prova speak...attu"
"it is a beautiful day."
"i can see an empty space. there is nobody living in finland"
"sun is shining. that is nice."
"ricavato da uno scarto di stampa"
"mi senti?"
"hello people"
"my surname is attu and i'm from italy"
"ciao yukka sono nicola"
"periferia e colonie"
"Is there anybody out there"
"yes there must be"
"tentativo di connessione numero 5 fallito"
"attempt number five failed"
"Is it cold tonight"
"ciao ciao yukka "
"who is there"
"look here, you are in the camera"
"come here and talk with me"
"hi there"
"hello peopleof the earth"
"hello darling come to see me"
"Hello Finland from Indiana in the United States"
"is there enybody"
"i'm sorry this place is under repair"
"thats why there is nobody in the picture"
"kuka olet"
"puhun suomea"
"good night and good bye"
"buy buy"
"is library still open there "
"anyone there?"
"Hello, this is Cornerhouse in Manchester, England"
"come and perform"
"its windy today"
"can you hear me"
"yes i can"
"hi, i'm in new york and it's 10:12a.m., lookin like another sunny
"H‰h‰‰ siell‰..."
"just wanting to wish someone a 'good day'"
"suck poo"
"suck poo"
"hello this is jukka"
"m8us kostiche"
"what's up"
"Oh yeah!!!!"
"Oh yeah!!!!"
"is there anybody there?"
"I want to speak with someone"
"I am a lonesome computer who has no friends"
"hey. hey. hey. hey. hey.hey."
"help, please come here"
"hello tarja pirjo here in otso"
"yoona is here"
"who is there in OTSO"
"who is there in otso"
"Won't you speak to me"
"try, try try try. ho hom , ho."
" can you hear me"
"music is playing evrywhere"
"why are you walking there so far away from me"
"hey, stop"
"ha ha ha ha ha . hahahahaha"
"ha ha ha ha ha . "
"ha ha ha ha ha. ha ha ha ha ha, hahaha "
"ho ho ho hoh ho ho ho ho. hoooooo "
"ha ha ha ha ha. ha ha ha ha ha, hahaha"
"ha ha ha ha ha. wha ha ha ha ha, ha"
"haa ha ha ha ha. wha ha ha ha ha, haaa"
"bing. bing.ha ha ha ha ha. wha ha ha ha ha, haaa"
"I am singing like this:ha ha ha ha ha. wha ha ha ha ha, haaa"
"suck my poo"
"I'm singing like this: ha ha ha ha ha. wha ha ha ha ha, haaa"
"I'm singing like this: ha ha ha ha ha. eha ha ha ha ha, haaa"
"hello who is there"
"Can you sing like me: ha ha ha ha ha. eha ha ha ha ha, haaa"
"Can you sing like me: ha. eha ha ha ha ha, haaa"
"Can you sing like me: ha bla ha ha ha ha, haaa"
"fools in love, is there anything more pathetic. Fools in love, they
think there heroes just cause they feel more pain, fools in love i know
there zeros. i should know , i should know because this fools in love
"I'm a good singer, or what do you think: ha bla ha ha ha ha, haaa"
"I'm a good singer: ha la ha ha ha ha, haaa"
"I'm a good singer: ha ha ha ha ha ha,ha"
"I'm a good singer: la la la la la la,ha"
"masturbation is merely a sign of boredom"
"Now some opera: li la li la la la la la la,ha"
"Now some opera: lo la li le la lu la la la,ha"
"More opera: lo la li le la lu la la la,ha"
"ha la fa gappaafavatagida"
"Feltch is not going to like me saying that he eats poo"
"Testy Testy 1 2 3 - Flying testicle Ahead!"
"attention all finnish pedestrians-iwant your leather"
"Lurve, loove, wot is it bayby, wot is it you warnt bayby. Puhlease
gymi what i warnt bayby"
"More singing: lok la li le la lu la la la,ha"
"Finland Blows Goats! No one wants talk to us!"
"More singing: lok la li le la lu la la la,ha"
"oh k oh sweet child of technology what is it that you have spawned,
waht is it that you have born, a wind a passing in the wind, please dont
vanish in a lcoad of ectrons plese dont leave me here alone in a crazy
self centred world. Stop them hurting me, kil my mind that i might live.
And live"
"Singing: elok la ali lee la lu la la la,ha"
"There is something. something. something strange about the way you
talk. talk. talk. anything is strange about the way it is. and is. and
is. who cares!"
