14 – 21 September 2011
Showing the Glenlandia archive in this exhibition alongside works by boredomresearch, David Cotterrell, Sigune Hamann, Peter Hardie, Tim Head and Susan Sloan. Uncontainable: Broken Stillness is an exhibition supported as part of ISEA 2011 Istanbul and is also part of the Official Parallel Program of the 12th Istanbul Biennial.
Curated by Helen Sloan, Director, SCAN
10am – 6pm Daily
Şirket-I Hayriye Sanat Galerisi
Uncontainable: Broken Stillness
The work in Uncontainable: Broken Stillness asks the viewer to address the issue of the relationship between new creative practices and older analogue pursuits such as painting and pre-digital photography – the exhibition suggests that the temptation to discard art history in the digital era may be misguided. Uncontainable: Broken Stillness is a shameless celebration of an artist’s signature
work and style in an age embracing collective authoring, sharing and the ‘hive mind’. The exhibition does not suggest an alternative for shared working but that there is space for individual practice to make a contribution. The works have been selected for their use of digital techniques embedded in the development of a visual language begun in earlier forms of image-making. Much of the work is
implicitly political and subverts the mainstream use of technology particularly in relation to speed, mostly by slowing the process down at least for the viewer. The artists are using the unique value of technology to increase the spectrum of mark-making, landscape, media and gesture.