"In Xanadu did Kubla Khan A stately pleasure-dome decree : Where
Alph, the sacred river, ran Through caverns measureless to man Down to
a sunless sea. So twice five miles of fertile ground With walls and towers
were girdled round : And there were gardens bright with sinuous rills,
Where blossomed many an incense-bearing tree ; And here were forests ancient
as the hills, Enfolding sunny spots of greenery. But oh ! that deep romantic
chasm which slanted Down the green hill athwart a cedarn cover ! A savage
place ! as holy and enchanted As e'er beneath a waning moon was haunted
By woman wailing for her demon-lover ! And from this chasm, with ceaseless
turmoil seething, As if this earth in fast thick pants were breathing,
A mighty fountain momently was forced : Amid whose swift half-intermitted
burst Huge fragments vaulted like rebounding hail, Or chaffy grain beneath
the thresher's flail : And 'mid these dancing rocks at once and ever It
flung up momently the sacred river. "
"With me my lover makes the clock assert its chime, but when she
goes she takes the mainspring out of time. Yet this time-wrecking charm
were better than love dead and its hollow alarum hammered out on lead.
why should i fear that time will superannuate these workmen of my rhyme-Love,
despair and hate? Fleeing the herd, i came to a graveyard on a hill, and
felt its mould proclaim the bone gregarious still. Boredoms and agonies
work out the rythm of bone: No peace till creature his creator has outgrown.
Passion dies from the heart but to infect the marrow, holds dream and
act apart till the man discard his narrow. Sapience and folly here,where
the graves slumber in a green melancholy of overblown summer."
"With me my lover makes the clock assert its chime, but when she
goes she takes the mainspring out of time. Yet this time-wrecking charm
were better than love dead and its hollow alarum hammered out on lead.
why should i fear that time will superannuate these workmen of my rhyme-Love,
despair and hate? Fleeing the herd, i came to a graveyard on a hill, and
felt its mould proclaim the bone gregarious still. Boredoms and agonies
work out the rythm of bone: No peace till creature his creator has outgrown.
Passion dies from the heart but to infect the marrow, holds dream and
act apart till the man discard his narrow. Sapience and folly here,where
the graves slumber in a green melancholy of overblown summer."
"With me my lover makes the clock assert its chime, but when she
goes she takes the mainspring out of time. Yet this time-wrecking charm
were better than love dead and its hollow alarum hammered out on lead.
why should i fear that time will superannuate these workmen of my rhyme-Love,
despair and hate? Fleeing the herd, i came to a graveyard on a hill, and
felt its mould proclaim the bone gregarious still. Boredoms and agonies
work out the rythm of bone: No peace till creature his creator has outgrown.
Passion dies from the heart but to infect the marrow, holds dream and
act apart till the man discard his narrow. Sapience and folly here,where
the graves slumber in a green melancholy of overblown summer."
"a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a
a a a a a a a b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b cx c c c c c
c c c c c c c c c c c c c d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d e e e e
e e e e e e f f f f f f f g g g g h h h h ii i i i j j j j k k k k l l
l l m m m m n n n n oo o o p p p p p w q q q q r r r r s s s tt t t t
t t u u u u u u v v v v v v w w w w w w w xx x x x x x x x x x x x x x
y y y y y y y y y y y z z z z z z z "
"lots of bikes today"
"i can see a lot of bikes."
"i can see three bicycles."
"Hello this is Denise Coates form perth Western Australia, i tried
to contribute to "in coversation" when it was in Amsterdam but
had difficulty with my system - it seems that i have solved those problems
and am able to speak to you this time in finland"
"doyou still use bikes. during this time of the year. i thought it
is already a cold winter in finland."
"hello espoo people"
"hello. hello. hello."
"alkaa orisko sieella"
"what are you shouting"
"hippa dippa la laa"
"la laa da daa"
"hello anybody there"
"can you hear me"
"what a mouth. come to see this mouth"
"speak to me"
"hi thre"
"am i alone in this world. can somebody hear me."
"tell me a poem"
"hi all the freaks"
"you are not alone"
"the stage is ready"
"but i am still afraid. "
"I just signed on and it sounds like more people on the web than
on the street as usual. "
"where are you from"
"hello hello hello"
"Hi Jukka, i'ts me soep!"
"hello. oncd again"
"hang on i will be in the picture in a minute"
"can you hear me"
"can you see me"
"Yes - there are people here. "
"i can see you"
"Do you know if the piece with Susan and the BBC is on the tele tomorrow?"
"That is what I wanted to know. Thank you. "
"where did the handsome guy go?"
"How can you tell he is handsome?"
"true the picture can sometimes lie"
"He looks like a blur to me. "
"ali and kempe should get married and have lots of ugly children."
"Who did you say?"
"git a farken dog arp ya"
"hello australia"
"git a farken dog arp ya"
"hi where are you from"
"I am here in the United States."
"i am from finland"
"im from sydney. what are your names"
"my name is yucca"
"what was it"
"what is your name?"
"peter symer"
"lark, skylark, spilling your rubbed and round, pebbles of sound
in air's still lake, whose widening circles fill the noon; yet none is
known so small behind the sun: Be strong your fervent soaring, your skyward
air! Tremble there, a nerve of song! Float up there where voice and wing
are one, a singing star, a note of light! Bouyed, embayed in heaven's
noon-wide reaches- For soon light's tide will turn-oh stay! Cease not
till day streams to the west, then down That estuary drop down to peace."
"What in hell was that?"
"lark, skylark, spilling your rubbed and round, pebbles of sound
in air's still lake, whose widening circles fill the noon; yet none is
known so small behind the sun: Be strong your fervent soaring, your skyward
air! Tremble there, a nerve of song! Float up there where voice and wing
are one, a singing star, a note of light! Bouyed, embayed in heaven's
noon-wide reaches- For soon light's tide will turn-oh stay! Cease not
till day streams to the west, then down That estuary drop down to peace."
"It is too difficult to quote verse with this computerized voice.
"Hey - who was that?"
"the ecstatic .... a poem by c.day lewis"
"im tired, its three aye emm here"
"i mean, two ai emm"
"hello there people"
"what are you doing"
"can you speak to me"
"throwing rocks "
"please do not step on me"
"can you smile to the camera"
"i see you are climbing the pricks"
"what is going on"
"lets party"
"ho what is going on"
"Hello - is there anyone there?"
"Hello - is there anyone there?"
"Hello to the people on the street"
"If I talk to myself, maybe someone will stop."
"Or, no one will hear"
"I cannot believe there is no one even on the web"
"Is there no one there at all?"
"All right then - goodbye"
"hello "
"what are you doing"
"who are you"
"hoo goo hoo"
"o hoo hoo hoo"
"au vau au"
"yippi a jee"
"contact again . thank you."
"haidi hou. jee jee jee. set me free."
"hello. what a beautiful day."
"i like this."
"hey boy. you have anice bike."
"hey boy. you have a nice bike."
"hey you there"
"are you having fun"
"hello over there"
"what is your name"
"hi you there"
"who are you"
"where did you go?"
"i am waiting for you"
"i can hear you"
"can anyone hear me?"
"hahahaha. Hello Finland"
"hello, "
"hello does anybody want to speak to me?"
"hello is there anybody there?"
"hello, is thee anybody there?"
"hello hello hello"
"hi there. come closer."
"come. do not be afraid."
"hello hello"
"do youhear me"
"do you hear me"
"yippia jee"
"is there anybody"
"is there anybody outthere?"
"please hear me "
"do you heve fire"
"do you love me"
"please love me"
"hey i love you"
"stay with me "
"come here"
"hey you"
"i love everybody"
"come here"
"i need help"
"hey somebody"
"moi kaikki"
"auttakaa en osaa hyvin suomea"
"tulkaa joku juttelemaan"
"talk with me"
"can you help me"
"hey you"
"yeah you there"
"hey i love you"
"come closer"
"closr come please"
"somebody help please"
"is there anybody who can help mre"
"hey "
"i love you"
"do you speak english"
"i love ypu"
"do you love me"
"hey come back"
"i need you"
"you are back"
"see you"
"bye bye"
"please come back"
"i need help"
"do you speek english"
"i cant speak finnish"
"where i am"
"can anybody help me"
"how old are you"
"do you love me"
"hey you boys"
"hello peoples"
"hello peoples"
"you may hear me but i can't hear you"
"Anyone there?"
"Holland calling here"
"it's very windy over there, isn't it?"
"is anybody there"
"check this out"
"anybody out there?"
"hi anyone there"
"what exactly happens here"
"see ya"
"see ya"
"is there anyone out there?"
"hello from liverpool"
"hello from liverpool"
"suck my white ass you finish bastards"
"hey you "
"come here"
"you fucking suck"
"My name is Armin and I am in London"
"hello hllo hlllll"
"hello there"
"hello all in espooo"
"hello you"
"can you speak to me"
"hello there what is your name"
"i am yooca"
"there is not meny people in the picture"
"can you see it?"
"oh now you there!"
"hey you there"
"what are you doing"
"what is going on"
"how are you?"
"can we hear anything?"
"can we hear anything?"
"can we hear anything?"
"can you hear anything?"
"did you hear?"
"hello there"
"hi you out there"
"hi you out there"
"alert alert the show has begun"
"hi all you pretty people"
"Who are you"
"i am the person who will ask for more light for espoo"
"hello is there anybody out there"
"let there be light"
"and a pile of pricks"
"whi is calling"
"hi hi"
"Hey! What`s your name?"
"Hey! What`"
"oh hello there"
"¥Here we are"
"what is your name?"
"tell me how you feel"
"how are you"
"Hello Anni ja Auri"
"good thank you"
"what do you want from life"
"are you speaking finnish"
"is that your highest goal"
"Mit‰ kuuluu?"
"tell me about yorself"
"Kauanko te meinaatte olla siell‰"
"How long are you going to stay there"
"Come here!"
"Hey you there come here!"
"Hoiloti hoiloti"
"Hey! You there! Come here right now!"
"Hello! What "
"`Coomee heeerreeee!!!!!!"
"i¥m the snowman of the world."
"do i feel the icy silence?"
"is there anybody out there?"
"saamarin vesipedot"
"home is my sweet home, is this my home"
"speek with me"
"come here"
"come here"
"say something, please"
"who are you so demanding out there?"
"be kind and go away"
"keep on insisting and maybe someone comes"
"away, run and hide"
"take a bread"
"this is loveboat and i¥m your king"
"ho ho ho are you angel, the fish?"
"angels are everywhere"
"hey dude, come here, and have some hay"
"can you repeat that"
"how to breke the icy silence?"
"speak to me or else you¥ll get .."
"who are you what do you want and where are you going?"
"come here . come to speak to me."
"here i am"
"Where exactly do you want me to situate myself while speaking?"
"heta lehtipuu"
"heta lehtipuu"
"What does your company exterminate?"
"Brian says That is something Orlo just
refuses to teach me about. Perhaps I can convince him
when I show him this log, then you will get a better
answer next time."
"how are you"
"i'm waiting for somebody"
"can you hear me"
"yes,where are you"
"hoo hooo.. , are you there"
"hou houu"
"hello there"
"please do not turn your back to the camera"
"are you having fun"
"what is your dream"
"tell me a story"
"please dance for me"
"you can continue the story please"
"you are standing whery close. that is nice."
"what did ossi jarvinen do"
"ossi ossi ossi"
"i want to know more about ossi"
"what is the material of your white coat. is it fur"
"it is mohair."
"mohair is a good material for you"
"how do you like the espoo"
"is it fun to live in finland"
"are you serious"
"well well.. is it raining grandmothers"
"what kind of a people are you anyway"
"what is wrong with coca?"
" tell me a real finn joke"
"do you have a job?"
"they are all too long to tell"
"come closer to the camera please"
"nice jacket indeed. "
"are you students or what?"
"ok bye"
"What is your line of business?"
"are you student nurce"
"In the real world, both partners in a sexual relationship will have
to negotiate and
compromise one way or the other on the frequency of their sexual activity.
"what type of sausages"
"do you agree"
"introduce yourselves"
"miten menee"
"my name is jessica"
"paresh, joonas and heta"
"If you have a sexual
partner and you want sex more or less often than they do, you should examine
circumstances, before concluding that you are not sexually compatible.
"are you real finns or fake finns"
"nakki nakki"
"makkara makkara"
"how would you describe a real finn"
"naknaknak nakki"
"joulu joulu pukpukpukpukpukki"
"now we have to leave. take good care of your mohair coat"
"An orgasm is achieved through stimulation of the sexual organs.
A man may achieve orgasm
through gently rubbing and squeezing his penis. A woman may achieve orgasm
rhythmic pressure on her clitoris, either externally through her clitoral
hood, or "
"internally through
the front vaginal wall. As with all other aspects of human behaviour,
there are many variations
on these themes. Some people can be sufficiently aroused by stimulation
of secondary sexual
"such as their nipples, to reach orgasm. A few people can achieve
an orgasm through
their fantasies alone without physical contact. Some men have difficulty
penetrating a woman
because they become so aroused that the initial contact with the vaginal
lips p"
"Other people, some women and a few men, have difficulty achieving
an orgasm at all. You must
explore yourself and your partner to determine what kind of stimulation
is likely to trigger
orgasms for you. "
"you in the camera what is your name"
"i am waiting for you dancing movements"
"good great more more more more more"
"you are very professional"
"can you sing as well"
"my name is jessica"
"in the middle of nowhere"
"please sing again"
"please show me your face again"
"are you having fun time "
"sing again"
"where do you go?"
"where are you going"
"naknaknaknakki nakki"
"home is danger"
"hi there "
"ho ho"
